Hazina Alladin studied BA Business and Enterprise, graduating in 2020. She is a Mission Support Specialist for Community Partnerships, working within the Human Trafficking Task Force at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Find out more!

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Born in Trinidad and now residing in New York City, Hazina Alladin, leads Homeland Security Investigations's (HSI-NY) outreach efforts to tackle Human Trafficking by promoting best practices among NGOs, critical sectors and law enforcement partners. This includes creating robust human trafficking awareness programs and building more effective partnerships that facilitates working across boundaries, groups and organisations. Homeland Security Investigations is the largest investigative arm of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, responsible for investigating transnational crime and threats, specifically criminal organisations that exploit the global infrastructure through which international trade, travel and finance move.

Working within the Human Trafficking arena, Hazina provides programmatic, developmental, and operational support to a team of special agents, criminal analysts, local and international partners to proactively develop innovative and useful approaches for improving or expanding how to effectively address this ever-growing problem. In addition, Hazina works with HSI’s Victim Assistance Specialists to not only address the criminal side of the investigation but also, and more critically, provide real-time and comprehensive support and services to human trafficking survivors.

Throughout her career, Hazina's ambition has remained steadfast: raise awareness, reduce risk of victimisation and educate members of the general public. She has received many awards and commendations from survivor-led NGOs, including the New York City Council for her incredible determination and tenacity to support survivors as they begin a new life.

Additionally, Hazina was elected by Harvard Business School Online to serve as a Community Organizer for the NYC Chapter, a global network of like-minded peers who are passionate about business. She is responsible for coordinating virtual and in-person events to help students build their professional network and find new opportunities to advance their careers. She also serves as an Advisor for Harvard Business Review Advisory Council and was recently invited by Forbes to be a part of the Forbes Women Forum, a unique and invite-only networking platform for leading women to exchange dialogue and share ideas during this challenging time. She has seen how a global pandemic can exacerbate many of the challenges women face and today, now more than ever, a sense of community and a forum to foster connection among leaders, particularly underrepresented leaders, is absolutely critical.

Hazina holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree with Distinction in Business & Enterprise from Edinburgh Napier University, Scotland, UK; PG Diploma with Distinction in Executive Leadership from University of Oxford, UK; and is currently pursuing an alternate to the Executive MBA at Harvard Business School, Boston, MA.

Published July 2021