Dispelling the "Nocardia amarae" myth: a phylogenetic and phenotypic study of mycolic acid-containing actinomycetes isolated from activated sludge foam.
Stainsby, F. M., Soddell, J. A., Seviour, R. J., Upton, J. & Goodfellow, M. (2002). Dispelling the "Nocardia amarae" myth: a phylogenetic and phenotypic study of mycolic acid-containing actinomycetes isolated from activated sludge foam. Water Science and Technology. 46, 81-90. ISSN 0273-1223
Activated sludge; Foam; Rods; Filaments; Microscopy; Gordonia; Mycobacterium; Rhodococcus; Pyrolysis; Mass spectrometry; Diverse organisms in foam;
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