Tom Flint
Tom Flint

Dr Tom Flint

Associate Professor


Dr Tom Flint is Imaginary Chair of the British Computer Society Interactions Specialist Group. This position was created to reflect Tom’s work on the role of imagination, story telling and practice in Human Computer Interaction. Tom has a history of designing and building bespoke computing interactions. Tom’s work concentrates on people and their relationships with technology.

Tom's research interests focus on cultural heritage, the creative industries and computing's role in these disciplines. His work explores the use of digital media and computing technology to communicate art collections and visitor attractions. Tom has collaborated with sculpture park Jupiter Artland since 2011 to build numerous digital interventions. An accomplished practitioner and creative technologist, Tom collaborates with artists to produce interactive work.

Tom is an advocate for the transformative power of taking control of technology. Tom runs projects and events that introduce children and young people to computing. Working in higher education for over 15 years, his first job was teaching HTML to prisoners who had never seen the Web. He graduated from a PhD titled "Appropriating interaction" in 2016.

Tom’s experience has seen him work as a BT technician; BT paid for him to undertake part time study which led him to go to university. During his final year at university Tom founded a publishing company which launched two titles, The Lock a guide for Camden and Sleaze Nation a youth culture and style magazine that is considered influential. This led to a career launching digital projects in the early days of the Web.

He was eventually head hunted by Urban Outfitters when they launched in Europe. He worked there for some time, before studying an MA in Digital Media at London Metropolitan University and entering academia. Tom has worked as a lecturer in digital media at London Metropolitan University and the School of Computing at Edinburgh Napier University. He is currently an associate professor in the School of Design.

Research Groups




Advisory panels and expert committees or witness

  • Imaginary Chair BCS Interaction Specialist Group


Editorial Activity

  • Advisory Board of Interacting with Computers Journal


Fellowships and Awards

  • Fellow of RSA
  • MEMorial project, including Tom Flint awarded residency at The Museum of Loss and Renewal.


Grant Funding Panel Member

  • Tom Flint on Alt-W awards panel


Invited Speaker

  • Invited Podcast for BCS HCI 2020 Doctoral Consortium
  • Adapting to Covid-19: Creating Memorable Experiences in Virtual Spaces
  • Tom Flint talks on narrative at BCS HCI Doctoral Consortium 2020
  • Computer Science Seminar Contemporary Sculpture, Computing and Blended Space at Keele university
  • Interface Immersive Experience Event
  • Tom Flint Panel Speaker at Edinburgh International Science Festival
  • Invited Talk - I do believe in Fairies I do I do. University of Sunderland research seminar.


Media Activity

  • Jupiter Artland in Minecraft reported in The National
  • Jupiter Artland in Minecraft reported in The Independent
  • Jupiter Artland in Minecraft reported in The Scotsman
  • Jupiter Artland in Minecraft reported in This is Local London
  • Jupiter Artland in Minecraft reported in The Times
  • Jupiter Artland in Minecraft reported in The Mail online
  • Jupiter Artland in Minecraft reported on STV website
  • Jupiter Artland in Minecraft reported in The Herald
  • Jupiter Artland in Minecraft featured on BBC This Morning Scotland
  • Jupiter Artland in Minecraft reported on ITV website
  • Jupiter Artland 2 page spread in Edinburgh Evening News
  • Explore a virtual sculpture park in Minecraft with Jupiter Artland’s open source digital playground
  • Build your own 'digital Lego' sculptures in Jupiter Artland’s Minecraft experience
  • Jupiter Artland opens virtual sculpture park in Minecraft.
  • Jupiter Artland in Minecraft reported in national press.
  • Edinburgh Mini Maker Faire Video features Tom Flint
  • STV Report on Science Festival includes School of Computing lecturers


Public/Community Engagement

  • School of Computing at Edinburgh Mini Maker Faire
  • School of Computing at Edinburgh Mini Maker Faire
  • Tom Flint and School of Computing at Maker Faire
  • School of Computing at local Maker Faire
  • School of Computing display at Edinburgh Mini Maker Faire
  • Student Work displayed at National Maker Faire
  • Mini Maker Faire features School of Computing



  • Reviewer for the Journal Digital Creativity



50 results

Narratives Of Blended Experience

Journal Article
Flint, T., O’Keefe, B., Mastermaker, M., Sturdee, M., & Benyon, D. (in press)
Narratives Of Blended Experience. Interacting with Computers,

Digi-Mapping: Creative Placemaking with Psychogeography

Presentation / Conference
Grandison, T., Flint, T., & Jamieson, K. (2022)
Digi-Mapping: Creative Placemaking with Psychogeography. In Proceedings of the 35th British HCI and Doctoral Consortium 2022, UK.
This exhibit consists of four large (2m x 1.5 m) tactile talking maps that were co-created with primary school children in Wester Hailes Edinburgh, UK. In a collaborative part...

Let’s Play the Arcade Machines

Conference Proceeding
Stewart, F., Flint, T., Grandison, T., Webster, G., & Tyrie, C. (2022)
Let’s Play the Arcade Machines. In Proceedings of the 35th British HCI and Doctoral Consortium 2022, UK.
“Let’s Play the Arcade Machines” showcases games made by children in schools in the Wester Hailes area of Edinburgh. The project aims to expose the children to a constructioni...

Emotional Data Visualised - EDV

Conference Proceeding
Flint, T., & Shore, L. (2022)
Emotional Data Visualised - EDV. In Proceedings of the 35th British HCI and Doctoral Consortium 2022, UK.
This installation is an attempt to reflect the emotional state of a population of people. Emotional Data Visualised (EDV) poses the question: In a post-pandemic digital world ...

Blended Experience Narratives

Conference Proceeding
Flint, T., O'Keefe, B., Mastermaker, M., Sturdee, M., & Benyon, D. (2022)
Blended Experience Narratives. In Proceedings of the 35th British HCI and Doctoral Consortium 2022, UK.

When will Immersive Virtual Reality have its day? Challenges to IVR adoption in the home as exposed in studies with teenagers, parents and experts

Journal Article
Hall, L., Paracha, S., Mitsche, N., Flint, T., Stewart, F., MacFarlane, K., & Hagan-Green, G. (2022)
When will Immersive Virtual Reality have its day? Challenges to IVR adoption in the home as exposed in studies with teenagers, parents and experts. Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 28, 169-201.
In response to the pandemic, many countries have had multiple lockdowns punctuated by partial freedoms limiting physically being together. In 2020-21, during the COVID-19 pand...

Still looking for new ways to play and learn… Expert perspectives and expectations for interactive toys

Journal Article
Hall, L., Paracha, S., Flint, T., MacFarlane, K., Stewart, F., Hagan-Green, G., & Watson, D. (2022)
Still looking for new ways to play and learn… Expert perspectives and expectations for interactive toys. International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction, 31, Article 100361.
The use of interactive, smart and connected toys is expected to increase rapidly with many claiming not only new ways to play, but also to have educational benefits. However, ...

Designing Blended Experiences

Conference Proceeding
O’Keefe, B., Flint, T., Sturdee, M., Mastermaker, M., & Benyon, D. (2021)
Designing Blended Experiences. In Proceedings of the 2021 ACM Designing Interactive Systems (DIS) conference (309-321).
The increasing ubiquity of interactions as a mix between digital content and physical objects and spaces, brings about new challenges for designers. There is a need to embed d...

Digi-Mapping: Unpacking Meaning of Place Through Creative Technology

Presentation / Conference
Grandison, T., Flint, T., & Jamieson, K. (2021, February)
Digi-Mapping: Unpacking Meaning of Place Through Creative Technology. Paper presented at Cultural Heritage and Social Impact: Digital Technologies for Inclusion and Participation, Online
Examining heritage can provide opportunities for marginalised communities to consider and valorise both their collective past and the relationality of more personal and mundan...

Designing Blended Experiences: Laugh Traders Design Fiction

Journal Article
O’Keefe, B., Flint, T., Mastermaker, M., Sturdee, M., Chirico, A., & Benyon, D. (2020)
Designing Blended Experiences: Laugh Traders Design Fiction. Frameless, 3(1),
The increasing ubiquity of interactions that involve complementary digital content, physical objects, and spaces, brings about new challenges for designers. There is a need to...

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