Fiona-Jean Howson
FionaJean Howson

Ms Fiona-Jean Howson BA, INCC, RCNT, RNT, BA, MSc, SFHEA



Fiona-Jean Howson is a Lecturer, Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and an Edinburgh Napier University Mentor in the School of Health and Social Care. A passionate educationalist at heart, her interests include: the challenges faced by pre-registration masters nursing students with a first degree; the de-construction of academic knowledge and expertise; the integration of the principles of curriculum for excellence across primary, secondary and tertiary education and the successful transition into practice learning environments. Currently she is a part-time student undertaking a Doctorate in Education within The University of Stirling.
An experienced Nurse Lecturer and Programme Leader of the largest undergraduate home domiciled programme within the university, she was seconded to an Academic Developer Role and led a university-wide Programme Leading Project over a number of years to support programme Leaders and enhance programmes across the university. Working co-productively with students she led the Teaching Fellow 'Student Voice Project within creative industries' that was designed to enhance the integration and expertise of the student voice into their own curriculum. Well versed in the structure and process of Higher educational Institutions she is a member of the Staff education work stream, has contributed to leading the Institutional Led Educational review (ELIR) and has taken two BN programmes through successful validation (adult programme) and served on multiple committees at school, faculty and university level.

She originally undertook her Registered General Nurse training in the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh and staffed in acute/critical care areas to develop knowledge and skills in the management of acute head injury, cardio-thoracic surgery, renal medicine and general intensive care.

Within the School of health and Social Care she is currently a member of the Population and Public Health Theme the Health and Well-being strand in the Nurses Lives Research Programme. As a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy she works across the institution providing Mentorship and support for staff wishing to achieve HEA recognition and, in addition to this she is a Certified ENU Mentor and provides support for a range of colleagues within the department.


Research Areas


Advisory panels and expert committees or witness

  • 2012: NHS Education for Scotland (NES) Short-life Working Group – Student Satisfaction Survey
  • NES Developing a National Approach to Practice Assessment Documentation for the Pre-registration Nursing Programmes in Scotland Working Group
  • 2010: Nursing & Midwifery Council (NMC) Pre-registration Review 2011 programme
  • NMC Essential Skills Writing Group
  • Lothian Equal Access Programme for Schools (LEAPS)


Editorial Activity

  • Critical Reader for Sage Publishing
  • Critical Reader for MacMillan Education
  • Open University Critical Reader


External Examining/Validations

  • Open University Associate Lecturer
  • Brighton University External Examiner


Fellowships and Awards

  • Senior Fellow of HEA
  • Edinburgh Napier University Mentor
  • Lecturer/Practitioner
  • Registered Adult Nurse


Membership of Professional Body

  • Member of Royal College of Nursing



4 results

Is peer tutoring a win / win situation?

Presentation / Conference
Watt, S., Sharp, A., & Howson, F. (2013, May)
Is peer tutoring a win / win situation?. Paper presented at International Clinical Skills Conference, Prato, Italy

Empowering programme Leaders to unlock learning: choices, challenges and changes

Presentation / Conference
Howson, F. (2012, October)
Empowering programme Leaders to unlock learning: choices, challenges and changes. Presented at Leadership Innovation and Transformation in HE: Unlocking Learning, London
Given the centrality of the Programme Leader role in influencing the student learning experience, this session will explore the implementation of a university-wide strategy de...

Empowering programme leaders through institutional dialogue

Presentation / Conference
Howson, F. (2011, May)
Empowering programme leaders through institutional dialogue. Presented at SEDA Spring Teaching Learning and assessment Conference 2011 - Academics for the 21st Century, Edinburgh
Programme Leaders have a pivotal role within universities and how they carry out that role can significantly impact on their programmes, their teams and their students. But th...

Using simulated practice and peer review to enhance employability skills.

Presentation / Conference
Donaldson, J. H., McCrossan, G., Smith, F. C., & Howson, F. (2005, June)
Using simulated practice and peer review to enhance employability skills. Paper presented at Using the Curriculum to address the needs of Individual Students: Staff Conference, Napier University, Edinburgh