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323 results

What Do Robots Sound Like? Ep 01 - Dr Iain McGregor

Digital Artefact
McGregor, I. (2024)
What Do Robots Sound Like? Ep 01 - Dr Iain McGregor. [Podcast]
Interviews on the topic of sound for human-robot interactions. Game audio designer Ali Tocher enjoys long form conversations with a wide range of guests. This episode’s guest ...

‘Weathervanes of their Communities’ – The Sanderson Review, public libraries and information literacy futures

Digital Artefact
Feeney, D., & Goldstein, S. (2024)
‘Weathervanes of their Communities’ – The Sanderson Review, public libraries and information literacy futures. [Blog]
Recent independent reviews of public library services in England have argued for a more comprehensive and cohesive strategy to promote the many benefits of these services. How...

The problem with shaming people for Auschwitz selfies

Digital Artefact
Wight, C., & Stanley, P. (2024)
The problem with shaming people for Auschwitz selfies. [Online newspaper]
Selfies have become the modern day equivalent of postcards, a way to share our travel experiences with family and friends on social media. It’s one thing to strike a goofy pos...

Podcast - The art of doing collaborative research

Digital Artefact
Guma, T. Podcast - The art of doing collaborative research. [podcast]

Guma, T. Podcast - The art of doing collaborative research. [podcast]

Financial Impact of AI on HEIs Through Breaches of Academic Integrity: A Call for Action

Digital Artefact
Khaleel, F., Harte, P., & Borthwick Saddler, S. (2024)
Financial Impact of AI on HEIs Through Breaches of Academic Integrity: A Call for Action. [Blog post]

Data Matters- Storytelling with technologies

Digital Artefact
Lechelt, S., Panneels, I., Kaye, R., & Disley, M. Data Matters- Storytelling with technologies. [Video]

Lechelt, S., Panneels, I., Kaye, R., & Disley, M. Data Matters- Storytelling with technologies. [Video]
Watch Dr Susan Lechelt, Dr Inge Panneels, Rebecca Kaye (ploterre) and Martin Disley from Creative Informatics, Edinburgh, present their practice and research.

Career development for an ailing services superpower

Digital Artefact
Robertson, P. (2024)
Career development for an ailing services superpower. [Blog]
This article summarises recent assessments of the UK economy, and suggests how career development services can make a contribution to economic recovery.

Decolonise Academic Integrity

Digital Artefact
Khaleel, F., Harte, P., & Avdukic, A. (2024)
Decolonise Academic Integrity. [Video]

Tracking Information Literacy Undercurrents in Public Libraries

Digital Artefact
Feeney, D. (2024)
Tracking Information Literacy Undercurrents in Public Libraries. [Blog]
Much work within public libraries is required to turn implicit information literacy knowledge into explicit information literacy practice. This blog post discusses this issue...

Perfect your lesson plans with a chatbot

Digital Artefact
McGill, C. (2024)
Perfect your lesson plans with a chatbot. [Article]



