Dr Achille Fonzone of Transport Research Institute has been appointed Associate Editor of the Journal of International Transportation Systems (JITS).
Intelligent transportation systems are innovative solutions that address contemporary transportation problems. They are characterized by information, dynamic feedback and automation that allow people and goods to move efficiently. Autonomous and connected vehicles, real-time information for car drivers and public transport passengers, traffic lights reacting to current traffic conditions: these are just a few examples of intelligent systems which are revolutionising they way in which we move now and we will move in the future.
JITS is especially interested in research that leads to improved planning and operation of the transportation system through the application of new technologies. The Journal aims to contribute to the scientific understanding of the impacts that intelligent transportation systems can have on accessibility, congestion, pollution, safety, security, noise, and energy and resource consumption.
A full description of the scope of JITS can be found at http://www.tandfonline.com/action/journalInformation?show=aimsScope&journalCode=gits20.
Achille is happy to advice on submissions to the journal. You can contact him at a.fonzone@napier.ac.uk.
Date posted
13 February 2017