Dr Fiona Stainsby (PhD, MSc, BSc (Hons), FHEA, MRSB) is a Senior Lecturer in Microbiology within the School of Applied Sciences at Edinburgh Napier University.
Research Interests: Fiona’s research interests focus on the interface between environmental microbiology and biotechnology. Current funded projects include ‘The prevalence, sources, and diversity of antibiotic resistant E. coli in Scottish surface waters: a baseline for risk assessment and intervention targets’ in partnership with Scottish Water and SEPA and funded by MRS and ‘Biological management of the potato cyst nematode’ in collaboration with SASA. Fiona has undertaken funded research and consultancy for international wastewater companies and other biotechnology SME’s and has previously been involved in knowledge transfer partnerships (KTP’s) and Business Innovation Voucher (BIV) projects. She is a member of Applied Microbiology International, International Water Association, and the Microbiology Society.
Research Degrees: Fiona has several PhD and MRes completions and has undertaken external examination of PhD candidates at other UK institutions. She has a keen interest in the development of postgraduate researchers and has extensive experience of research degrees at Edinburgh Napier, previously holding the role of School Research Degrees Lead. She is a long-standing member of the school Research Degrees Committee, regularly undertakes duties as internal examiner, non-examining chair for PhD Vivas and as independent advisor to PhD students in various discipline across the school.
Learning & Teaching: Fiona has taught and led a wide variety of under- and postgraduate modules in microbiology and biotechnology both on home, and transnational education (TNE) programmes in Hong Kong and Sri Lanka. She routinely supervises final year undergraduate and taught postgraduate research projects. Her teaching is research-led and informed by her linkages with industry. Fiona has considerable experience of programme leadership of master’s provision and in new curriculum design, development, and enhancement. She is currently an external examiner at the University of Portsmouth and previously at the University of Northumbria and acted as a subject expert for periodic review of biology provision at the University of Reading. She is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and contributed to the Edinburgh Napier University Curriculum Management project.
Fiona graduated with an BSc (Hons) first class degree in Biological Sciences from Napier University and with a SRC funded MSc in Industrial Biotechnology from the University of Newcastle. Her PhD programme investigating the role of actinobacteria in activated sludge foaming was undertaken jointly in the Schools of Biology and Civil Engineering at Newcastle and supported by Severn Trent Water. This led to postdoctoral work at Newcastle and an EU FP7 funded fellowship focused on the pre-commercial development of a field-deployable biosensor system using genetically modified bacteria at Edinburgh Napier University. After fixed-term appointments as a lecturer and Knowledge Transfer manager Fiona was appointment as a lecturer at Edinburgh Napier in 2008. She was promoted to Senior Lecturer and Subject Group Leader for Microbiology & Drug Discovery in 2015. Fiona currently line manages and mentors academic colleagues.