Dr Ana Paula Fonseca
dr ana paula fonseca

Dr Dr Ana Paula Fonseca



Dr Ana Paula is a Lecturer in Strategy and Sustainability and Programme Lead MBA Strategic Project Management and MBA Engineering Management and Subject lead Employability Skills Programme- responsible for the overall curriculum design, coherence, delivery, planning evaluation and enhancement of the academic programme, and personalised student experience. Coordinate, manage and communicate the school strategy and programme delivery with module leaders to ensure effective coordination. Connect with associated professional bodies, employers, and alumni to build an external reputation and promote extra-curricular activities. Responsible for the pastoral care of staff and students within the programme.
Lecturer in Strategy and Sustainability. Responsible for designing business modules and assessments based on work-based learning for graduate apprentices and as a subject lead of the SCQF levels 7 and 8 and teaching SCQF levels 9 and 10. Research interests include Corporate Social Responsibility, sustainability, sustainable development goals, business ethics, social capital theory, project management, family business, systems thinking and action research. Upon completing undergraduate studies in the Technology of Managerial Process at the University of Castelo Branco, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Ana Paula worked in large organisations such as the pharmaceutical industry and a private bank. She started two small enterprises in Brasilia and Porto Alegre, Brazil. She also has participated and collaborated in many areas at the university level and local communities. External impact, as a co-investigator of two research projects funded by the UK Government. Working with 20 SMEs to empower and embrace United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in a Post-Covid 19 Scotland. Secondly, working with 20 housing and constructions organisations to upskill and support the transition to a net-zero economy and accelerate action to SDGs. Member at the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals - Chair of Young professionals, AMED Networks, ISBE, and BAM. She has also published papers in CSR and Sustainability and present abstracts, poster presentations, July/21. Additionally, she received recognition of the UK Professional Standards Framework for teaching and learning in HEA (PgCertTLHE, FHEA).


Fellowships and Awards

  • Fellow of Higher Education Academy


Invited Speaker

  • Invited Speaker



12 results

Enterprise Education and Employability Skills: adapting the DOTS Model to enhance career development – evidence from a Scottish International MBA Programme

Book Chapter
Harte, P., Fonseca, A. P., Hill, E., & Hosanoo, Z. A. (2024)
Enterprise Education and Employability Skills: adapting the DOTS Model to enhance career development – evidence from a Scottish International MBA Programme. In R. J. Crammond, & D. Hyams-Ssekasi (Eds.), Entrepreneurship Education and Internationalisation: Cases, Collaborations, and Contexts (65-85). New York: Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003378570-7
This chapter uses theory and application to discuss the importance of enterprise education and employability skills in the MBA curriculum. Edinburgh Napier Business School aca...

How Do Partnerships Between Academia, Communities and Organisations Foster “Real World” Learning?

Conference Proceeding
Harte, P., Hosanoo, Z., Borthwick Saddler, S., Hill, E., & Fonseca, A. P. (2024)
How Do Partnerships Between Academia, Communities and Organisations Foster “Real World” Learning?. In Applying Education in a Complex World: Teaching and Learning (167-178
Education takes place within dynamic and multifaceted complex systems. Recognising the volatile-uncertain-complex-ambiguous (VUCA) environment, the digital transformation of t...

Integrating nature-based solutions with traditional smallholder farming systems to build climatic resilience in the Caribbean

Book Chapter
Roop, R., Matouq, M., Fonseca, A. P., & Weaver, M. (2024)
Integrating nature-based solutions with traditional smallholder farming systems to build climatic resilience in the Caribbean. In W. Leal Filho, G. Nagy, & D. Ayal (Eds.), Handbook of Nature-Based Solutions to Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change. Cham: Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-98067-2_85-1
Despite the current technological advancement in agriculture to improve the production capacity and livelihood of the estimated 608 million smallholder family farmers across t...

Agroecology as Catalyst for Smallholder Farming Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change: Caribbean Region

Book Chapter
Roop, R., Weaver, M., Fonseca, A. P., & Matouq, M. (2023)
Agroecology as Catalyst for Smallholder Farming Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change: Caribbean Region. In W. L. Filho, N. Aguilar-Rivera, B. Borsari, P. R. de Brito, & B. Andrade Guerra (Eds.), SDGs in the Americas and Caribbean Region (405-427). Cham: Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-16017-2_112
Agriculture production emits approximately 29% of greenhouse gases, contributing to climatic changes. These changes increase pests and disease outbreaks according to the frequ...

The Build for Purpose Canvas

Presentation / Conference
Weaver, M., Fonseca, A., Tan, H., & Pershina, E. (2022, September)
The Build for Purpose Canvas. Paper presented at OR64 The Annual Operational Research Conference, University of Warwick
The paper proposes the “Build for Purpose Canvas” (B4PC) to help organisations to put purpose at the heart of their business, build meaningful relationships with communities a...

Empowering Organisations To Embrace UN Sustainable Development Goals: Post-Covid-19 Scotland

Book Chapter
Fonseca, A., Crossan, K., Weaver, M., Tan, H., Bratton, A., & Pershina, E. (in press)
Empowering Organisations To Embrace UN Sustainable Development Goals: Post-Covid-19 Scotland. In W. Leal Filho (Ed.), SDGs in the European Region. Springer
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) argues that the global coronavirus pandemic has caused unimaginable consequences to the global community's economy, social stru...

Picturing a Programme: The Business School Graduate Apprenticeship Journey

Presentation / Conference
Yorkstone, S., Fonseca, D. A. P., & Harte, P. (2022, June)
Picturing a Programme: The Business School Graduate Apprenticeship Journey. Poster presented at DLTE, Edinburgh Napier University, Edinburgh
Can we explain our Business School’s Graduate Apprenticeship Programme visually? This poster shows our work to that end. Ana Paula Fonseca (Programme Leader), Patrick Harte (S...

Empowering SMEs to embrace the SDGs in a Post-Covid Scotland

Conference Proceeding
Fonseca, A. P., Crossan, K., Hock, T., Bratton, A., & Weaver, M. (2021)
Empowering SMEs to embrace the SDGs in a Post-Covid Scotland. In ISBE Conference Papers
The United Nations Environment Programme - UNEP argues that the global coronavirus pandemic has caused unimaginable consequences to the global community's economy, social stru...

Catalyzing Innovative Approaches in Smallholder Farming to Implement the Sustainable Development Goals for Food and Nutrition Security: Americas and Caribbean Region

Book Chapter
Roop, R., Weaver, M., Fonseca, A. P., Matouq, M., & Stewart, V. (in press)
Catalyzing Innovative Approaches in Smallholder Farming to Implement the Sustainable Development Goals for Food and Nutrition Security: Americas and Caribbean Region. In W. L. Filho (Ed.), SDGs in the Americas and Caribbean Region. Cham: Springer
Abstract not available.

The implementation of the Employability Skills Programme in a global pandemic: delights and pitfalls

Presentation / Conference Contribution
Borthwick Saddler, S., Rezai, K., Paula Fonseca, A., Fannin, N., & Richardson, S. (2021, July)
The implementation of the Employability Skills Programme in a global pandemic: delights and pitfalls. Poster presented at Advance HE's Teaching and Learning Conference 2021 'Teaching in the Spotlight: What is the Future for HE Curricula?', Online
This poster will visualise the creation, launch and delivery of the new online Employability Skills Programme (ESP) during a pandemic for more than 2,000 students. The aims of...