Nicola Jane Roberts
nicola jane roberts

Dr Nicola Jane Roberts

Associate Professor


Dr Nicola Roberts is an Associate Professor and non-clinical health services researcher in the School of Health and Soclal Care. She is an experienced researcher with an international reputation on the delivery of care for respiratory long term conditions. Nicola is co-lead for research in the nursing subject group, she is a visiting senior lecturer at Kings College and has been an honorary research advisor in long term conditions programme within NHS Lothian.

Nicola has secured over £500k in competitive funding and won Respiratory Researcher of Year from the Association of Respiratory Nurses (2022). Recent work has focused on smoking behaviours and the impact on health (funded - Association of Respiratory nurses (ARNS) exploring the experiences of nurses exposed to second-hand tobacco smoke when visiting patients at home (PI). A research study funded by the Burdett Nursing Trust (2023) will explore the prevalence of nurses who smoke and digital smoking cessation support (PI). Nicola is also co-investigator for another Burdett project (2023) which involves co-creation of a Continuing Professional Development Toolkit to enable pre-registration nursing students acquire the skills and knowledge to enable individuals with learning disabilities to self-manage respiratory health issues.

Research areas
Nicola has an interest in the use and implementation of digital technologies in respiratory care, she was a co-investigator on a Scottish Inward Investment catalyst fund project from the Scottish government led by Professor Porter Armstrong (2022), she is a collaborator on a European Respiratory Society clinical research collaboration (2022) on moving multiple digital innovations towards connected respiratory care. She was also a specialist committee member for a recent National Institute for Clinical Excellence Early Value Assessment on digital pulmonary rehabilitation technologies for adults with COPD.

Work led by Nicola carried out during the COVID pandemic focused on the health and wellbeing of respiratory nurses working in the frontline, this received significant publicity and she was invited to present the findings at meeting of the Scottish Government Lung Health Cross Parliamentary Group, LCNUK RIG (2022), ARNS annual conference (2020) and the programme of work was included in the CNO (in full) England nurse portfolio. In total 4 publications arising from this work were published in top-rated respiratory and nursing journals (BMJ Open Respiratory Research, Respiratory Medicine, Journal of Clinical Nursing, Nursing Times) as well as 4 blogs/articles (Evidence base Nursing, The Alliance, Media Planet [guardian], The Conversation).

Her research spans across all healthcare interactions in respiratory healthcare from diagnosis to end of life care. An area of focus has been the delivery of pulmonary rehabilitation, a well evaluated intervention for respiratory conditions. Her work has explored how the education component of pulmonary rehabilitation is delivered to patients, she received knowledge exchange funding from ENU to explore patients' experience of what they want to be taught (2022). She has been invited to speak at a symposium at the American Thoracic Society in San Diego (2024) on tailoring patient education for those with different needs and the findings from the ENU funded knowledge exchange project have also been accepted for an oral presentation. Nicola has been an invited lecturer to conferences held in the UK, Singapore the United States, and has chaired symposia at conferences organised by the British Thoracic Society, Association of Respiratory Nurses and others.

Professional activities
Nicola is co-lead for the pulmonary rehabilitation specialist advisory group for the British Thoracic society. She also contributes and leads components of the BTS pulmonary rehabilitation fundamentals and advanced pulmonary rehabilitation courses. She was a member of the British Thoracic Society pulmonary rehabilitation clinical statement group at the (published 2023). She is a member of the Scottish Government short life working group for pulmonary rehabilitation (2023), a member of the National Respiratory Audit Programme (NRAP) pulmonary rehabilitation advisory group, and a member of the BTS Pulmonary Rehabilitation professional framework working group.
She is a member of conference organising committee within the Pulmonary Rehabilitation assembly in the American Thoracic Society (ATS). She has had similar roles for the BTS and ARNS. She is also an editorial board member Nature Publishing Journal - Primary care Respiratory Medicine.
She was a steering group member for the International Coalition of Respiratory Nurses (ICRN), contributing to several publications, and high profile presentations at international respiratory conferences. Nicola is a member of Asthma + Lung UK Research Review Panel (RRP) for their new Healthcare professional PhD bursary awards (2024).

She has recently spearheaded the launch, with colleagues at Southampton and Bournemouth universities, of an academic respiratory research alliance network (ARRA) to bring together non-medical respiratory researchers to provide collaborative opportunities information, guidance and signposting for researchers.

Nicola has written numerous peer-reviewed abstracts and publications in the top-rated respiratory journals including the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, Thorax, European Respiratory Journal and Respiratory Medicine.

Post graduate supervision
She has supervised more than 30 MSc students, and has 6 PhD completions to date. She has 5 current PhD students, 2 of which are funded ENU studentships (one as DoS)
•the impact of anterior chest wall deformity in a paediatric population
•Co-design of educational resources for children and young adults with asthma to manage their condition independently
•Exploration and development of asthma and respiratory self-management strategies for young people with intellectual disabilities
•Identifying potential opportunities and challenges of using a therapeutic music technology to support home-based singing activities for individuals with COPD
Nicola welcomes contact from potential collaborators and research students.



Advisory panels and expert committees or witness

  • NICE Medical Technologies Advisory Committee (MTAC) - Early Value Assessment: Digital pulmonary rehabilitation technologies for adults with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  • Invited member of the UK pulmonary rehabilitation advisory group for NRAP
  • Invited member of the BTS Professional Framework for Pulmonary Rehabilitation
  • British Thoracic Society Pulmonary rehabilitation Co-chair specialist advisory group
  • British Thoracic society Pulmonary Rehabilitation clinical statement group
  • Session chair - Association of Respiratory Nurse specialists -Karen Heslop – Marshall and Nicola Roberts –Vaccinations –
  • American Thoracic Society PR Assembly Self-Management working group
  • Reviewer - HSJ Value awards Respiratory Care Initiative of the Year (2020, 2021)
  • education and research subcommittee Association of Respiratory Nurse Specialists (UK)
  • Clinical statement - British Thoracic Society Clinical Statement on Pulmonary Rehabilitation
  • Member of the American Thoracic Society – outcomes advisory group (PR assembly)
  • Scotland lead education and career subcommittee - Association of Respiratory Nurse specialists
  • Digital Strategy Working Group British Thoracic Society
  • SIGN/BTS British guideline on the management of asthma - Asthma priorities: influencing the agenda


Conference Organising Activity

  • Session chair: International Primary care respiratory conference, Athens -Poster Session 5: Skill and solutions
  • Session chair: International Primary care respiratory conference, Athens - Conversation Café 3 - Upskilling in health delivery
  • Invitation to be a committee member for an International ATS PR workshop on 'training the future PR leaders and referrers'
  • Invitation to co- chair a workshop proposal for International American Thoracic Society conference 2024 - educational component of pulmonary rehabilitation
  • Co-chair of a symposium application for the American Thoracic Society conference (International) - "Pulmonary rehabilitation - keeping the wheel rolling forward"
  • BTS winter meeting (International) - Session chair -“The drugs do work!” – New treatments in cough (Wed 22nd Dec)
  • Member of the American Thoracic Society (International) PR Assembly conference organising committee
  • Member of the conference organising committee PR Assembly American Thoracic Society (International)
  • Poster discussion chair - British Thoracic Society winter meeting (International)– Poster discussion chair with Dr Frances Grudzinskas - Lessons from COVID-19
  • Poster discussion chair - British Thoracic Society winter meeting (international)Dec 2019 – Poster discussion chair with Professor Lorcan McGarvey Clinical studies in COPD: new evidence to guide practice
  • Science and Research committee British Thoracic society


Editorial Activity

  • Nature portfolio journal (NPJ )Primary care Respiratory Medicine


External Examining/Validations

  • Understanding the beliefs and behaviours of adults presenting to the Emergency Department with asthma with a view to developing guidance for a medication optimisation intervention - Imogen Skene (QMUL)
  • PhD Examiner - Anxiety and Depression in Severe Asthma
  • Exploring the psychosocial impact of patients living with advanced COPD attending palliative care services, University of west of Scotland (PhD)
  • Anxiety and Depression in Severe Asthma, University of Newcastle (Australia) (PhD)
  • PhD examination examiner - An Exploration of Employment Factors in Working Age People with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease


Fellowships and Awards

  • Association of Respiratory Nurses Bursary - for attendance at the international ATS conference
  • Association of Respiratory Nurses - Bursary award to attend the International American Thoracic Society conference
  • Respiratory Researcher of the Year - Association of respiratory nurse specialists
  • Runner up poster ARNS conference – how respiratory disease is taught to nursing students
  • Runner up ARNS Annual conference - Engagement with self-management in patients with COPD attending community pulmonary rehabilitation using the patient activation measure


Grant Reviewer

  • Grant reviewer for various organisations including: MRC, NIHR HSR&D, NIHR Systematic review Programme, Health and Care Research Wales Research for Patient and Public Benefit, Chief Scientist Office -Health Services and Population Health Research Committee


Invited Speaker

  • Invited speaker ATS symposium international conference - Completing the Wheel with the Rim - Designing for Digital and Health Literacy
  • British thoracic Society - summer meeting - What do patients want from pulmonary rehabilitation and how can they help us improve delivery particularly to those with health inequalities
  • Understanding Pulmonary Rehabilitation research - Teaching session at Coventry university
  • Chair session on INEQUALITIES IN PULMONARY REHABILITATION - British Thoracic Society summer meeting
  • Scottish Pulmonary Rehabilitation Action group conference - What’s new and exciting in PR research and what has been updated in the clinical guidance
  • Invited speaker - Advanced course in pulmonary rehabilitation - Institute for Lung Health Leicester - The educational component of Pulmonary Rehabilitation and measuring education needs
  • Cross parliamentary group meeting - Nurse's experiences during the pandemic
  • Invited speaker - British Thoracic Society winter meeting Do we adequately prepare pre-registration nurses for a potential career in respiratory? A review of UK pre-registration respiratory skills and curriculum
  • Nursing leadership in the NHS post-COVID around Infectious Disease and Respiratory
  • Scottish Pulmonary Rehabilitation Action Group annual conference
  • Invited speaker Association of Respiratory Nurse Specialists
  • Scottish Pulmonary Rehabilitation Action Group annual conference
  • Chair - clinical COPD session at the British Thoracic Society winter meeting
  • British Society of Rheumatology annual conference
  • Non-Medical Prescribing in Respiratory Care
  • CePHaS Digital Apps workshop(NTU Singapore)
  • Scottish Pulmonary Rehabilitation Action Group annual conference
  • Invited Workshop –(with MR Partridge) Electronic asthma action plans Primary care Respiratory Society conference


Media Activity

  • EBN Blog - Are we making progress in helping the ‘missing millions’? Is collaboration and unifying voices the key to success?
  • #WorldCOPDDayBatonPass


Membership of Professional Body

  • American Thoracic Society
  • Association of Respiratory Nurse Specialists
  • European Respiratory Society
  • British Thoracic Society


Public/Community Engagement

  • #WorldCOPDDayBatonPass 2023



  • Invited journal reviewer for CHEST (IF:5.854), European Respiratory Journal open research (IF: 1.0), Respiratory Medicine (IF:2.585), British Journal of Health Psychology, (IF: 2.895) Journal of COPD (IF:2.310), Trials Journal (IF:2.21), Journal of Aging and Physical Activity (IF:2.085), International Journal of Nursing Practice ( IF:0.881), Journal of Public Health (IF: 1.993), Heart & Lung - The Journal of Acute and Critical Care (IF: 1.73),World Allergy Organization Journal, Acta Dermato-Venereologica (IF: 3.65), npj Primary Care Respiratory Medicine (IF:1.00), HRB Open Research


Visiting Positions

  • NHS Lothian Long Term Conditions Programme (NHS Honorary contract)



48 results

Nebulisers or spacers for the administration of bronchodilators to those with asthma attending emergency departments?

Journal Article
Mason, N., Roberts, N., Yard, N., & Partridge, M. R. (2008)
Nebulisers or spacers for the administration of bronchodilators to those with asthma attending emergency departments?. Respiratory Medicine, 102(7), 993-998.
Background Systematic reviews and national guidelines conclude that the nebulised route of administration of bronchodilators has no advantage over the use of a spacer in moder...

Comparison of a web-based package with tutor-based methods of teaching respiratory medicine: subjective and objective evaluations

Journal Article
Smith, S. F., Roberts, N. J., & Partridge, M. R. (2007)
Comparison of a web-based package with tutor-based methods of teaching respiratory medicine: subjective and objective evaluations. BMC Medical Education, 7(1), Article 41.
Background Respiratory disease is a major cause of morbidity and mortality not only in the United Kingdom, but globally. A good understanding of respiratory disease and its tr...

How much of a primary care nurse's time is spent on those with respiratory disease? A pilot study

Journal Article
Blake, D., Roberts, N. J., & Partridge, M. R. (2007)
How much of a primary care nurse's time is spent on those with respiratory disease? A pilot study. Primary Care Respiratory Journal, 16(5), 319-320.
A pilot study was undertaken to assess the respiratory component of primary care nurses' working time. 13 nurses were interviewed and 10 completed a diary during one working w...

Does the use of a glossary aid patient understanding of the letters sent to their general practitioner?

Journal Article
Brown, C. E., Roberts, N. J., & Partridge, M. R. (2007)
Does the use of a glossary aid patient understanding of the letters sent to their general practitioner?. Clinical Medicine, 7(5), 457-460.
The NHS Plan suggests that all patients should be offered copies of letters regarding their treatment which are currently sent from a specialist clinic to their general practi...

A nurse led intermediate care package in patients who have been hospitalised with an acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Journal Article
Sridhar, M., Taylor, R., Dawson, S., Roberts, N. J., & Partridge, M. R. (2008)
A nurse led intermediate care package in patients who have been hospitalised with an acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Thorax, 63(3), 194-200.
Objectives: To determine the effects of a nurse led intermediate care programme in patients who have been hospitalised with an acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmon...

Why do patients decline to take part in a research project involving pulmonary rehabilitation?

Journal Article
Taylor, R., Dawson, S., Roberts, N., Sridhar, M., & Partridge, M. R. (2007)
Why do patients decline to take part in a research project involving pulmonary rehabilitation?. Respiratory Medicine, 101(9), 1942-1946.
Background It is important that those taking part in research trials are as representative as possible of those with the disease being studied. In a study of those with chroni...

Telephone consultations in secondary care

Journal Article
Roberts, N. J., & Partridge, M. R. (2007)
Telephone consultations in secondary care. Respiratory Medicine, 101(8), 1665-1669.
Objective To determine the role of telephone consultations in respiratory medicine. Design An observational study. Setting Respiratory outpatients department in an inner Londo...

The effect of telephone reminders on attendance in respiratory outpatient clinics

Journal Article
Roberts, N., Meade, K., & Partridge, M. (2007)
The effect of telephone reminders on attendance in respiratory outpatient clinics. Journal of Health Services Research and Policy, 12(2), 69-72.
Introduction: Patient non-attendance is an area of concern for all health care providers. A randomized controlled trial was undertaken to investigate whether reminder telephon...

Non-Napier PhD or MSc by Research supervisions

  • The Functional Fitness MOT for Community-dwelling Older Adults in Thailand - - Warin Rakkamon
  • The Functional Fitness MOT for the community-dwelling older adults in Thailand: Feasibility and Effectiveness (GCU, F/T student, with Dawn Skelton, Philippa Dall ) - Warin Rakkamon
  • Understanding factors that influence the effectiveness of Learning Disability Nursing Interventions: A Realistic Evaluation (PhD)
  • Can risk stratification for Alcohol withdrawal reduce hospital admissions? (Prof Doctorate, passed)
  • An exploration of how, and in what circumstances, Scottish public health policy addresses inequalities in people with cardiovascular disease (CVD). (PhD, passed)
  • What are the influences on non-medical prescribing? A study using Q-methodology (Prof Doctorate, passed)
  • Social Prescribing of Music Interventions: Develop Understanding of the Implementation, the Evaluation, and the Impact of Socially Prescribed Music Intervention