Chris Guiver
chris guiver

Dr Chris Guiver



Chris Guiver is a lecturer in the mathematics group at Edinburgh Napier University, and started the role in July 2020. Between January 2016 and June 2020 he was a Lecturer in Applied Mathematics at the University of Bath.

Chris obtained a Mmath and Ph.D. in mathematics in 2008 and 2012, respectively, both from the University of Bath. Between 2012 and 2015, he was the postdoctoral researcher on the EPSRC project EP/I019456/1 at the University of Exeter. He obtained the award of FHEA in 2018.

Chris’s research interests lie at the intersection of mathematical analysis and mathematical control theory. In its broadest sense, mathematical control theory seeks to both understand and consequently shape the behaviour of interconnected dynamical systems — modelling temporally-varying real-world objects. Chris is also interested in establishing connections between mathematical control theory, and problems arising in biology and ecology, and seeks to increase the awareness and uptake of concepts from mathematical systems and control theory in ecological modelling and management. The concepts of forced nonlinear dynamics, feedbacks, and control or management strategies/actions are ubiquitous in both disciplines.

His research draws upon and contributes to techniques from a range of mathematical areas, including: dynamical systems theory; evolution equations; positive (ordered) systems, and; real, complex and applied functional analysis.



48 results

Simple adaptive feedback control for positive state control systems

Presentation / Conference
Guiver, C., Logemann, H., & Townley, S. (2016, September)
Simple adaptive feedback control for positive state control systems. Paper presented at POSTA 2016, the 5th International Symposium on Positive Systems, Rome, Italy

A note on the eigenvectors of perturbed matrices with applications to linear positive systems

Journal Article
Guiver, C., Hodgson, D., & Townley, S. (2016)
A note on the eigenvectors of perturbed matrices with applications to linear positive systems. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 509, 143-167.
A result is presented describing the eigenvectors of a perturbed matrix, for a class of structured perturbations. One motivation for doing so is that positive eigenvectors of ...

Stability of Non-Negative Lur'e Systems

Journal Article
Bill, A., Guiver, C., Logemann, H., & Townley, S. (2016)
Stability of Non-Negative Lur'e Systems. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 54(3), 1176-1211.
A stability/instability trichotomy for a class of nonnegative continuous-time Lur'e systems is derived. Asymptotic, exponential, and input-to-state stability concepts are cons...

Simple adaptive control for positive linear systems with applications to pest management

Journal Article
Guiver, C., Edholm, C., Jin, Y., Mueller, M., Powell, J., Rebarber, R., …Townley, S. (2016)
Simple adaptive control for positive linear systems with applications to pest management. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 76(1), 238-275.
Pest management is vitally important for modern arable farming, but models for pest species are often highly uncertain. In the context of pest management, control actions are ...

Robust set-point regulation for ecological models with multiple management goals

Journal Article
Guiver, C., Mueller, M., Hodgson, D., & Townley, S. (2016)
Robust set-point regulation for ecological models with multiple management goals. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 72, 1467-1529.
Population managers will often have to deal with problems of meeting multiple goals, for example, keeping at specific levels both the total population and population abundance...

The role of population inertia in predicting the outcome of stage-structured biological invasions

Journal Article
Guiver, C., Dreiwi, H., Filannino, D. M., Hodgson, D., Lloyd, S., & Townley, S. (2015)
The role of population inertia in predicting the outcome of stage-structured biological invasions. Mathematical Biosciences, 265, 1-11.
Deterministic dynamic models for coupled resident and invader populations are considered with the purpose of finding quantities that are effective at predicting when the invas...

The Tour de Maths Reaches Out in Cornwall

Guiver, C., Mueller, M., Lloyd, S., & Townley, S. (2015)
The Tour de Maths Reaches Out in Cornwall

Controllability for positive discrete–time linear systems with positive state

Conference Proceeding
Guiver, C., & Townley, S. (2014)
Controllability for positive discrete–time linear systems with positive state. In Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems. , (1387-1394
Controllability of componentwise nonnegative discrete-time linear systems is considered. The key difference here from the well-established positive systems theory is that we p...

Bounds on the dynamics of sink populations with noisy immigration

Journal Article
Eager, E. A., Guiver, C., Hodgson, D., Rebarber, R., Stott, I., & Townley, S. (2014)
Bounds on the dynamics of sink populations with noisy immigration. Theoretical Population Biology, 92, 88-96.
Sink populations are doomed to decline to extinction in the absence of immigration. The dynamics of sink populations are not easily modelled using the standard framework of pe...

A stability/instability trichotomy for non-negative Lur'e systems

Conference Proceeding
Bill, A., Guiver, C., Logemann, H., & Townley, S. (2014)
A stability/instability trichotomy for non-negative Lur'e systems. In Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems. , (1752-1754
We identify a stability/instability trichotomy for a class of non-negative continuous-time Lur'e systems. Asymptotic as well as input-to-state stability concepts (ISS) are con...

Current Post Grad projects