Dr Andreas S.W. Steyven is a lecturer in data engineering in the Computing, Engineering & the Built Environment. He has established and currently runs the Evolutionary Robotics laboratory (Applied AI lab) to be used for research and teaching.
Andreas graduated from the University of Applied Science in Koblenz, Germany, with a BEng in Electrical Engineering. His bachelor thesis was part of a Siemens research project in wireless automation technology. He also holds a BSc (with Distinction) in Engineering Studies with a focus on embedded systems and signal theory, as well as an MSc in Applied Informatics with a focus on network security and forensics from Edinburgh Napier University. He was awarded a PhD for his work entitled "A Closer Look at Adaptation Mechanisms in Simulated Environment-Driven Evolutionary Swarm Robotics". Furthermore, he is a trained and certified System and Network Administrator and has held several responsibilities in IT support in the automotive industry.
His research interests lie in biologically inspired computing and robotics, especially in learning in self-organising and self-adaptive systems. Andreas also has an interest in safety-critical systems, cyber-physical systems, real-time and distributed control systems.