6 results

UrbanIxD: Exploring human interactions for the hybrid city

Stals, S. L. A. UrbanIxD: Exploring human interactions for the hybrid city. (Thesis)
Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from http://researchrepository.napier.ac.uk/Output/2967001
With the vision of ubiquitous computing becoming increasingly realised, a need is identified to create a better understanding of the relationship between person, place, and te...

UrbanIxD: From Ethnography to Speculative Design Fictions for the Hybrid City

Conference Proceeding
Stals, S., Smyth, M., & Mival, O. (2019)
UrbanIxD: From Ethnography to Speculative Design Fictions for the Hybrid City. In Proceedings of the Halfway to the Future Symposium 2019https://doi.org/10.1145/3363384.3363486
This paper presents research in the field of Urban Interaction Design which seeks to understand how people's personal, emotional relationships with urban places could potentia...

Capturing, Exploring and Sharing People's Emotional Bond with Places in the City using Emotion Maps

Journal Article
Stals, S., Smyth, M., & Mival, O. (2018)
Capturing, Exploring and Sharing People's Emotional Bond with Places in the City using Emotion Maps. Airea: Arts and Interdisciplinary Research, 1, 47-62. https://doi.org/10.2218/airea.2799
The vision of ubiqitous computing is becoming increasingly realized through smart city solutions. With the proliferation of smartphones and smartwatches, alongside the rise of...

Exploring People's Emotional Bond with Places in the City: A Pilot Study

Conference Proceeding
Stals, S., Smyth, M., & Mival, O. (2017)
Exploring People's Emotional Bond with Places in the City: A Pilot Study. In DIS '17 Companion Proceedings of the 2017 ACM Conference Companion Publication on Designing Interactive Systems, (207-212). https://doi.org/10.1145/3064857.3079147
This paper outlines a thesis that seeks to understand how people's experiences of places in the urban environment that are meaningful to them on a personal level, and in parti...

Exploring Emotion, Affect and Technology in the Urban Environment

Conference Proceeding
Stals, S. (2017)
Exploring Emotion, Affect and Technology in the Urban Environment. In DIS '17 Companion Proceedings of the 2017 ACM Conference Companion Publication on Designing Interactive Systems, (404-406). https://doi.org/10.1145/3064857.3079172
With the vision of ubiquitous computing becoming increasingly realized, a new technological layer is being added to the urban environment. This offers the possibility to augme...

Walking & talking: probing the urban lived experience.

Conference Proceeding
Stals, S., Smyth, M., & Ijsselsteijn, W. (2014)
Walking & talking: probing the urban lived experience. In Proceedings of the 8th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction Fun, Fast, Foundational - NordiCHI '14, (737-746). https://doi.org/10.1145/2639189.2641215
With ubiquitous mobile computing devices spreading throughout the urban environment of everyday life, there is a growing need to better understand person-place relationships a...


