MM Midwifery (Long)

Postgraduate, Full-time
Midwifery (Long) MM

Help shape the future of midwifery with our three-year Master of Midwifery programme.


Midwives provide skilled, knowledgeable and compassionate care to women, newborn infants and their families. They work across the continuum of pre-pregnancy, pregnancy, labour, birth, postpartum and the early weeks of a newborn infant’s life. To meet these needs our programme reflects a dynamic, student-centred approach to learning, teaching and assessment. 

It aims to prepare you for practice as an accountable and autonomous midwife with a focus on:
  • Mastery of the knowledge and skills required to provide safe and effective midwifery care to women and their families
  • The interpersonal and cultural competence required for effective and collaborative working
  • Developing self-capability in a midwifery leadership context, particularly in relation to quality, safety and efficacy
  • Demonstrating commitment to ongoing research, audit and service evaluation to enhance professional learning, policy and practice 

Typical entry point to this course is in January. Please enquire for more information.

Please note that international students are unable to enrol onto this programme.

We are currently accepting applications in rounds. Due to the limited number of places, we recommend applying as soon as possible. If you would like to be considered for this round, please apply by 25 October 2024.

Midwife lecturer watching student nurse treat a mannequin patient

Mode of Study:



3 years

Start date:


Course details

This three-year Master of Midwifery programme is subject to the ‘NMC Standards for pre-registration midwifery programmes’ . This requires that 50% of programme learning is theoretical and 50% is practical. Theoretical content will be delivered online using a variety of student-centred interactive approaches. The simulation and practice of clinical skills will take place face-to-face in our Simulation and Clinical Skills Centre prior to placement experiences. Clinical placements are undertaken with our Health Board partners in NHS Lothian, Forth Valley, Fife and Borders – all candidates should be aware that they may be placed in any of these areas. You will also have the opportunity to organise a four-week elective clinical placement at home or abroad as part of your programme. 

Over the next decade the Scottish Government plans to implement a new strategy  which will re-shape maternity services in Scotland. This programme will enable you to be a part of this dynamic and exciting change and contribute to improving the care and experiences of women and their families across Scotland.

Additional mandatory costs

Students are expected to pay for the registration with the Nursing and Midwifery Council, £120

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    How you’ll be taught

    The theoretical components of the Masters of Midwifery will enable you to develop knowledge and skills that incorporate a critical and reflexive approach to learning. Theoretical content will be delivered using a blended approach to learning, using a variety of student-centred interactive approaches. You will broaden and deepen your knowledge of issues by developing advanced research awareness of:

    • Management
    • Leadership
    • Clinical Governance
    • Clinical Supervision
    • Education

    You will prepare for your placements in our simulated clinical environment prior to your practice placements across South-East Scotland.

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    A variety of assessments, including academic essays, reports, written examinations and ongoing assessments in clinical placement.
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    Work placement

    On placement you will relate midwifery theory to clinical practice and will be supported by midwifery practice supervisors and assessors. 

    Practice placement experiences will reflect the current and emerging model of continuity of carer with implementation of The Best Start: A five-year forward plan for maternity and neonatal care in Scotland (Scottish Government, 2017).  This will involve caring for women through all stages of pregnancy, birth and the postnatal period. You will follow the working patterns of your allocated practice supervisors. This will involve covering a variety of shift patterns.

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    When you study midwifery with us you will spend an appropriate proportion of your time  developing your skills in our simulated environment.


Modules that you will study* as part of this course

Care and Examination of the Newborn Level 10 ( MID10107 )

In this module you will gain a critical understanding of the importance of providing evidence based and physiologically appropriate care and management to the newborn. You will learn how to assess the well-being of the newborn and apply your knowledge to identify normal and abnormal findings. The importance of multi-disciplinary team working will be evaluated, understanding when and how to share information during the referral process. The module content is divided into key areas: Newborn: You will consider the physiology, assessment, and care of the newborn and the skills required to carry out a Newborn Infant Physical Examination (NIPE). You will explore the knowledge required to understand and implement national screening and diagnostic tests for newborn infants. You will examine anatomy and physiology relevant to the identification of complications and additional care needs in relation to adaptation to life, the newborn infant and very early child development. Medicine management will be outlined and applied for newborn conditions. Newborn Nutrition: You will analyse the constituents of colostrum, breast milk and formula milk - encouraging the application of theory to practice through responsive feeding and recognition of effective feeding and breastfeeding (Baby Friendly Initiative, BFI). When additional care is required you will learn the principles of Naso Gastric (NG) feeding. Family: transitional care will be evaluated highlighting the importance of maintaining mother/birthing person-newborn contact especially when additional care is required. You will debate the importance of sharing information with mothers/persons and families which is clear and accurate. Current government policies will be justified in the context of the well-being of the mother or birthing person, newborn and family.

Further information

Complex Care of Women and Newborn Infants Level 10 ( MID10110 )

The aim of this module is to enable you to critically examine the elements of the anatomy and pathophysiology of midwifery complications affecting both mother/birthing person and newborn infant during the childbearing period. You will develop knowledge and understanding which will enable you to critically analyse and apply evidence-based principles in the provision of care to both mother/birthing person and the newborn infant where complications arise. You will develop communication and transferable skills to enable you to work in partnership with women/people and other health and social care professionals. You will develop your knowledge in the following key areas: medical conditions which impact on maternal & neonatal health; pre-conceptional and antenatal care, developing knowledge and understanding of the causes of infertility and the impact this has on women and birthing person’s health exploring issues around surrogacy and fostering and the importance of history taking; antenatal and newborn screening and referral pathways; effective communication and working within a multi-disciplinary team (MDT) will be explored; intrapartum complications including principles and theories of intrapartum care with additional care needs; postpartum infections and complications; supporting families in the provision of respectful kind and compassionate end of life and bereavement care.

Further information

Evaluating Midwifery Practice Project ( MID11127 )

This module includes reflective practice and supporting skills for positive birth. Moral and ethical issues in challenging circumstances. Autonomous midwifery supporting all births with inter-professional and inter-agency working relationships. Theories and frameworks in midwifery practice and consideration of the humanities and their relevance to midwifery practice. Professional, legal and ethical agendas for contemporary midwifery practice and public well-being.You will also consider national and international perspectives and comparisons on pregnancy and childbearing. This includes translating research evidence into practice and overcoming barriers to change in midwifery. You will explore the role of midwives working with women and birthing people, respecting client self-advocacy and agency within the health care relationship. All of which will consider perspectives of human rights in childbirth and an assets based care framework.

Further information

Management of Obstetric Emergencies and Midwifery Care ( MID11124 )

The aim of this module is to enable you to critically apply the necessary knowledge and skills in the management of complications that occur in both mother and baby during the childbearing period. During this module you will learn to critically evaluate evidence-based care and apply principles of best practice to the care of women with additional needs. You will apply the principles of human factors, environmental factors and the importance of strengths-based approaches when working with colleagues from interdisciplinary and multi-agency teams and women/birthing people and their families. The module content is divided into key areas: antenatal- covering the management of pre-eclampsia, eclampsia, renal system and associated disorders; intrapartum - covering multiple pregnancy, interpretation of electronic fetal heart rate monitoring, meconium stained liquor, disordered uterine action, ruptured uterus, operative delivery and caesarean section and the care of mothers/birthing persons with anaesthetics; postpartum - covering retained placenta, thromboembolism, amniotic fluid embolism, disseminated intravascular coagulation, haemolysis elevated liver enzymes low platelets syndrome, shock. The theory and provision of care of women/birthing persons experiencing obstetric emergencies is also covered, including the management of neonatal resuscitation and preterm birth.

Further information

Midwifery Practice: Art and Science Level 10 ( MID10109 )

During this module you will consider the philosophical underpinning of professional practice and evaluate models and approaches to midwifery care considering their sustainability and applicability to your future practice and employment as a midwife. You will study the anatomy and physiology of the female reproductive system, immune system and lactation. Physiology will be applied to the childbirth continuum as you engage with the principles of universal and additional midwifery care during preconception, pregnancy, birth, and the postnatal period. The module will explore the aims of antenatal care and national screening programmes considering the role genetics in maintaining maternal and fetal health. Place of birth and the impact of local national and global policy on women?s lives will be studies alongside consideration of midwifery care during labour. You will develop the range of skills and attributes needed by midwives to assess maternal and fetal wellbeing and make use of national online learning packages such as K2 . The principles of postnatal care will be studies and you will be introduced to initial examination and care of the newborn drawing on global UNICEF Baby Friendly Standards. Women?s health including issues around reproduction, gender identity and contraception will be considered. Throughout the module you will engage in the critical review of legal, ethical and professional issues related to practice. You will also be supported to develop your academic skills in relation to accessing, critiquing and applying evidence and to actively and independently manage your learning in preparation for post graduate study.

Further information

Midwifery Practice: Leadership and Personalised Care ( MID11123 )

In this module you will examine the role of the midwife in providing woman and birthing person centred care within a multidisciplinary, organisational and policy context. Your module is structured around domain 5 of the NMC Standards of Proficiency for Midwives: Promoting excellence: the midwife as colleague, scholar and leader. Midwives as educators of the self and others: - The midwife as practice assessor and supervisor, revalidation and professional development. - Reflective practice and supporting skills for positive birth. - Midwifery skills for qualification. - Midwives as colleagues and team members. - Contemporary Scottish, UK and International policy initiatives and legislation for pregnancy and the early years. - Autonomous midwifery supporting all births with interprofessional and interagency working relationships.Midwives as leaders: - Professional, legal and ethical agendas for contemporary midwifery practice and public well-being from national and international perspectives. - Midwifery leadership and change management theories – overcoming barriers to change in midwifery.Midwives, organisations and management: - Developing and delivering client centred maternity services through a quality improvement framework. - Midwifery, risk management and clinical governance in the maternity services.Midwives working with women and birthing people: - Respecting client self-advocacy and agency within the health care relationship.

Further information

Midwifery Practice: Part One (Long) ( MID10108 )

This module introduces you to midwifery practice and actively encourages you to engage with and utilise your transferable skills as a graduate. The module represents the first of three parts of practice learning experience which enable you to meet the Future Midwife Proficiencies (NMC, 2019). For each part you will have practice supervisors, a practice assessor and an academic assessor who will plan and support your learning in each area as per the Standards for Student Support and Assessment (NMC, 2018). The focus of the experience will be to enable you to develop the necessary skills required in caring for childbearing women, birthing people and their families (LOs 1- 5). You will have the opportunity to develop clinical and interpersonal skills in maternity care settings (LOs 1, 2, 5). You will begin to record births and clinical examination of childbearing women and their babies as required by the European Midwifery Directives (2005) and the Nursing Midwifery Council (NMC, 2019). You will also undertake mandatory skills and development as part of your clinical skills passport detailed in the MPAD. This module includes clinical skills such as assessment of maternal, fetal and neonatal wellbeing and medicines administration including SafeMedicate.

Further information

Midwifery Practice: Part Three (Long) ( MID11118 )

This module consolidates your professional practice and preparation for registration as a midwife with the NMC. The module is the third of three parts of practice learning experience which enable you to meet the Future Midwife Proficiencies (NMC, 2019). For each part you will have practice supervisors, a practice assessor and an academic assessor who will plan and support your learning in each area as per the Standards for Student Support and Assessment (NMC, 2018). The focus of the experience will be to enable you to consolidate the necessary skills required in caring for childbearing women, birthing people and their families (LOs 1- 5). You will have the opportunity to exercise clinical and interpersonal skills in maternity care settings (LOs 1, 2, 5). You will continue to record births and the clinical examination of childbearing women and their babies as required by the European Midwifery Directives (2005) and the Nursing Midwifery Council (NMC, 2019). You will also undertake mandatory skills and development as part of your clinical skills passport detailed in the MPAD.

This module consolidates additional clinical skills such as midwives’ breech and also includes cannulation and perineal repair.

Further information

Midwifery Practice: Part Two (Long) ( MID11132 )

This module develops your midwifery practice and progress through your programme. The module represents the second of three parts of practice learning experience which enable you to meet the Future Midwife Proficiencies (NMC, 2019). For each part you will have practice supervisors, a practice assessor and an academic assessor who will plan and support your learning in each area as per the Standards for Student Support and Assessment (NMC, 2018). The focus of the experience will be to enable you to develop the necessary skills required in caring for childbearing women, birthing people and their families with a focus on additional care (LOs 1- 5). You will have the opportunity to develop clinical and interpersonal skills in maternity care settings (LOs 1, 2, 5). You will continue to record births and clinical examination of childbearing women and their babies as required by the European Midwifery Directives (2005) and the Nursing Midwifery Council (NMC, 2019). You will also undertake mandatory skills and development as part of your clinical skills passport detailed in the MPAD. This module includes clinical skills such as the assessment and response to urgent and emergency situations, cannulation and perineal repair.

Further information

Midwives and Public Health ( MID11129 )

Public health seeks to identify risks to health and to find ways to minimize them. This module encourages you to explore the protection and promotion of the health of individual women/persons, babies and their families. You will evaluate different approaches to promoting the health of women/persons, families and society, and consider how these might best be applied to address the needs of specific populations and current public health concerns. The role of the midwife as a lead professional and member of the multi-professional team will be explored. This also involves collaborating with voluntary agencies and community support groups.Health inequalities and socioeconomic inequalities will be considered across different populations. You will use key epidemiological data to examine public health areas of concern. Government policies and strategies relevant to population health and health improvement will also be examined. This module will explore the key role of the midwife and multidisciplinary team including voluntary agencies in supporting vulnerable women and their families across the lifespan (family nurse partnership, substance misuse midwife, domestic abuse,sex trafficking ,safeguarding and maternal trauma).Public health issues such as maternal mental health, sexual health, violence against women and girls, obesity, smoking cessation, infant feeding, epigenetics, antenatal and newborn screening, substance misuse and alcohol will be addressed. Strategies used to promote change and the role of the midwife in supporting behaviour change and promotion of healthy lifestyles will be explored.

Further information

Promoting Excellence in Midwifery Research and Practice ( MID11121 )

In this module you will explore the philosophies which underpin professional midwifery practice. You will examine core academic skills which will facilitate personal and professional development. Social theories will be introduced that will provide you with explanatory and evaluative frameworks for your practice as a midwife, including the professional, legal and ethical codes of practice. You will learn the key principles of values based and women/person-centred care. In this module you will build upon your existing knowledge of how to use evidence to inform practice. This includes learning about sources of midwifery knowledge and evidence; searching, sourcing and appraising evidence and research. The learning will be within the context of professional issues, and you will receive an introduction to midwifery research career pathways.You will develop an understanding of the stages of the research process. This will include the principles of qualitative and quantitative research; key research approaches and methods for midwifery research. The underlying principles of research such as sampling, reliability and validity will also be explored.You will also build your knowledge and understanding of ethics. With a particular focus on the ethical principles for research, research governance and formal processes for research ethics.

Further information

* These are indicative only and reflect the course structure in the current academic year. Some changes may occur between now and the time that you study.



Study modules mentioned above are indicative only. Some changes may occur between now and the time that you study.

Full information is available in our disclaimer.

Entry requirements

What are the entry requirements for Midwifery?

The entry requirement for this course is a First degree or Honours degree.

In addition applicants must also have English at Higher/A Level or a Literary subject at grade C, Biology at Higher/A Level Biology or Human Biology at grade C and Maths at National 5/GCSE grade C/4, or equivalent (all three are required to have been completed within the last 5 years- if applicants do not have these we can suggest alternative online equivalent courses to undertake.

Admission to the programme is also dependent upon a satisfactory Protecting Vulnerable Groups Scheme (PVG) check. This will be conducted as part of the induction week. The cost of the PVG check will be paid by the University.

Selection Day

You may be invited to our Sighthill campus for a selection day. This will give you the opportunity to meet with the recruitment and teaching teams. You will also have the chance to explore some of the University teaching facilities, for example our state-of-the-art clinical skills simulation area.  

Part of the selection process for entry to the programme of your choice will include a computer based Confident Caring Assessment (CCA) where you will be given a short video and related scenario with questions. This is an assessment of the attributes expected of a nurse/midwife, not your clinical knowledge and skills. It is designed to assess the qualities needed to work as a nurse/midwife and the proficiencies outlined in the:  

Nurses Standards of proficiency 

Standards of proficiency for midwives 

The Code and watch these short videos

It presents a series of work-related situations, and you will be questioned about how you would respond. All applicants are required to sit the CCA. 

Previous Nursing Students

Please note that students who have already studied a Nursing degree are unlikely to receive funding for a second Nursing degree.

Please note that international students are unable to enrol onto this programme.


Can I make an appointment with an advisor to discuss further about the admission process?

If you want to get more information on the admission process, please get in touch with the Postgraduate admissions team by submitting an enquiry form above.

We welcome applications from students studying a wide range of international qualifications.
Entry requirements by country

Please note that international students are unable to enrol onto the following courses:
  • BM Midwifery/MM Midwifery
  • All Graduate Apprenticeship courses.

See who can apply for more information on Graduate Apprenticeship courses.

We’re committed to admitting students who have the potential to succeed and benefit from our programmes of study. 

Our admissions policies will help you understand our admissions procedures, and how we use the information you provide us in your application to inform the decisions we make.

Undergraduate admissions policies
Postgraduate admissions policies

Fees & funding

The course fees you'll pay and the funding available to you will depend on a number of factors including your nationality, location, personal circumstances and the course you are studying. We also have a number of bursaries and scholarships available to our students.

Tuition fees
Students from 2024/25 2025/26
Scotland £1,820 £1,820
England, Wales, Northern Ireland, and Republic of Ireland £9,250 £9,535
Overseas and EU £16,680 £17,520

Students from England, Wales, Northern Ireland, and Republic of Ireland will be invoiced the tuition fees for 3 years of their 4 years of study.

Please note tuition fees are subject to an annual review and may increase from one year to the next. For more information on this and other tuition fee matters, please see our Fees and Funding

If additional compulsory costs other than the tuition fees are applicable, these will be detailed in the course details.

Please note that the tuition fees liable to be paid by EU nationals commencing their studies from 1 August 2021 will be the Overseas fee rate. The University offers a range of attractive Tuition Fee bursaries to students resident in specific countries. More information on these can be found here.

Please note:

The discount for Edinburgh Napier alumni can only be applied to year one of a full-time Postgraduate degree, any additional years are exempt from the discount.

For part time Postgraduate degrees the discount will apply to years one, two and three only and any additional years will be exempt from the discount.

Please read our full T&C here


What can you do with a Midwifery Degree?

By studying Midwifery at Edinburgh Napier University, you will be qualified to apply for roles within both a clinical and social care setting, as a midwife you will be the expert in supporting women during pregnancy, birth and the postnatal period. By having gained advanced communication, decision making and leadership skills during your course you will be able to support women compassionately and proactively during this time. You’ll be able to professionally apply the practical and theoretical knowledge you have learned through the most current research, having gained an understanding that midwifery is both an art and a science. This course will help you to develop your abilities not only to provide midwifery care but also emotional support to women and their families. If you’re a caring and helpful person by nature, passionate about women’s health, then this may be the right course for you.

What does a Midwife do?

As a midwife, you’ll most likely work in an NHS setting and occasionally a private healthcare sector. You will be a main primary care practitioner and expert in providing antenatal, intrapartum, neonatal and postnatal support and advice to women and their families. Midwives must recognise their role during pregnancy, birth and postnatal complications. Midwives support the use of interventions and technology when necessary to ensure an optimal outcome. Team and autonomous working skills will be required to deliver vital care in a fast-paced environment, with no day being the same.

Daily tasks and responsibilities in this role may include:


  • Advocate normality and midwifery led care as appropriate

  • Carrying out examinations and screenings before and after the birth, to monitor the growth of the fetus and the overall health of the mother and neonate.

  • Teaching skills, such as care of the newborn, infant nutrition and personal care to new mothers and parents.

  • Identifying high risk pregnancies and planning and implementing appropriate care around this.

  • Relationship building with expectant mothers, families and carers.

  • Providing information about nutrition and exercise for both the mother and the neonate.

  • Providing care and support during the labour and in the birth of a newborn, along with providing evidence-based care and supporting women’s choice.

  • Able to discuss future family planning and appropriate contraceptive methods with parents.

  • Keeping and updating important women and newborn’s documentation.