Victoria is currently studying MSc Global Hospitality Management at Edinburgh Napier after moving to Scotland to enjoy travelling and the landscape.

How did you find the application process when applying for Edinburgh Napier? 

I felt the application process was easy and relatively stress free. Getting into a university is a big deal and I think there will always be a certain degree of stress that comes along with that process. However, I felt extremely prepared going into the application process for Edinburgh Napier. Having looked over the information page for my program, I knew exactly what I would need for the application. I was able to gather the necessary documents before beginning the application, so it was very easy to complete once I did start. Having this information before beginning made the process go very smoothly and took a lot of the stress out of the situation.

How do you find the overall university experience here in Edinburgh? 

So far I have enjoyed my time at Edinburgh Napier. I've found the coursework to be interesting and the lecturers to be very supportive. I've also very much enjoyed getting involved on campus and have been able to join a few student societies. Through these, I've been able to meet other students and make connections on campus. I've also been able to get involved in planning and attending multiple events, which has been a great experience.

What do you like most about the city? 

Being a bit of a history geek, I have really enjoyed learning about the rich history of the city. Exploring the historical sites and getting to learn all about them has been fascinating. I especially enjoy visiting the castles throughout the city and in the surrounding areas. Beyond that, I've found the people to be extremely friendly and welcoming, which has made the move here much easier.

My favourite thing about Scotland is definitely the landscape. With its rolling hills, stunning lochs, and almost magical sites, Scotland is easily one of the most beautiful places on the planet.

Victoria Meoli


What is your favourite thing about living in Scotland? 

My favourite thing about Scotland is definitely the landscape. With its rolling hills, stunning lochs, and almost magical sites, Scotland is easily one of the most beautiful places on the planet. I've greatly enjoyed getting to explore some of the amazing scenery Scotland has to offer, and hope to continue to do so throughout the remainder of my program.

Would you recommend Edinburgh Napier to a friend? Tell us why. 

I would! I feel like I'm getting a good education and really getting to challenge myself academically, which I have always loved being able to do. Beyond that, living in such an amazing city certainly makes it all even better.