Hear from Youmna on how MSc Creative Advertising at Edinburgh Napier University helped her to achieve life-long skills and networks in the industry. 

What were you doing before your Masters?

Before starting at Edinburgh Napier, I had been introduced to advertising right after I finished my undergraduate degree in Economics. I moved away from that subject as I worked at a digital advertising agency (Formerly Isobar, now known as Dentsu Creative) for 3 years. However, I longed for further education as I felt like I needed to learn a lot more about the industry and the ideation process.

What made you choose Edinburgh Napier University?

Honestly, I think it was the attention to the cohort they were accepting, as well as the understanding of what it means to move countries for an international student like myself. The head of the programme at the time, Roger, was there to answer any questions, and even put me in touch with a previous international student who went through a similar path.

What did you enjoy most about your Masters?

While the social part of my year was challenging due to Covid-19, I definitely found that the people I met on the course helped me in my own development. There were many inspiring, motivated people who were kind and always there to help. Surrounding myself with creative inspiring people is always an important thing to me, and I’ve met people on this course who will be friends for life.

What opportunities did a Masters open for you?

Student competitions are a big focus within the advertising industry, and my Masters put a lot of importance on them. The course also has good relations with previous students who work in a variety of agencies and creative spaces, so we always had people coming on to campus to give talks. We also had projects where real agencies would set briefs for us. One of these briefs involved working on a live ad pitch, which my then-creative partner and I won. This resulted in us getting a live television advert before even finishing the course, which was really helpful. 

Any advice for anyone thinking of doing a Masters?

It’s not going to be easy, but that’s what’s fun about it. If you are thinking about going for a Masters, do it, but give it your all!

The course gave me ideation and research tools that I still use to this day. People in my workplace really appreciate them, so they have been super useful.

Youmna Hazzaa

MSc Creative Advertising Graduate