Colin McGill
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Dr Colin McGill MRSC FHEA



Dr Colin McGill was appointed as a lecturer in the Teacher Education subject group in the School of Applied Sciences in April 2019.

Dr McGill graduated from the University of Strathclyde in 1997 with a BSc (Hons) in Forensic & Analytical Chemistry. After a year working as an analytical scientist, he returned to the University of Strathclyde to complete a PhD in on-line analysis using spectroscopic techniques. In 2001 he began postdoctoral research before moving into industry to develop on-line analytical techniques. In 2005, he began studies towards gaining his PGDE in Chemistry with Science at the University of Strathclyde and embarked on a career in teaching; completing his probation year at Claremont High School in South Lanarkshire, before moving to St Margaret's Academy in West Lothian. In 2012, he was appointed Principal Teacher of Curriculum of the Sciences faculty St Kentigern's Academy, West Lothian. In 2014, he completed a part-time MSc in Educational Leadership from the University of Stirling, and in 2015 was seconded to Education Scotland to work as a Development Officer for the Sciences.

Dr McGill is a member of the Association for Science Education and the Royal Society of Chemistry, and has been awarded Chartered Chemist status by the RSC. He sits on the committee of the ASE's Scottish Regional Committee, the RSC's Education Division Scottish Region Committee, and the RSC's Chemistry Education Research Group committee. He is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.

Dr McGill is Programme Leader for the PGDE Maths, English, Biology, Chemistry and Physics programmes. He is responsible for the design and delivery of learning experiences that are engaging, challenging and informed by pedagogical scholarship and professional practice; contributing and collaborating with academic colleagues on course development, curriculum changes, group meetings, internal committees and the development of teaching; module leadership of Learning & Teaching 1 module for PGDE Maths, English, Biology, Chemistry and Physics students; development and support of PGDE Chemistry students.

His broader interests include the development of subject-specific career long professional learning activities for chemistry teachers, and supporting chemistry teachers in Scotland through the development of resources. He has designed non-credit bearing short courses entitled "Professional Learning for Chemistry Teachers 1" and “Professional Learning for Chemistry Teachers 2” and also collaborates with the Royal Society of Chemistry and educators to present CPD to chemistry teachers in Scotland. He has worked with Education Scotland and the BBC to develop videos to support teaching & learning in secondary schools.


Advisory panels and expert committees or witness

  • Member of the RSC's Education committee (Scotland)
  • Member of Scottish Universities Inclusion Group
  • Member of the ASE's Scottish Regional Committee


Conference Organising Activity

  • 2024 #RSCPoster LinkdIn conference
  • The Curious Teacher Conference


Fellowships and Awards

  • Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy


Invited Speaker

  • ASE Scotland Conference


Media Activity

  • Beyond Survival: The New Teacher Podcast - What can new teachers do to make a positive start with a new class?
  • Beyond Survival - the new teacher podcast - How can new teachers form positive relationships in the classroom?
  • Beyond Survival: the new teacher podcast - An explanations masterclass
  • Beyond Survival: The New Teacher Podcast - A Focus on Behaviour
  • Beyond Survival: the new teacher podcast - Challenging Perfection: good is good enough
  • Beyond Survival: The New Teacher Podcast episode 10: How can student teachers succeed in their first teaching placement?


Membership of Professional Body

  • Member of the Association for Science Education
  • Member of the Royal Society of Chemistry


Public/Community Engagement

  • Planned in Scotland for Teachers in Scotland - Language in Chemistry
  • Planned in Scotland for Teachers in Scotland - Rates of Reaction



  • Reviewer for Education in Chemistry
  • Reviewer for School Science Review journal



25 results

Perfect your lesson plans with a chatbot

Digital Artefact
McGill, C. (2024)
Perfect your lesson plans with a chatbot. [Article]

Teachers' Perceptions of online chemistry-specific CPD

Journal Article
McGill, C., Buchanan, D., Easson, M., Hendry, S., Macdonald, F., Murray, P., & Stewart, I. (2023)
Teachers' Perceptions of online chemistry-specific CPD. Science Teacher Education, 94, 18-25
A collaboration between chemistry educators, Edinburgh Napier University and the Royal Society of Chemistry presented a series of seven online professional learning sessions f...

Effective Practical Work in Science

Presentation / Conference
McGill, C. (2022, November)
Effective Practical Work in Science. Presented at ResearchED Aberdeen, Robert Gordon College, Aberdeen
Practical work is carried out in the science classroom to teach scientific concepts, increase motivation, develop practical skills and practise being a scientist. Research sug...

Are tablets an essential classroom aid?

Journal Article
McGill, C. (2022)
Are tablets an essential classroom aid?. Education in Chemistry,

6 things teachers should know about asking questions

McGill, C. (2022)
6 things teachers should know about asking questions. [Magazine article]

Where new teachers in Scotland can go to hone their skills

McGill, C. (2022)
Where new teachers in Scotland can go to hone their skills. [Online magazine]

Put Your Best Foot Forward with Personalised Professional Learning

Journal Article
McGill, C. (2022)
Put Your Best Foot Forward with Personalised Professional Learning. Education in Chemistry,

Major reforms to Scottish education – opportunities and concerns

Journal Article
Burr, S., Farmer, S., & McGill, C. (2022)
Major reforms to Scottish education – opportunities and concerns. School Science Review in Practice, 103(385), 36

Never write another lesson plan template again

Journal Article
McGill, C. (2022)
Never write another lesson plan template again. Education in Chemistry,

The National Framework for Inclusion 3rd edition (NFI)

The National Framework for Inclusion 3rd edition (NFI
Inclusive education is the cornerstone of Scottish education and, as such, must be of the highest priority for the Scottish Government and for all those involved in education ...

Current Post Grad projects