Explore research activities in the Biodiversity Solutions theme related to marine ecosystems. Names shown indicate authors or co-authors involved from the Centre of Conservation and Restoration Science.

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Conservation refers to the preservation and management of natural habitats and ecosystems, and to the enabling of the survival and evolution of species.  More recently, conservation action is also sometimes considered for novel habitats and their inhabitants, such as substrate discarded from mining.


West of Scotland Herring Hunt (WOSHH)

The effects of parasites on food web structure and dynamics: new ways to improve accuracy and ecological realism

Local Roots and Global Branches: Protecting Blue Carbon Ecosystems under Community-based Management

Incorporating seagrass conservation and restoration into community based PES project

Improving Science-Informed Crab Fisheries Management in Brazil

Conservation of threatened smooth-coated otters in a heavily modified landscape in western India

Incorporating seagrass conservation and restoration into community-based PES projects

Production of final version smartphone application and data queries for citizen science research in Brazil to improve mangrove crab fisheries management


The coastal conservation narrative is shifting from crisis to ecosystem services (2023), Marine Biodiversity; (Huxham)

The Mixed Methods Practical Sustainability Research Framework: An Illustration From Research on the Creeping Problem of Coastal Complexity and Mangrove Management (2022), Journal of Mixed Methods Research; (Dencer-Brown)

Training future generations to deliver evidence-based conservation and ecosystem management (2021), Ecological Solutions and Evidence; (Dodd)

Public perceptions of mangrove forests matter for their conservation (2020), Frontiers in Marine Science; (Huxham)

Mangroves give cause for conservation optimism, for now (2020), Current Biology; (Diele)


Solutions to the biodiversity crisis need to include not only conservation, but also restoration, rehabilitation and/or rewilding of ecosystems, given the magnitude of destruction caused. The term restoration has traditionally been used to describe actions which aimed to return a system to its original state, re-establishing the species that have been lost, and ecosystem functions and services. More recently, it has also been applied to attempts to restore ecosystem functionality and services even when species cannot return (sometimes also called rehabilitation). Rewilding also focuses on key ecological functions but emphasises relinquishment of human control. Ecological enhancement aims to improve the environmental conditions for species, for example, by installing a bird box or a green wall, whilst protecting human health and the environment. 


West of Scotland Herring Hunt (WOSHH)

Marine Soundscapes and eDNA for Assessing Biodiversity and Functioning of Re-establishing European Flat Oyster Reefs, Ostrea edulis

Incorporating seagrass conservation and restoration into community based PES project

Incorporating seagrass conservation and restoration into community-based PES projects

As Good as (G)Old? Comparing Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services of Restored and Natural Mangrove Forests in the Wallacea Region

Mangroves as carbon sinks


Bioturbation Intensity Modifies the Sediment Microbiome and Biochemistry and Supports Plant Growth in an Arid Mangrove System (2022), Microbiology Spectrum; (Fusi, Diele)

Assessing mangrove restoration practices using speciesinteraction networks (2022), Restoration Ecology; (Fusi, Diele)

Optimising recruitment in habitat creation for the native European oyster (2021), Marine Pollution Bulletin; (Diele)

Exceptionally high mangrove root production rates in the Kelantan Delta, Malaysia; An experimental and comparative study (2019), Forest Ecology and Management; (Huxham)

The effects of salinity on growth and survival of mangrove seedlings changes with age (2018), Acta Botanica Brasilica; (Huxham)

Nature-Based Solutions & Grey-Green Solutions, Ecological Engineering, Circular Economy 

Nature-based solutions (NBS) are inspired and supported by nature. They aim to provide a harmonised solution to benefit the environment, society and economy, ensuring resilience to future change. An example is to plant mangrove forests to reduce the impact of storm surges. A grey-green solution to the same issue would be the use of artificial structures and mangroves in concert. Ecological engineering has been defined as the imitation or design of ecosystems for the mutual benefit of humans and nature. Circular economy aims to stop the production of waste by a transition to renewable energy and reusable materials.


Holdfast: communities and blue carbon

Incorporating seagrass conservation and restoration into community based PES project

Words A thousand flowers will bloom: ensuring local initiatives to inform national and international climate commitments

From local roots to global branches: making NDCs work at three different levels

Incorporating seagrass conservation and restoration into community-based PES projects

Mangroves as carbon sinks


Bioturbation Intensity Modifies the Sediment Microbiome and Biochemistry and Supports Plant Growth in an Arid Mangrove System (2022), Microbiology Spectrum; (Fusi, Diele)

The sediment carbon stocks of intertidal seagrass meadows in Scotland (2021), Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science; (Diele, Huxham)

Climate and intertidal zonation drive variability in the carbon stocks of Sri Lankan mangrove forests (2021), Geoderma; (Huxham)

Investing in Blue Natural Capital to Secure a Future for the Red Sea Ecosystems (2021), Frontiers in Marine Science; (Diele)

Missing the full story: First estimates of carbon deposition rates for the European flat oyster, Ostrea edulis (2020), Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems; (Diele)

Introducing the Mangrove Microbiome Initiative: Identifying Microbial Research Priorities and Approaches To Better Understand, Protect, and Rehabilitate Mangrove Ecosystems (2020), mSystems; (Fusi)

Bacterial endophytes of mangrove propagules elicit early establishment of the natural host and promote growth of cereal crops under salt stress (2019), Microbiological Research; (Fusi)

Carbon in the coastal seascape: how interactions between mangrove forests, seagrass meadows and tidal marshes influence carbon storage (2018), Current Forestry Reports; (Huxham, Dencer-Brown)

Behavioural or Policy Change 

Solutions to the biodiversity crisis will have to involve individual and collective behaviour change that overcomes psychological, cultural, economic, business, and political barriers. Regenerative tourism for example aims at proactively making an area ecologically better, as opposed to just sustaining it, whilst enriching local communities and offering transformative visitor experience. To help communicate science and achieve behavioural and transformative cultural change, the centre is using methods from the social sciences, psychology and the arts and creative industries. 


Producing and evaluating tools of climate communication for change agents

Subjective orientation in VR audio

Scottish Shores RSE Workshop

Empowering Malaysias Future Leaders in Coastal Ocean Actioble and Sustaible Teaching and Research (COASTAR)

Optimizing Citizen-Science Tools for Mangrove Crab Fisheries Management in Brazil

Haunted Shores Symposium and Network

Incorporating seagrass conservation and restoration into community based PES project

Wester Ross Herring Spawning Ecology

Improving Science-Informed Crab Fisheries Management in Brazil

From local roots to global branches: making NDCs work at three different levels

Incorporating seagrass conservation and restoration into community-based PES projects

As Good as (G)Old? Comparing Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services of Restored and Natural Mangrove Forests in the Wallacea Region

Paving the Path for Policy Change: Disseminating Scientific Evidence for Optimizing Crab Fisheries Management in Brazil to relevant Stakeholders

Children's Literature and Science

Production of final version smartphone application and data queries for citizen science research in Brazil to improve mangrove crab fisheries management

Punguza Hewa Kaa: Partners in Carbon

Mangroves as carbon sinks


Digital Skills for the Creative Practitioner: Supporting Informal Learning of Technologies for Creativity (2023), ; (Panneels)

The Quintuple Bottom Line: A Framework for Place-Based Sustainable Enterprise in the Craft Industry (2023), Sustainability; (Panneels)

The coastal conservation narrative is shifting from crisis to ecosystem services (2023), Marine Biodiversity; (Huxham)

Prudence as an ethical foundation for risk management (2023), ; (Chipulu)

Data-Driven Innovation for Sustainable Creative Practice (2022), ; (Panneels)

Capitalizing on the global financial interest in blue carbon (2022), PLOS Climate; (Huxham)

Burdens of Proposing: On the Burden of Proof in Deliberation Dialogues (2022), Informal Logic; (Wells)

The Mixed Methods Practical Sustainability Research Framework: An Illustration From Research on the Creeping Problem of Coastal Complexity and Mangrove Management (2022), Journal of Mixed Methods Research; (Dencer-Brown)

The analysis of information flow interdependencies within projects (2022), Production Planning & Control: The Management of Operations; (Chipulu)

Enhancing the practicality of tools to estimate the whole life embodied carbon of building structures via machine-learning models (2021), Frontiers in Built Environment; (Hart)

Conceptualizing ecosystem degradation using mangrove forests as a model system (2021), Biological Conservation; (Diele)

Who's missing from climate governance? Global South youth participation and mobilisation (2021), ; (Williams)

Design and Evaluation of Visualisation Techniques to Facilitate Argument Exploration (2021), Computer Graphics Forum; (Wells)

How does governance mediate links between ecosystem services and poverty alleviation? Results from a systematic mapping and thematic synthesis of literature (2021), World Development; (Huxham)

A question of standards: adapting carbon and other PES markets to work for community seagrass conservation (2021), Marine Policy; (Huxham, Ahmed)

The value of mass-digitised cultural heritage content in creative contexts (2021), Big Data & Society; (Panneels)

Training future generations to deliver evidence-based conservation and ecosystem management (2021), Ecological Solutions and Evidence; (Dodd)

Can Twitter messaging help corporations mitigate the impact of ethical scandals?  (2021), Society and Business Review; (Chipulu)

All policies are wrong, but some are usefull and which ones do no harm? (2021), Mind and Society; (Chipulu)

Quantum GestART: identifying and applying correlations between mathematics, art, and perceptual organization (2021), Journal of Mathematics and Music; (Di Donato)

The other side of a magic mirror: Exploring collegiality in student and staff partnership work (2021), Teaching in Higher Education; (Huxham)

A Thing Of Dreams And Desires, A Siren, A Whisper, And A Seduction: Mermaids and the seashore in H. G. Wells' s The Sea Lady: A Tissue of Moonshine (2021), Shima; (Alder)

What, and Who, Is Social Tourism? The Roles of the Public, Private and Voluntary Sector in Social Tourism Provision in Flanders, Belgium (2021), ; (Minnaert)

Public perceptions of mangrove forests matter for their conservation (2020), Frontiers in Marine Science; (Huxham)

UAE's commitment towards UN Sustainable Development Goals (2020), Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Engineering Sustainability; (Goh)

Human-Sound Interaction: Towards a Human-Centred Sonic Interaction Design approach (2020), ; (Di Donato)

Ecocriticism and the Genre (2020), ; (Alder)

Stakeholder stories: Exploring social tourism networks (2020), Annals of Tourism Research; (Minnaert)

From disorganized equality to efficient hierarchy: how group size drives the evolution of hierarchy in human societies (2020), Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences; (Hart, Le Goff)

The Open Argumentation PLatform (OAPL) (2020), ; (Wells)

SDG 14: Life Below Water - Impacts On Mangroves (2019), ; (Huxham)

An early career perspective on encouraging collaborative and interdisciplinary research in ecology (2019), Ecosphere; (Dencer-Brown)

Mapping the Sea on Scotland's Peripheries (2019), Arts; (Panneels)

The Future of Blue Carbon Science (2019), Nature Communications; (Huxham)

Analysis of Financial Distress across Countries: Using Macroeconomic, Industrial indicators and Accounting Data (2019), International Review of Financial Analysis; (Chipulu)

Sound Stories: A Context-Based Study of Everyday Listening to Augmented Soundscapes (2019), Interacting with Computers; (McGregor)

A dimensional analysis of stakeholder assessment of project outcomes (2019), Production Planning & Control: The Management of Operations; (Chipulu)

Researchers collaborate with same-gendered colleagues more often than expected across the life sciences (2019), PLOS ONE; (Holman)

Forecasting unknown-unknowns by boosting the risk radar within the risk intelligent organisation (2019), International Journal of Forecasting; (Chipulu)

Decision science: a new hope (2019), Psychological Reports; (MacLean)

An Illumination Algorithm Approach to Solving the Micro-Depot  Routing Problem (2019), ; (Hart)

Being a leader or being the leader: The evolution of institutionalised hierarchy (2019), ; (Hart)

Evolving robust policies for community energy system management (2019), ; (Hart)

Trusting Intelligent Machines: Deepening Trust Within Socio-Technical Systems (2018), IEEE technology & society magazine; (Wells)

Engineering Sustainable and Adaptive Systems in Dynamic and Unpredictable Environments (2018), ; (Hart)

A Machiavellian behavioural framing of social conflict risks in supply chains (2018), Management Research Review; (Chipulu)

Ten Years of Critical Tourism Studies: Reflections on the Road Less Traveled (2018), Tourism Analysis; (Minnaert)

The gender gap in science: How long until women are equally represented? (2018), PLOS Biology; (Holman)

From shiny shoes to muddy reality: understanding how meso-state actors negotiate the implementation gap in participatory forest management (2018), Society and Natural Resources; (Huxham)

Prospect: The Future of Critical Tourism Studies: Reflections on the Road Ahead (2018), Tourism Analysis; (Minnaert)