Jill Davey
jill davey

Dr Jill Davey SFHEA

Associate Professor




Jill qualified as a social worker in 1984, practising in both residential and statutory social work for children and families, primarily in relation to child protection and cared for children. During this period, Jill held both practitioner and senior management positions. Between 2002 and 2019 Jill worked part time in practice/academic to work alongside three professional bodies: the Department for Education and Skills (DfS) as an adviser in relation to child safeguarding/protection, the General Social Care Council (GSCC) regulatory body for social work, as an Investigations and Conduct Officer and the Health & Care Professions Council (HCPC) as a Specialist Tribunal Panel member.

After nineteen years in social work practice, in May 2003, Jill took up a full-time lectureship at Bournemouth University to develop their post qualifying framework for social work practitioners. In both 2006 and 2008 Jill was awarded two HEI National Training Awards under the category of ‘Innovative Practice & Teaching’ as sole author and implementation of two post qualifying social work programmes.
Jill was awarded a PhD from Bournemouth University, in 2016, for an international comparative study of children unable to reside with their biological parents (UK and Zululand, South Africa).
Jill was an invited speaker at the House of Commons (Hansard UK Parliament Vol. 637:2018), in May 2018, to present and debate the key issues facing social work education and practice.
In May 2019 Jill took up the position of Associate Professor of Social Work at Edinburgh Napier University.

Jill is a member of the Management Committee for the European Network for Social Work (SocNET98), Invited Member of the National Research Network for Kinship Care and representative for Scotland on the Social Work Education Council (JSWEC) International Committee.

Knowledge Exchange/Teaching

Jill feels very privileged to have the opportunity to teach both students who are new to their profession role, and those who are currently in practice, but returning to study to enhance their professional careers. Jill holds positions as module lead (currently 8 modules) and Programme Lead for a new Graduate Certificate in Practice Learning, introduced in January 2022.
For qualifying social work students Jill’s teaching specifically focuses on issues relating to child protection/safeguarding and the exercise of professional standards and duties. For post qualifying, CPD social work students, Jill’s focus is on practice learning and the responsibility for the support and assessment of qualifying students on placement.

In addition, Jill has teaching input across both the school (SHSC) and the University, through the delivery of three child protection/safeguarding modules. Students undertaking these modules include nursing, midwifery, sociology, and psychology students. This inter-professional learning and teaching enhances the appreciation of professional roles and responsibility.
Jill has also taught, as module lead for a research and leadership module for international students joining ENU from Singapore on a nursing degree programme.
Jill is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.

Research Interests/Knowledge Exchange

Child Protection & Safeguarding Professional Practice & Standards Policy writing and Implementation
International Social Work and social work education

Jill’s research/knowledge exchange focuses mainly on the broad area of child protection/safeguarding, including statutory inquiries into child deaths/serious injuries (non-accidental). Jill has extensive experience in professional standards of practice for practitioners in the health, social work/care, and education sector. Jill has a broad range of experience in the development, writing and implementation of legislation, policy, and guidance for professional practice. Jill has extensive experience in regulatory body processes, including the writing and development of Fitness to Practice procedures. Jill has participated in several Children and Vulnerable Adult Case Reviews (including Government inquires) in relation to the protection and safeguarding of the public with published outcomes to for practice which have influenced and shaped institutional policies and strategies for education, training, and practice.



Advisory panels and expert committees or witness

  • Invited Member of the National Research Network for Kinship Care
  • Specialist Tribunal Panel Member - Health and Social Care Professions Tribunal Services
  • Advisory Panel Member - Joint University Council Social Work Education - International Sub-committee
  • Specialist Panel Member for Student Disciplinary Hearing at Southampton University
  • Chair of the European Social Work Network
  • Specialist Panel Member for a Student Disciplinary Hearing - Southampton Solent University
  • Advisory Panel Member - Joint University Council Social Work Education
  • Specialist Regional Investigations and Conduct Officer for the General Social Care Council
  • Panel Member of the European Social Work Network (SocNET 98)
  • Chair of the European Social Work Network
  • Specialist Regional Adviser for the Department for Education & Skills (DfES) - South West Region -
  • Expert Panel Member for a Government Inquiry - Tripartite Serious Case Review


Conference Organising Activity

  • Conference Organiser and Invited Speaker: Finland (Virtual Presentation)
  • Conference Organiser and Invited Speaker: Norway (Virtual Presentation)
  • Conference Organiser and Invited Speaker: Norway
  • Conference Organiser and Invited Speaker: Belgium
  • International Conference Host for the European Social Work Network
  • Conference Organiser and Invited Speaker: Denmark
  • Conference Organiser and Invited Speaker: Czech Republic
  • International Conference Host for the European Social Work Network
  • Conference Organiser and Invited Speaker: Germany
  • Conference Organiser and Invited Speaker: Finland


Editorial Activity

  • Invited Panel Member for KONTAKT International Editorial Board
  • Invited Panel Member Sage Publications Editorial Board
  • Invited Panel Member for Practice Social Work in Action Editorial Board


External Examining/Validations

  • Specialist Advisory Panel Member for the validation of the Masters in Social Work: Edinburgh Napier University
  • Specialist Advisory Panel Member for the validation of the Bachelor in Social Work: Southampton Solent University
  • Specialist Advisory Panel Member for validation of the Masters in Social Work: Glasgow Caledonian University
  • External Examiner: Social Work Programme: The University of Edinburgh
  • External Examiner: Social Work Programme: The University of Bath
  • External Examiner: Social Work Programme: Middlesex University
  • Specialist International Advisory Panel Member for the validation of the International Masters in Social Work: The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • Specialist Advisory Panel Member for the validation for the Masters in Social Work: The University of Edinburgh
  • External Examiner: Social Work Programme: Glasgow Caledonian University
  • Specialist Advisory Panel Member for the validation of the Masters in Social Work : London South Bank University
  • Specialist Advisory Panel Member for the validation of the Masters in Social Work: The University of Southampton
  • External Examiner: Social Work Programme: London South Bank University
  • Specialist Advisory Panel Member for the validation of the Masters in Social Work: London South Bank University
  • Specialist Advisory Panel Member for the validation of the Masters in Social Work Programme: Middlesex University
  • External Examiner: Social Work Programme: Birmingham City University


Fellowships and Awards

  • Awarded the 'You're Brilliant Award' by Student Cohort
  • Winner of Vice Chancellor's Award - Global Engagement (Bournemouth University)
  • Appointed Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
  • Vice Chancellor's Award Nominee for Making an Exceptional Contribution to the Student Experience (Bournemouth University)
  • Winner of the National Training Award: Category of 'Innovative Practice & Teaching'
  • Winner of the National Training Award: Category of 'Innovative Practice & Teaching'


Grant Reviewer

  • Invited Panel Member for the National Centre for Alzheimer's Grant Awards


Invited Speaker

  • Keynote Speaker at World Social Work Day 2021 - Rochdale Social Services
  • Keynote speaker at World Social Work Day 2021 - Southampton Solent University
  • Invited speaker at the International Care Conference (Bucharest) (Virtual Presentation)
  • Invited speaker at the Global Social Work Conference. (Canada) (Virtual Presentation)
  • Invited speaker at the Global Social Work Conference (South Korea)
  • Invited Speaker at The University of Applied Sciences (Upper Austria)
  • Keynote Speaker at EAFIT University Social Work Conference (Colombia)
  • Invited Speaker to The House of Commons 'World Social Work Day' 2018
  • Invited Guest at The British Consulate in Mongolia (Ulaanbaatar)
  • Invited speaker at the Global Education Conference (Mongolia)
  • Keynote Speaker at EAFIT University (Colombia)
  • Invited speaker at the Global Social Work Conference (Australia)
  • Invited Speaker at the Global Social Work Conference (Martinique)
  • Keynote Speaker at The University of Applied Sciences (Upper Austria)
  • Invited Speaker at the Global Education Conference (South Africa)


Visiting Positions

  • Visiting Professor at EAFIT University Colombia
  • Visiting Professor at The University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria



13 results

The Transition from Newly Qualified Social Worker to Practitioner

Working Paper
Davey, J. The Transition from Newly Qualified Social Worker to Practitioner

Davey, J. The Transition from Newly Qualified Social Worker to Practitioner
This paper is currently in review with our regulatory body (SSSC) following funded research. Expected publication date July 2022.

Effective and Meaningful Involvement of Persons with Mental Disabilities in Research

Davey, J. (2022)
Effective and Meaningful Involvement of Persons with Mental Disabilities in Research
PhD proposal on FindAPhD.com This research proposal has gone live (as of 20/04/22) to recruit a PhD student to undertake research with myself, Professor Jill Stavart & Jessic...

Suicide prevention: Safety Plans Intervention for children and Young People - a scoping review of effectiveness

Digital Artefact
Abbott-Smith, S., Ring, N., Dougall, N., & Davey, J. (2021)
Suicide prevention: Safety Plans Intervention for children and Young People - a scoping review of effectiveness. [https://osf.io/scnhg/]
The aim of this scoping review is to identify and map the available evidence around effectiveness of Safety Planning Intervention (SPI) for Children and young people (CYP), as...

A comparative study of the experiences of students completing social work placements within the University of Colombia

Presentation / Conference
Davey, J. (2017, December)
A comparative study of the experiences of students completing social work placements within the University of Colombia. Paper presented at Bournemouth Research Conference: Student Engagement with Research, Bournemouth University, Bournemouth
This was a student co-authored article on their experiences of a student practice placement in Colombia.

Conflicts, Comparisons and Debates in Social Work Curricula

Presentation / Conference
Davey, J. (2017, October)
Conflicts, Comparisons and Debates in Social Work Curricula. Paper presented at Rethinking social work in Africa: Decoloniality and indigenous knowledge in education and practice, Cape Town, South Africa
A joint research presentation with a colleague in Cape Town South Africa

Meeting & Working with indigenous Gogo's in KwaZulu Natal: Rethinking global social work internships in relation to kinship care

Presentation / Conference
Davey, J. (2017, May)
Meeting & Working with indigenous Gogo's in KwaZulu Natal: Rethinking global social work internships in relation to kinship care. Paper presented at A world on the move: Social work in times of migration, Groningen, Netherlands
A paper extracted from my PhD study.

The Care of Kin: A case study approach to kinship care in the South of England & Zululand , South Africa

Davey, J. (2016)
The Care of Kin: A case study approach to kinship care in the South of England & Zululand , South Africa. (Thesis). Bournemouth University. Retrieved from http://researchrepository.napier.ac.uk/Output/2756324
This thesis focuses on kinship care specifically for children and young people requiring this provision away from their biological parent and for whom Children’s Social Servic...

Ubuntu: Reflections on research within indigenous cultures

Book Chapter
Davey, J., Ashencaen Crabtree, S., & Parker, J. (2014)
Ubuntu: Reflections on research within indigenous cultures. In S. Ashencaen Crabtree (Ed.), Diversity and the Processes of Marginalisation and Otherness: Giving Voice to Hidden Themes - A European Perspective (73-88). London: Whiting & Birch

Child Protection for Newly Qualified Social Workers

Book Chapter
Davey, J., & Williams, R. (2012)
Child Protection for Newly Qualified Social Workers. In S. Keen, K. Brown, J. Parker, I. Gray, & D. Galpin (Eds.), Newly Qualified Social Workers: A Practice Guide to the Assessed and Supported Year in Employment. (2nd). London: Learning Matters
This is the core text for newly qualified social work practitioners undertaking their university CPD modules.

Who Kills Children? Re-Examining the Evidence

Journal Article
Pritchard, C., Davey, J., & Williams, R. (2013)
Who Kills Children? Re-Examining the Evidence. British Journal of Social Work, 43(7), 1403-1438. https://doi.org/10.1093/bjsw/bcs051
Violent children's deaths have become a surrogate indicator of effective child protection but can those who kill children be better identified? A decade-long study of child ho...

Current Post Grad projects

Non-Napier PhD or MSc by Research supervisions

  • The Sexual Exploitation of Children