Teaching & Research links between ENU & the University of São Paulo - School of Computing Seminar Series

Start date and time

Tuesday 20 June 2017


C19, Merchiston Campus

At this seminar Renato de Oliveira Moraes of the University of São Paulo, Brazil will be exploring Teaching & Research links between ENU & the University of São Paulo.

Renato and his colleagues have a lot in common with us in terms of teaching and research interests, and they are keen to set up a formal agreement with us. In his presentation Renato will tell us about:
São Paulo University ( see http://www5.usp.br/english/?lang=en)

His department – the Departamento de Engenharia de Produção da Politéchnica (see http://pro.poli.usp.br/en/)

His group – the Laboratório de Gestão Estratégica da Tecnologia da Informação, do Conhecimento e da Inteligência Competitiva (LETICIC) (see https://leticic.wordpress.com/ - NB in Portuguese)

Then the discussion will open up to consider how our two schools may strengthen our relationship, e.g. through staff and student visits to our respective institutions, the delivery of teaching (to both students and to professionals as CPD), and joint research – and sources of funding to support these activities.
There is further information on Renato and the work of his School in Hazel’s review of her visit to São Paulo in March: https://hazelhall.org/2017/03/21/reflections-on-a-first-visit-to-the-university-of-sao-paulo/ Please see in particular the last paragraph (above her postscript of observations).