Patrick Harte
Patrick Harte

Dr Patrick Harte PFHEA

Senior Lecturer


Patrick joined Edinburgh Napier Business School in September 2004 direct from completing his PGCE in Further, Higher and Adult Education in Bolton Institute and Bury College. Patrick has been a Programme Leader at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels where he has been directly involved in new programme formulation and development, particularly with local Colleges and European partners. Patrick developed College based Higher Education Business management top-up degrees with Fife, Motherwell and West Lothian Colleges allowing College students the facility to articulate onto a degree programme in their local academic environments. Patrick also developed an extensive network of European partners who have engaged with the postgraduate double degree developed by Patrick within Edinburgh Napier Business School. This double degree has been very successful with in excess of 600 student benefiting from this programme over the past eight years. Patrick is (from August 2015 to present) the Business School Academic Lead for Student Experience, and in June 2017 wrote the successful Edinburgh Napier Business School bid for the BA (Hons) Business Management Graduate Level Apprenticeship programme through Skills Development Scotland. Patrick holds formal leadership posts in the areas of Line Manager: Strategy Operations and Entrepreneurship, SAL Student Experience, Senior Lecturer, Senior School Lead for Admissions, Widening Participation, Articulations, Induction and Academic Integrity. He also mentors colleagues, for instance, in applying for Principal/Senior Fellowship to the Higher Education Academy, and acts as a reviewer for applications up to and including the award of Principal Fellow.

Research Areas


Advisory panels and expert committees or witness

  • Senior Academic Integrity Officer Group
  • Convenor AACSB Assurance of Learning Committee
  • Convenor Business School Academic Conduct Panel
  • EDI Committee Member
  • Contributor to Scottish Parliamentary Group Germany
  • University Academic Appeals Panel


Conference Organising Activity

  • WBM International Conference for Management Disciplines


External Examining/Validations

  • Convenor: MA MA Design Research and MA Service Design
  • Convenor: MA Sports Journalism University Programme Approval Board
  • Research Degrees Academic Review - Heriot Watt
  • External examiner, 'President of Jury', UPMF Grenoble


Invited Speaker

  • Offenburg University of Applied Sciences


Membership of Professional Body

  • Principal Fellow Higher Education Academy
  • Senior Fellow Higher Education Academy


Visiting Positions

  • Visiting academic - Landshut University of Applied Sciences



23 results

The Delphic ambiguity in academic integrity breaches of international students

Journal Article
Khaleel, F., Ghunmi, L. A., Avdukic, A., Ghunmi, D. A., & Harte, P. (online)
The Delphic ambiguity in academic integrity breaches of international students. Studies in Higher Education,
Recent media and literature have focused on the high incidence of academic integrity breaches among international students. However, the studies that reached this conclusion p...

Carrying the load: a moderated mediation study exploring the link between perceived organizational support and burnout amongst management consultants

Journal Article
Bernard, D., McGuire, D., Harte, P., & Müller, P. (online)
Carrying the load: a moderated mediation study exploring the link between perceived organizational support and burnout amongst management consultants. Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance,
Purpose This study investigates the relationship between perceived organizational support (POS), employee resilience and workload on burnout in the consulting sector, which i...

Bringing Equality, Diversity and Inclusion to Academic Integrity in the Age of AI

Presentation / Conference Contribution
Harte, P. (2024, July)
Bringing Equality, Diversity and Inclusion to Academic Integrity in the Age of AI. Presented at AI and Academic Integrity: What Next?, Online
Bringing Equality, Diversity and Inclusion to Academic Integrity in the Age of AI • Co-creating shared understandings of academic integrity and ethical use of AI in academia •...

Let’s not blame students for the shortcomings of assessment strategies of universities that turn a blind eye to artificial intelligence: A pre-crisis warning

Digital Artefact
Khaleel, F., & Harte, P. Let’s not blame students for the shortcomings of assessment strategies of universities that turn a blind eye to artificial intelligence: A pre-crisis warning. [Blog post]

Khaleel, F., & Harte, P. Let’s not blame students for the shortcomings of assessment strategies of universities that turn a blind eye to artificial intelligence: A pre-crisis warning. [Blog post]
Increases in breach of academic integrity is an issue driven by dated assessment designs, obsolete assessment strategies, an archaic quality framework using the doctrine of pr...

Supporting new taught postgraduate students to manage and overcome "digital shock"

Presentation / Conference Contribution
Harte, P., Critchley, B., & Jackin, J. (2024, June)
Supporting new taught postgraduate students to manage and overcome "digital shock". Presented at AGCAS Annual Conference 2024, Sheffield, UK
In recent years, there has been an identified "digital shock" amongst international students in the UK higher education (HE) sector. This has been highlighted by Jisc’s (2023)...

Future Proofing the Integrity of Assessments within Business Management Studies for the Age of Artificial Intelligence

Book Chapter
The content generative artificial intelligence is developing rapidly, and it is challenging the old norms of assessment design within the HEIs. This chapter discusses the impa...

Enterprise Education and Employability Skills: adapting the DOTS Model to enhance career development – evidence from a Scottish International MBA Programme

Book Chapter
Harte, P., Fonseca, A. P., Hill, E., & Hosanoo, Z. A. (2024)
Enterprise Education and Employability Skills: adapting the DOTS Model to enhance career development – evidence from a Scottish International MBA Programme. In R. J. Crammond, & D. Hyams-Ssekasi (Eds.), Entrepreneurship Education and Internationalisation: Cases, Collaborations, and Contexts (65-85). New York: Routledge.
This chapter uses theory and application to discuss the importance of enterprise education and employability skills in the MBA curriculum. Edinburgh Napier Business School aca...

Bringing equality, diversity, and inclusivity to academic integrity

Presentation / Conference
Harte, P., & Khaleel, F. (2024, March)
Bringing equality, diversity, and inclusivity to academic integrity. Presented at Advance HE Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Conference 2024, Liverpool, UK
This session is aimed at academics who are designing assessment for taught postgraduate (TPG) students. The session will contextualise the problem of plagiarism, use of genera...

Financial Impact of AI on HEIs Through Breaches of Academic Integrity: A Call for Action

Digital Artefact
Khaleel, F., Harte, P., & Borthwick Saddler, S. (2024)
Financial Impact of AI on HEIs Through Breaches of Academic Integrity: A Call for Action. [Blog post]

Decolonise Academic Integrity

Digital Artefact
Khaleel, F., Harte, P., & Avdukic, A. (2024)
Decolonise Academic Integrity. [Video]

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