Plan your days 

Having your day-to-day routine disrupted is often the first thing to make you feel unsettled. If you’re trying to keep up with your studies, making yourself a plan of what you want to cover and when can be really helpful.  

Allocate time to each task, so you can see what you’ll be able to cover, and you’ll have some structure to keep you motivated. Be generous, give yourself plenty of time to get through things, and make sure you’re scheduling in plenty of time for breaks.

Talk to friends  

It feels like the last thing we use our phones for is a good old-fashioned chat, but when friends and family might be spread out geographically and you can't see them as often as usual, it’s essential. Whether it’s a Zoom gathering, quiz, or just a one-on-one, reach out to your support network – it's what they’re there for.  

They might be feeling a bit anxious if they just started university too, so sharing what’s concerning you and talking it through can really help to get things in perspective.  

Reducing stress during difficult times

Get moving  

When you’re feeling stressed out it can be tough to tear yourself away from your to do list, or drag yourself off the sofa, but those exercise endorphins really do help to push away the anxiety.  

Getting out into the fresh air for a walk or a run can help you connect with the world and get out of your own head. If you get bored easily, listen to a podcast or audiobook, or switch things up with a HIIT work out or online yoga class – there's plenty out there.

Turn to tech 

The internet can be a helpful place as well as a source for research. There are loads of apps designed specifically to help you manage stress, like headspace, which can be a useful tool to turn to when you need some extra help.  

There’s also nothing like a Spotify playlist of soothing tunes to help you keep calm – in fact we’ve put one together just for you!  

...but maintain a balance 

That said, news notifications and scrolling social media can sometimes do more harm than good. Give yourself a little tech detox everyone now and then by putting your phone in a different room, or leaving it at home while you go for your walk.  

Finally – give yourself a break!  

Really, the most important thing is just to go easy on yourself. Keeping to a schedule and getting out for walks can help, but remember, you’re the expert in what you need to stay sane.  

If you end up sleeping in, binging Netflix, or don’t quite manage to get out of bed for your morning workout – hey, it’s okay.There are lots of different times on your student journey and you're just starting out in the world you want to be in.

Keep making plans...