Diane Willis
Diane Willis

Dr Diane Willis



I am a lecturer at Edinburgh Napier University and hold professional qualifications as a registered nurse and as a psychologist. I have an honorary contract with NHS Borders. My previous experience ranges from posts as a Research Fellow, Practice Education Facilitator, Equality Officer to lecturer. I have work in several Universities, the NHS and Non-Governmental Organisations.

My primary research interest lies in the field of intellectual disability especially inequalities in cancer care, bereavement and women’s issues. I am passionate to reduce inequalities in health and social care for those considered to be from a vulnerable community. I also have interests in welfare reform, bereavement (more widely), health and social care workforce and using the arts to support my work.

My work on the menopause in women with intellectual disabilities contributed to the NICE guidelines NG96: Care and support of people growing older with learning disabilities and has been introduced as a question in the Annual health checks checks for people with learning disabilities for the first time. With colleagues in practice we are also currently exploring further work in this area and exploring grants.

My work on cancer and cancer screening in people with intellectual disabilities has provided the definitive literature reviews in this area and my research has contributed to the knowledge. Working with the Screening and Early Detection Team, NHS Lothian Public Health and Health Policy we have undertaken work exploring informed choice and access to cancer screening services for people with intellectual disabilities and those from the Black and ethnic communities. This work lead on to developing an an accessible screening website.
Diane also organised an international conference: The 3rd Symposium on Cancer and cancer screening in people with intellectual disabilities at Edinburgh Napier University and been on the committees of previous International Symposiums.

As part of the cancer journey Diane also explored supporting people with intellectual disabilities to discuss death and dying through her work on Life, Death and Lilies. This was a public engagement project to be more open to discussing death and dying. Further funding for a film was secured about how to discuss death and dying and highlighted how people with intellectual disabilities experience death using an arts approach to explain their feelings and experience. This has led on to submitting a grant for a PhD student. With another small grant Diane developed two easy read books with Family Advice and Information Resource.

I am Chair for Family Advice and Information Resource (FAIR) and am a board member on The Society of Cancer and Cancer Screening for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. I am also a volunteer swimming instructor and hold a professional dive licence.

I sit on a number of groups including the Learning Disability East Managed Care Network, Excellence in Care Academic Advisory Group and Future Nurse steering group (NHS Borders).



Advisory panels and expert committees or witness

  • Excellence in Care (EiC) Academic Advisory Group member
  • Cancer and intellectual disability: panel member
  • Member of the Detect Cancer Early Team
  • Second symposium on Cancer in people with intellectual disability, Scientific committee.
  • Specialist adviser on cancer in PWLD, Scottish Public Services Ombudsman
  • Advised the French Human Rights Group on : Voting in people with intellectual disabilities.
  • University of Glasgow RCN International Research Conference committee member
  • Athena Swan Charter working group
  • Council of Deans interest group member for learning disability
  • Bridging the Gap working group member with NES and Changingmindz
  • Member of the working group for Care after Death


Conference Organising Activity

  • Cancer Care workshop, Edinburgh: Chair and organiser with the Managed Care Network for Learning Disability
  • Organisers and Chair of Palliative care/ReSPECT on-line workshop
  • Cancer in people with learning disability, Livingston: Chair and organiser along with Managed Care Network for Learning Disability
  • Sharing ideas in bereavement and end of life care workshop: Glasgow. Feeding back about bereavement to professionals who support people with learning disabilities.
  • Intellectual disability services from the Swedish and Scottish perspective, Edinburgh. Chair and organiser along with the Managed Care Network for Learning Disability
  • Bereavement workshop: Fife. Chair and organiser along with the Managed Care Network for Learning Disability
  • Two-day workshop on Research in Learning Disability for year 1 students from two universities: Glasgow. Co-chair and organiser
  • Building momentum Student conference: Support and link for Edinburgh Napier Students.
  • Invited speaker and chair of sessions: First Symposium on Cancer and cancer screening in people with intellectual disability: ONCODEF conference France
  • Symposium on strengthening commitment to ensure people with intellectual disabilities enjoy a good life: RCN Conference. Lead for this symposium presentation
  • Mental Health and Stigma: understanding what practitioners need to engage with people with mental health problems. Steering group member.
  • Development workshop. Cancer and people with learning disabilities: Edinburgh Napier University. Organiser and Chair.
  • People with cancer and an intellectual disability: an international issue with local significance: University of Edinburgh. Facilitator at the conference
  • Post-graduate Seminar group: Edinburgh Napier University. Seminar organiser
  • Seattle Club 2003: University of Edinburgh: part of the organising committee



  • Organiser and presenter: Moving forward in Cancer care for people with intellectual disabilities
  • Member of organising committee for the 2008 Postgraduate Conference


External Examining/Validations

  • Sheffield Hallam University
  • External Examiner for University of Lincoln BN Adult


Fellowships and Awards

  • Nursing Times 2020 Learning Disability category a runner up
  • A runner up Scottish Partnership in Palliative Care (SPPC) award for ‘Openness about Death’
  • Nominated for the best paper in the RCN conference 2014 on bereavement and student nurses
  • NMAHP Award – Willis, D.S., & Mack, S. £300 (3rd prize), for a proposal for a Cancer Screening Handbook: A Guide for Professionals, Carers & Service Users


Grant Reviewer

  • Invited reviewer for a grant submitted to the Yorkshire Cancer Research
  • Invited reviewer for a grant submitted to Cross-Border Healthcare Intervention Trials in Ireland Network.


Invited Speaker

  • Invited speaker: Cancer in people with intellectual disabilities, Norway.
  • Invited speaker: This is me - Wolf–hirschhorn Trust Health passports, Coventry.
  • Poster: Life death and lilies. Second International Conference on Cancer and Cancer Screening in Intellectual Disability. Montpellier. October 2018.
  • Poster: Voting and the Scottish Referendum. World Down Syndrome Conference. Glasgow. July 2018.
  • Invited speaker: Build a nurse. Second International Conference on Cancer and Cancer Screening in Intellectual Disability. Montpellier. October 2018.
  • Paper: A model of Breasting in women with intellectual disability. Second International Conference on Cancer and Cancer Screening in Intellectual Disability. Montpellier. October 2018.
  • Invited speaker: Cancer in young people with intellectual disability. Second International Conference on Cancer and Cancer Screening in Intellectual Disability. Montpellier. October 2018.
  • Presenter: Children and young people with intellectual disability: an overview of cancer. MCN day conference on cancer. Edinburgh. July 2018.
  • Poster: Breast cancer and women with Down Syndrome. World Down Syndrome Conference. Glasgow. July 2018.
  • Key speaker: The research evidence base for changing practice. Borders Education Centre. October 2018
  • A model of Breasting in women with intellectual disability. Second International Conference on Cancer and Cancer Screening in Intellectual Disability. Montpellier. October 2018.
  • Poster: SACT in people with intellectual disability. Second International Conference on Cancer and Cancer Screening in Intellectual Disability. Montpellier. October 2018.
  • Presenter: The menopause and women with Down’s Syndrome. World Down Syndrome Conference. Glasgow. July 2018.
  • Poster: Life, death and lilies. United Nations Day of Action. Edinburgh Napier University. Edinburgh. November 2017.
  • Speaker: Managing the menopause in women with intellectual disabilities. An internal Edinburgh Napier event, Edinburgh November 2017.
  • Poster: Mixed methods study phase II: The facilitators and barriers of screening children for autism in Oman. 15th World Congress IASSID. Melbourne, Australia. August 2016.
  • Poster: Sharing ideas in bereavement and end of life care workshop. Should bereavement education be compulsory? Seattle Club, Glasgow. March 2016.
  • Paper: Who decides? Women with severe learning disabilities and mammography. 15th World Congress IASSID. Melbourne, Australia. August 2016.
  • Speaker: Cancer in people with learning disability. Moving Forward in Cancer Care, Edinburgh Napier University.
  • Paper: Voting and the Scottish referendum. 15th World Congress IASSID. Melbourne, Australia. August 2016.
  • Poster: Joint working – embedding learning disability in the adult nursing curriculum. 15th World Congress IASSID. Melbourne, Australia. August 2016.
  • Invited workshop: What is a learning disability. Building momentum Conference, Edinburgh.
  • Poster: Bereavement issues in health and social care staff who work with people with intellectual disability. 15th World Congress IASSID. Melbourne, Australia. August 2016.
  • Poster: What influences women with learning disabilities to not to participate in breast screening? 15th World Congress IASSID. Melbourne, Australia. August 2016.
  • Poster: Mixed methods study phase I: Exploring the facilitators and barriers of screening children for autism in Oman. 15th World Congress IASSID. Melbourne, Australia. August 2016.
  • Invited speaker: Voting and people with intellectual disability – views of paid and family carers and people with intellectual disabilities. Seattle Club. Glasgow. December 2016,
  • Invited speaker: Supporting people with intellectual disabilities through investigations and treatment. Palliative Care conference. Strathcarron Hospice, Cumbernauld. March 2015.
  • Presenter: Reflections on cancer in health and social care. Moving forwards in Cancer care for people with intellectual disabilities. Edinburgh Napier University. July 2015.
  • Poster: “Love thy neighbour”: an evaluation of religion as a potential barrier to accessing sexual health services for gay and bisexual men in the West of Scotland. Improving clinical practice and service delivery: Glasgow, June 2015.
  • Presenter: Breast screening in women with severe and profound intellectual disabilities. Moving forwards in Cancer care for people with intellectual disabilities. Edinburgh Napier University. July 2015.
  • Presentation: Up-date on bereavement work and resources. Bereavement workshops: Let’s talk about dying. Edinburgh and Glasgow. October, November 2015.
  • Presentation: Research in intellectual disability. Two-day workshop on learning disability. University of Glasgow and Glasgow Caledonian University. March 2015.
  • Presentation: Let’s talk about dying – exploring what health and social care staff want and need in terms of training in discussing death and dying. Workshop on Bereavement issues in people with intellectual disabilities. Edinburgh Napier University. July 2015.
  • Paper: Exploring bereavement in pre-registered nursing students. RCN International Research Conference. Glasgow. April 2014.
  • Invited Speaker: Choosing a speciality. RCN Career Conference: Glasgow
  • Poster: Explaining health problems to people with learning disabilities: views from family and paid-carers. IASSID (International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual Disabilities) European conference Vienna
  • Paper: Dementia carers’ voices and implications for pre-registered nursing. Ageing and Society Conference. Manchester. November 2014.
  • Invited speaker: Colorectal cancer in persons with intellectual disabilities: frequency, risks, prevention, screening. First symposium on cancer and cancer screening ONCODEF conference. Montpellier, France. February 2014.
  • Presenter: Strengthening commitment to ensure people with intellectual disabilities enjoy a good life. Symposium. RCN International Research Conference. Glasgow. April 2014.
  • Poster: Introducing the Society of Cancer and Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. IASSID (International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual Disabilities) European conference Vienna
  • Paper: Reflect – the use of poetry in reflection. RCN International Research Conference. Glasgow. April 2014.
  • Invited speaker: Considerations for breast screening in women with severe profound intellectual disabilities. First symposium on cancer and cancer screening ONCODEF conference. Montpellier, France. February 2014.
  • Paper: Teaching equality, diversity and health inequalities... with help from imaginary friends! 6th Learning and Teaching Conference: University of Glasgow.
  • Paper: Health inequalities - engaging the learner imagination. Nurse Education Today Conference, Cambridge
  • Invited speaker: Bereavement issues in pre-registered staff: implications for people with learning disabilities. Glasgow Palliative Care conference for people with learning disability. Glasgow.
  • Paper: Embedding understanding of mental health and learning disability into the pre-registration nursing curriculum. Nurse Education Today Conference, Cambridge
  • Presenter: The menopause, women with learning disabilities and their carers. Women’s and Children’s group, NHS Fife
  • Presentation: Menopausal issues in women with intellectual disabilities. University of Abertay, Dundee. December 2010.
  • Presenter: Cancer and people with learning disabilities. Edinburgh Napier University. July 2009.
  • Presenter: Breast screening and women with learning disabilities. Edinburgh Napier University
  • Presenter: Breast screening decision making in women with learning disabilities. Postgraduate Conference, Edinburgh Napier University.
  • Speaker: screening and people with intellectual disability an international perspective. Screening and people with intellectual disability an international perspective. Edinburgh.
  • Presenter: Talking to women with intellectual disabilities about participating in breast cancer screening. 13th IASSID World Congress on Intellectual Disability, South Africa.
  • Poster: Exploring breast screening participation with women with intellectual disabilities. RCN Breast Care Nursing Society Annual Conference.
  • Poster: Exploring breast screening with women with intellectual disabilities. NHS Lothian Research Day, Edinburgh Royal Infirmary
  • Paper: Exploring the menopause with women with intellectual disabilities and their carers. 13th IASSID World Congress on Intellectual Disability, South Africa.
  • Paper: The menopause and women intellectual disabilities. Scottish Consortium of Learning Disability Nursing Network Conference. Scotland
  • Speaker: The menopause and women with learning disabilities. Edinburgh,
  • Speaker: An ethnographic study of decision making in relation to breast cancer screening for women with learning disabilities. Postgraduate conference, Edinburgh Napier University.
  • Speaker: The menopause and women with Intellectual Disability. Special Interest Group Learning Disability, Glasgow.
  • Workshop: The menopause and people with learning disabilities. Down’s Syndrome Scotland Conference. October 2006.
  • Paper: Video analysis and intellectual disabilities. Seminar series Edinburgh Napier University.
  • Paper: Relating the experience of the menopause – women with learning disabilities and their carers. Seattle Club. Wales.
  • Paper: Recognition of facial emotional expression by children with Down’s syndrome. 12th IASSID World Congress, Cognition and communication section. Montpellier, France. June 2004.
  • Paper: The effects of peer collaboration on problem solving in children with intellectual disabilities. 12th IASSID World Congress Science, Research and Methodology section. Montpellier, France. June 2004.
  • Invited speaker: Experiences of the menopause in women with learning disabilities. Older Adults Multidisciplinary Special Interest Group. Edinburgh. March 2004.
  • Paper: The effect of different matching criteria on apparent group differences in children with intellectual disabilities. 12th IASSID World Congress Science, Research and Methodology section. Montpellier, France. June 2004.
  • Poster: Peer collaboration in children with Down’s syndrome. International Down’s Syndrome Research Conference on Cognition and Behaviour. Denver. April 2003.
  • Paper: Peer collaboration in children with Down’s syndrome. XIth European Conference on Developmental Psychology. Milan. August 2003.
  • Paper: Peer collaboration and problem solving in children with Down’s syndrome. XIth European Conference on Developmental Psychology. Milan. August 2003.
  • Paper: Following up severely learning disabled adolescents – 7 years on. East Coast of Scotland Learning Disability Forum. Dunfermline. August 2002.
  • Paper: Peer collaboration in children with Downs’ syndrome. Down’s Syndrome Research Forum. Portsmouth. May 2002.
  • Paper: Peer collaboration in children with Down syndrome versus non-specific learning disability. nd UK Researchers’ Conference on Learning Disabilities. Birmingham. December 2002.
  • Presentation: Audit in South-East Scotland – a multidisciplinary approach. Stirling Royal Hospital Audit Conference. Stirling. May 2001.
  • Paper: SIGN guidelines – breast cancer: evaluation and progress. Western General Hospital. Edinburgh. March 2001.
  • Presentation: Implementation of the SIGN guidelines: progress to date. Western General Hospital. Edinburgh. June 2000.
  • Paper: A seven year follow-up of adolescents with learning disabilities. British Institute of Learning Disabilities International Conference. Manchester. September 1997.
  • Presentation: BCG vaccination – uptake and audit. Leicester General Hospital. Leicester. July 1997.
  • Paper: Longitudinal follow-up of adolescents with learning disabilities. 10th IASSID World Congress on Intellectual Disabilities. Helsinki. July 1996.


Non-executive Directorship

  • Campaigns and Information Sub-group, Board, Enable Glasgow
  • Board member 2013 and Chair (2017 on wards) of Family Advice and Information Resource


Public/Community Engagement

  • Seeds of comfort and hope
  • Life, death Lilies 2
  • Aye wi us
  • Tea and Taboo
  • United Nations International Amnesty Day: Life death and lilies
  • Life, Death Lilies
  • ‘To absent Friends’
  • To absent friends: Bereavement Café



  • Journal of Psycho-Oncology
  • Disability and Rehabilitation
  • Springer Open
  • Scientific Committee (reviewer), International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual Disabilities, Melbourne.
  • Reviewer for Royal College of Nursing International Research Conference
  • Reviewer for British Journal of Learning Disabilities
  • Reviewer for Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing


Visiting Positions

  • Visiting lecturer in Oman
  • Visiting lecturer



47 results

Understanding of facial expressions of emotion by children with intellectual disabilities of differing aetiology.

Journal Article
Wishart, J. G., Cebula, K. R., Willis, D., & Pitcairn, T. K. (2007)
Understanding of facial expressions of emotion by children with intellectual disabilities of differing aetiology. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 51, 551-563. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2788.2006.00947.x
Background Interpreting emotional expressions is a socio-cognitive skill central to interpersonal interaction. Poor emotion recognition has been reported in autism but is les...

The REY figure copy as a screening instrument fro perceptual deficits after stroke.

Journal Article
Lincoln, N. B., Drummond, A. E. R., Edmans, J. A., Yeo, G. T. & Willis, D. (2006)
The REY figure copy as a screening instrument fro perceptual deficits after stroke. British Journal of Occupational Therapy. 61, 33-35. doi:10.1177/030802269806100108. ISSN 0308-0226
The aim of the study was to investigate the use of the Rey figure for screening patients for perceptual impairment following stroke. Stroke patients in a trial of a stroke uni...

Emotion recognition by children with Down syndrome: investigation of specific impairments and error patterns.

Journal Article
Williams, K. R., NaWishart, J. G., Pitcairn, T. K. & Willis, D. (2005)
Emotion recognition by children with Down syndrome: investigation of specific impairments and error patterns. American journal of mental retardation : AJMR. 110, 387-392. ISSN 0895-8017
The ability of children with Down syndrome to recognize expressions of emotion was compared to performance in typically developing and nonspecific intellectual disability grou...

Is histological examination of tissue removed by GP's always necessary. Before and after comparison of detection rates of serious skin lesions.

Journal Article
Lowy, A., Willis, D., & Abrams, K. (1997)
Is histological examination of tissue removed by GP's always necessary. Before and after comparison of detection rates of serious skin lesions. BMJ, 315, 406-408. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.315.7105.406
Abstract OBJECTIVES: To examine whether histological examination of all tissue removed by general practitioners in minor surgery increases the rate of detection of clinical...

Comparison of rehabilitation practice on hospital wards for stroke patients.

Journal Article
Lincoln, N. B., Willis, D., Philips, S. A., Juby, L. C., & Berman, P. (1996)
Comparison of rehabilitation practice on hospital wards for stroke patients. Stroke, 27, 18-23. https://doi.org/10.1161/01.STR.27.1.18
Background and Purpose The aim of the study was to observe patients on a stroke unit and to compare their activity with that of patients on conventional hospital wards to iden...

A 7 year follow up of adolescents with severe learning disabilities and their carers.

Journal Article
Willis, D., Nicol, R., Dossetor, D. & Stretch, D. S. (1995)
A 7 year follow up of adolescents with severe learning disabilities and their carers. The British journal of developmental disabilities. 153Sup, 29. ISSN 0969-7950

How much do teenagers know about pregnancy and birth?

Journal Article
Willis, D. & Foreman, N. (1993)
How much do teenagers know about pregnancy and birth?. Clinical Psychology Forum.. ISSN 1757-2142

Pre-Napier Funded Projects

  • HPV vaccination in young people from ethnic minority backgrounds and people with intellectual disabilities.
  • Two day workshop on learning disability
  • Supporting pre-registered nurses in bereavement care.
  • Preparing for the future, fearing the worst, support for carers and people with learning disabilities in bereavement
  • Cancer screening in learning disability
  • Development workshop on cancer and people with learning disabilities.
  • Exploring the menopause in women Down's syndrome and non specific learning disability
  • Peer collaboration in children with and without intellectual disabilities.
  • Menopause in women with learning disability

Current Post Grad projects

Non-Napier PhD or MSc by Research supervisions

  • A qualitative study exploring parents’ experience of their child’s transition from children’s to adult services
  • Herpes Simplex Virus: To disclose or not to disclose. An exploration of the multi-disciplinary team’s role in advising patients about disclosure when diagnosed with genital herpes simplex virus (HSV).
  • A mixed methods study exploring the barriers and facilitators of screening for autism spectrum disorder in Oman
  • Love Thy Neighbour”: A service review exploring religion as a potential barrier to accessing sexual health services for gay and bisexual Men in the West of Scotland.
  • ace and sexual Health in University students