32 results

Can proactive support prevent unscheduled care? A controlled observational retrospective cohort study in cancer patients in Scotland

Journal Article
Snowden, A., Young, J., & Savinc, J. (2024)
Can proactive support prevent unscheduled care? A controlled observational retrospective cohort study in cancer patients in Scotland. BMC Health Services Research, 24, Article 457. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-024-10923-2
Introduction: Preventative spend is a global health and social care strategy. Improving Cancer Journeys (ICJ) is a proactive, holistic, multidisciplinary project consistent wi...

Childhood adversity and mental health admission patterns prior to young person suicide (CHASE): a case-control 36 year linked hospital data study, Scotland UK 1981-2017

Journal Article
Dougall, N., Savinc, J., Maxwell, M., Karatzias, T., O’Connor, R. C., Williams, B., …Murray, J. (in press)
Childhood adversity and mental health admission patterns prior to young person suicide (CHASE): a case-control 36 year linked hospital data study, Scotland UK 1981-2017. BJPsych Open,
Background Childhood adversity (CA) is associated with increased later mental health (MH) problems and suicidal behaviour. Opportunities for earlier healthcare identification ...

Individuals who lived alone or with an unpaid carer approaching the end of life at 2001 and 2011 census in Scotland

Savinc, J., & Atherton, I. (2023)
Individuals who lived alone or with an unpaid carer approaching the end of life at 2001 and 2011 census in Scotland. Scottish Government
The census provides invaluable information on Scotland’s population and linking it to other data enables analysis of specific groups to inform policy. The following briefing p...

Associations between home death, demographic factors and health care service usage for people who died in Scotland before and during the Covid-19 pandemic in Scotland

Journal Article
Savinc, J. (2023)
Associations between home death, demographic factors and health care service usage for people who died in Scotland before and during the Covid-19 pandemic in Scotland. International Journal of Population Data Science, 8(2), Article 3:039. https://doi.org/10.23889/ijpds.v8i2.2220
Objectives To compare pre-pandemic and pandemic associations between death at home and: 1) demographic characteristics, 2) health care usage characteristics of people who died...

Novel linkage of health and prison data in Scotland: Investigating access to services for mental health and substance use following release from prison

Journal Article
Connell, C., Kjellgren, R., & Savinc, J. (2023)
Novel linkage of health and prison data in Scotland: Investigating access to services for mental health and substance use following release from prison. International Journal of Population Data Science, 8(2), Article 3:99. https://doi.org/10.23889/ijpds.v8i2.2314
Objectives To compare the use of NHS services for mental health and substance use (MH/SU) between people released from prison and the general population. This paper describes ...

The secret world of data

Presentation / Conference
Savinc, J., McVie, S., & Baird, H. (2023, September)
The secret world of data
Data is all around us. How our data is used, by whom and for whose benefit is a major topic of discussion. So, what is really being done with it? Who can use it and why? And h...

Have increased deaths at home during the pandemic returned to pre-pandemic levels? An analysis of publicly available Scottish death registrations

Journal Article
Savinc, J., & Atherton, I. M. (2023)
Have increased deaths at home during the pandemic returned to pre-pandemic levels? An analysis of publicly available Scottish death registrations. Journal of Public Health, 45(4), e664–e667. https://doi.org/10.1093/pubmed/fdad156
Deaths at home increased in Scotland at the start of the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic by ~35%. The majority did not involve COVID-19. This has implications for...

Impact of Childhood Adversity and mental health on young person suicide: the CHASE study

Presentation / Conference
Dougall, N., Heyman, I., Savinc, J., Abbott-Smith, S., & Murray, J. (2023, May)
Impact of Childhood Adversity and mental health on young person suicide: the CHASE study. Paper presented at European Conference on Law Enforcement and Public Health, Umeå, Sweden
Background Suicide rates have been increasing in recent years after a period of decline since the 1990s, with notable increases in those aged 15-24. Childhood adversity is a k...

10 minute Research Update - Why has there been an increase in 'Deaths at Home' since 2020

Digital Artefact
Savinc, J. (2023)
10 minute Research Update - Why has there been an increase in 'Deaths at Home' since 2020. [Podcast]
A current research project within our Health and social care programme is investigating whether there was an increase in deaths at home during and after the Covid19 pandemi...

Were people who died at home less likely to attend hospital at the end of life during the Covid pandemic?

Savinc, J. (2023)
Were people who died at home less likely to attend hospital at the end of life during the Covid pandemic?. Scottish Centre for Administrative Data Research
This work explores whether those approaching the end of life were less likely to go to hospital during the Covid-19 pandemic.
4 results