Research Output
A generative and component based approach to reuse in database applications.
  The development of database application systems will benefit from
high reusability because similar design circumstances recur frequently in database
developments. However, research in software reuse has shown that mismatches
of components with the application architecture, state and other
components, destroy the component reusability. In this paper, a generative
and component based reuse framework is presented to tackle the problem of
high variability and therefore to achieve higher reusability in database application
development. A Scenario based dynamic component Adaptation and GenerAtion
technology (SAGA) is developed to support deep component adaptation
and component generation. XML has been used as the universal information
carrier in the approach.

  • Date:

    01 January 2003

  • Publication Status:


  • Library of Congress:

    QA75 Electronic computers. Computer science

  • Dewey Decimal Classification:

    004 Data processing & computer science


Wang, B. H. (., Liu, X., & Kerridge, J. (2002). A generative and component based approach to reuse in database applications. In 5th Generative Programming and Component Engineering Young Researcher Workshop



database application systems; reusability; design; mismatches; Adaptation and GenerAtiontechnology (SAGA); XML

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