In March 2016 the SOLUTION team were approached by Kanika Bansal who was keen to advance the design and development of an infection control device related to IV drug and fluid administration.

RigFunded by a Scottish Enterprise innovation voucher the team worked closely with Kanika to take the design and development forward. The process involved significant research, innovation and sourcing of materials before specific challenges could be overcome and the device could be taken to the next stage.

In November 2016 the Edinburgh Napier Medical Technologies Team was able to hand over a final prototype. The client was very happy with the high standard of work which had been completed.

"Thank you so much for the commendable work you all did on this project. I am quite pleased with the quality of report, prototype and videos submitted.

"It is very professional and with a lot of good information to help me with next rounds of funding and investments.

"It had been great working with this team and I hope to come back again pretty soon to continue the work we began.

"Highly appreciated all the efforts you all put into this."