Mahinda Yapa Mudiyanselage
mahinda yapa mudiyanselage

Dr Mahinda Yapa Mudiyanselage PhD, BA Econ (Hons), Grad Cert (Research Management), CTHE, CMI, SFHEA, FCILT

Associate Professor


Mahinda is an associate professor and the programme leader for MBA Business Leadership & Practice, and teaches in the area of supply chain and logistics, operations management, and management research and supervises MBA students in their research project, and also supervises undergraduate students in Work-Based Learning project and Business Live Project.
He graduated from the University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka specialising in Economics and Statistics. He obtained his PhD from National Center for Ports and Shipping, Australian Maritime College, University of Tasmania. His main research interests include transport pricing and econometric application in maritime and port and transport economics, and SDGs and transport and logistics industry.
He has taught microeconomics, macroeconomics and international trade, transport policy and economics, transport infrastructure investment and appraisal and management research methodology and research ethics. He is now a Fellow member (FCILT) of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT) Sri Lanka. He was a Chartered Member (CMILT) from 2012-2021 and was the Vice President, Education (2021) of the same institute. During the past 15 years he has engaged in teaching and coordinating research, and career development of undergraduate students and postgraduate students. Further, he has participated and presented his research at local and international research symposiums. Notably, he is an award winner -Young Colin Relf Award 2008 from the International Forum for Rural Transport Development (IFRTD) and Australian Development Scholarship for a postgraduate research.
He was also a visiting professor in Beijing Jiatong University (2018) and a visiting scholar in Tokyo Institute of Technology (2017).
Mahinda Serves as an editorial member for Maritime Technology and Research , Journal of Maritime Logistics, and also serves as a reviewer for Transport Policy, Maritime Policy and Management, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, Maritime Business Review, Interdisciplinary Research in Transportation Studies, The Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics, Transportation Research: Part A, International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, Case Studies in Transport Policy, and International Journal of Logistics and Trade and Journal of Transport Geography. In addition to being served as an academic, he also contributes to national and international transport development projects as a transport economist.

Research Areas


Advisory panels and expert committees or witness

  • Editorial and Advisory Board Member - Journal of Maritime Logistics (JML)


Editorial Activity

  • Editorial Member - Maritime Technology and Research (MTR) Journal



27 results

Forecasting throughput at a transshipment hub under trade dynamism and uncertainty in major production centers

Journal Article
Mudunkotuwa, R., Ji, M., Peiris, T. S. G., Bandara, Y. M., & Netirith, N. (online)
Forecasting throughput at a transshipment hub under trade dynamism and uncertainty in major production centers. Maritime Economics and Logistics,
The demand for port services is intricately tied to international trade between production centers and the global market. This paper introduces a unique econometric forecastin...

The nexus between corporate social responsibility of airports and passenger satisfaction: A cross‐country study

Journal Article
Alam, F., Yang, Q., Bandara, Y. M., Ahmad, N., & Chiwaridzo, O. T. (in press)
The nexus between corporate social responsibility of airports and passenger satisfaction: A cross‐country study. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management,
This article investigates the role of passenger perception on corporate social responsibility (CSR) in improving passenger satisfaction by examining the direct and mediating e...

Maritime museums vs seaport museums navigating the evolution from maritime port business to the maritime tourism industry

Journal Article
Selvaduray, M., Bandara, Y. M., & Yunus, N. (2023)
Maritime museums vs seaport museums navigating the evolution from maritime port business to the maritime tourism industry. Journal of Maritime Logistics, 3(1), 46-73.
Ocean-based countries has more advantages compare to a landlock regions where there face challenges on the access to the oceanography activities. Beyond major maritime trading...

Bibliometric analysis of maritime tourism research

Journal Article
Selvaduray, M., Bandara, Y. M., Zain, R. M., Ramli, A., & Mohd Zain, M. Z. (in press)
Bibliometric analysis of maritime tourism research. Australian Journal of Maritime & Ocean Affairs,
Maritime tourism is a niche market that provides maritime nations with an additional source of foreign exchange and employments. However, due to a lack of awareness of the sig...

System-based barriers for seaports in contributing to sustainable development goals

Journal Article
Katuwawala, H. C., & Mudiyanselage, Y. M. (2022)
System-based barriers for seaports in contributing to sustainable development goals. Maritime Business Review, 7(3), 255-269.
The main purpose of this paper is to identify the reasons for the stagnant behaviour of seaports contributing towards SDGs. Global seaport sustainability practices that corres...

Psychological responses of motorcar drivers to flashing amber lights at signalised T-intersections

Journal Article
Galappaththi, K., Herath, O. K., Bandara, Y. M., & Shaja, M. M. M. (2021)
Psychological responses of motorcar drivers to flashing amber lights at signalised T-intersections. Journal of South Asian Logistics and Transport, 1(2), 19-33.
The accurate and timely decision making of drivers is vital to ensuring public safety and reaching the destination in time. This paper presents a detailed comparison of the ex...

Determining the invoicing dates for raw material order and finish product dispatch using neural networks under exchange rate volatility

Journal Article
Weerasingha, J. P., Bandara, Y. M., & Edirisinghe, P. M. (in press)
Determining the invoicing dates for raw material order and finish product dispatch using neural networks under exchange rate volatility. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications,
The gains from international supply chains are highly affected by the exchange rate fluctuations in the foreign exchange market. Traditional forecasting methods have not been ...

Towards Reforming Sri Lanka Railways: Insights from International Experience and Industry Expert Opinion

Journal Article
Kumara, E. G. N. S. H., & Bandara, Y. M. (2021)
Towards Reforming Sri Lanka Railways: Insights from International Experience and Industry Expert Opinion. Sri Lanka Journal of Economic Research, 8(2), 51-80.
Growing of the automobile industry and the demand for personal car use and chronic financial deficits in the balance sheets of rail operators have significantly affected the r...

Cooperation with a vessel transfer policy for coopetition among container terminals in a single port

Journal Article
Kavirathna, C. A., Kawasaki, T., Hanaoka, S., & Bandara, Y. M. (2020)
Cooperation with a vessel transfer policy for coopetition among container terminals in a single port. Transport Policy, 89, 1-12.
This paper discusses the effects of the cooperation among terminal operators in a single port as a part of their coopetition strategy in order to increase overall port competi...

A Procedure for Implementing Exploratory Mixed Methods Research into Dry Port Management

Journal Article
Jeevan, J., Bandara, Y. M., Mohd Saleh, N. H., Ngah, A. H., & Hanafiah, R. (2019)
A Procedure for Implementing Exploratory Mixed Methods Research into Dry Port Management. Transactions on Maritime Science, 8(2), 157-170.
Qualitative approach has become the main method of exploring significant dimensions in dry port research. Quantitative approach has also been employed to examine empirical evi...

Current Post Grad projects