Successful completion of the course will allow you to prescribe, within your professional competence and according to local policy and national legislation. This permits nurses, midwives, paramedics, podiatrists and physiotherapists to become independent and supplementary prescribers and radiographers and dieticians to become supplementary prescribers.  

The content of the programmes have been drawn from the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) Standards for Prescribing Programmes (2018), Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) Standards for Prescribing (2019) and the Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) Competency Framework for Prescribing (2021).  The standards are incorporated into the programme to enable students to develop the appropriate knowledge and competencies to practice within the current non-medical prescribing legislation and professional standards.  


The programme is offered at SCQF level 11 (Masters), (40 credits) and runs for 26 weeks.  It is delivered through a blend of face-to-face classes, online and work-based learning. You will be taught by an expert, supportive and multi-professional team including practicing prescribers and pharmacists. Course content will include pharmacology, principles of prescribing practice and clinical governance in relation to independent and supplementary prescribing.  

You will undertake work-based learning, facilitated by your designated prescribing practitioners, and are required to log 90 hours of learning in your area of practice to achieve regulatory prescribing competencies.  

Assessment consists of a numeracy test, pharmacology exam and a portfolio of evidence  demonstrating achievement of NMC/HCPC prescribing competencies, a systematic and detailed examination of practice as an assessment of consultation skills and a written case study of your prescribing practice.  

The course can be undertaken as a stand-alone module or it can contribute towards a Masters degree.   


Start date

The course starts in January 2025. The application deadline date is October 1st 2024.

Entry requirements

We welcome applications from all nurses, midwives, paramedics, podiatrists, physiotherapists, radiographers and dieticians who meet the entry requirements.  

All applicants must evidence the following requirements: 

  • You must confirm you are registered nurse (level 1), a registered midwife or a SCPHN and have a minimum of one year’s post-registration experience  prior to course entry, with no restrictions on practice. 
  • Your are required to confirm you are a HCPC registrant and have a minimum of one year’s post registration experience prior to course entry with no restrictions on practice 
  • Previous Level 9 study 
  • Proficient in appropriate clinical / health assessment, diagnostics / care management and the planning and evaluation of care in relation to current role. 
  • You must have a Designated Prescribing Practitioner (DPP) and a nominated Practice Supervisor*, to support your learning in practice  
  • You must have the necessary governance structures in place including an up to date practice learning audit, practice learning time and supported study time for class attendance. 

Confirm an appropriate PVG/Disclosure in place 

*Practice supervisor for NMC registrants only


Application process

If you are applying as an NHS employee you must agree with your line manager the suitability of a prescribing qualification within your area of practice and have written support from your local prescribing lead.   NHS Lothian and NHS Borders staff must apply through their local prescribing lead prior to applying to Edinburgh Napier University.   

If you are self-employed, working within the independent sector or non-NHS employee, please contact the programme lead for application details.

Fees and funding

For information about fees please visit .

If you are being sponsored by your employer, you will need to provide a Purchase Order Document prior to starting the course.  Please email this document to the Programme administrator:

Contact details

Dr Sonya MacVicar