Formula Student Team Napier (FSTN), are a team of dedicated students from Edinburgh Napier who aim to compete in the IMechE Formula Student competitions at Silverstone.

The Competition

As the world's largest and most established educational engineering competition, Formula Student (FS) challenges teams to design and build a single-seater race car, and then come together to compete in a series of static and dynamic events. Formula Student gives participants the opportunity to get hands-on experience in many aspects of the engineering design process, which translate to real-world professional skills. This includes facets like research & design, manufacturing & testing, as well as marketing, managing finances and overall management.

The Team

Formula Student Team Napier was founded on December 21st, 2021. Since it's inception, students have been hard at work developing an internal combustion car which will compete at the Silverstone circuit in July, 2023. Currently, the FSTN team has over 50 active students who are spread across various roles within the team, which is further split into five departments (Technical, Driverless, Operations, Public Relations & Finance).

In addition to the car, the team is also developing autonomous driving software in order to compete in the Formula Student AI (FS-AI) events. The software will be implemented on a car that IMechE provides, and is pioneered by computing students at Edinburgh Napier.

“What the team has achieved since we started work at the beginning of 2022 is extraordinary. We have diligently and passionately been working in the background, setting our sights high as we try to enter both the FS and FS-AI classes in the competition for the first time here at Edinburgh Napier. It really is the most incredible family, and I couldn’t be prouder to be a part of that.” - Lucas, FSTN Team Principal.

In July 2022, the team went to Silverstone to spectate the Formula Student UK competition to learn how the event runs, and get some tips before we compete in 2023. You can watch the full video of the Formula Student Silverstone experience by checking out the video above, and you can also read more about the experience in the FSTN newsletter

Keep up to date with FSTN on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

Why should I join FSTN?

Joining Formula Student Team Napier provides an exciting opportunity to meet and work with other like-minded students on a significant and engaging project in a professional environment. There is no better way for engineering students to kick-start their career in the industry, and will provide opportunities to learn soft-skills in a team environment beyond the classroom.

Working on this project allows students to try things and learn what works for them in a supportive, friendly environment. If you are interested in working within Formula 1 or Motorsport in general, then projects such as FSTN provides an important experience that will benefit any graduate entry within the sector. For example, many current engineers working in Formula 1 teams today are previous Formula Student graduates. 

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