11 results

Diversity in Construction - A partnership project to address gender segregation in the construction industry.

Dutton, M. & Wooley, G. (2015)
Diversity in Construction - A partnership project to address gender segregation in the construction industry
“Diversity in Construction“ is a project undertaken by Equate Scotland and the Employment Research Institute in partnership with Skills Development Scotland, to address the is...

Regionally Coherent Access and Employability Provision:Employer Demand for Business and Management Graduates.

McMurray, S., Richard, A., Dutton, M. & McQuaid, R. W. (2012)
Regionally Coherent Access and Employability Provision:Employer Demand for Business and Management Graduates. Edinburgh, Scotland: Edinburgh Napier University
This report presents findings from research with 71 employers of Edinburgh Napier University Business School (ENUBS) graduates across Scotland. Employers were asked to identif...

The Opportunities and Challenges of the Changing Public Services Landscape for the Third Sector in Scotland: A Longitudinal Study: Year Two Report

Osborne, S. P., Bond, S., Dutton, M., & Honore, E. (2012)
The Opportunities and Challenges of the Changing Public Services Landscape for the Third Sector in Scotland: A Longitudinal Study: Year Two Report. Edinburgh: Scottish Government
The report provides findings from the second year of a three year qualitative longitudinal study on the third sector in Scotland.

The Opportunities and Challenges of the Changing Public Services Landscape for the Third Sector in Scotland: A Longitudinal Study Year One Report: Baseline Findings

Osborne, S. P., Honore, E., Bond, S., & Dutton, M. (2011)
The Opportunities and Challenges of the Changing Public Services Landscape for the Third Sector in Scotland: A Longitudinal Study Year One Report: Baseline Findings
This research report outlines the findings from the first year of a three year longitudinal study examining the opportunities and challenges facing third sector organisations ...

Promoting Healthy Routes Back to Work? Boundary Spanning Health Professionals and Employability Programmes in Great Britain

Journal Article
Lindsay, C., & Dutton, M. (2011)
Promoting Healthy Routes Back to Work? Boundary Spanning Health Professionals and Employability Programmes in Great Britain. Social policy & administration,
Between 2003 and 2011, the Pathways to Work (PtW) initiative was established across Great Britain, as policymakers sought to address the ‘health-related, personal and external...

The Development of a Holistic and Quantitative Tool for the Assessment and Improvement of Survey Quality.

Chen, T. The Development of a Holistic and Quantitative Tool for the Assessment and Improvement of Survey Quality. (Thesis)
Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from http://researchrepository.napier.ac.uk/id/eprint/4404
There are a variety of guidelines and methods available to measure and assess survey quality. Most of these are based on qualitative descriptions. In practice, they are not ea...

Financial Capability: Evidence Review - Report of the Scottish Government Social Inclusion Division

McQuaid, R. W. & Egdell, V. (2010)
Financial Capability: Evidence Review - Report of the Scottish Government Social Inclusion Division
This report provides a brief overview of current evidence on financial capability as it relates to disadvantage in Scotland.

An appetite for learning: increasing employee demand for skills development, Praxis report for UK Commission for Employment and Skills

McQuaid, R. W., Lindsay, C., & Johnson, S. (2010)
An appetite for learning: increasing employee demand for skills development, Praxis report for UK Commission for Employment and Skills
This paper presents a policy framework for describing the various factors that influence the success (or otherwise) of policy interventions designed to increase individual par...

Breaking the Rules: writing reflectively for yourself.

Cowan, J. (2008)
Breaking the Rules: writing reflectively for yourself. In N. L. Mertens (Ed.), Writing, Processes, Tools and Techniques, 109-113. Nova Science Publishers
The rules which epitomise good writing may on occasions be broken, deliberately and with what the writers judge to be good purpose. This can well occur when students or staff ...

Employment inequalities in an economic downturn – report for the Equality Commission Northern Ireland.

McQuaid, R. W., Hollywood, E., & Canduela, J. (2005)
Employment inequalities in an economic downturn – report for the Equality Commission Northern Ireland. Ireland: Equality Commission Northern Ireland
The overall aim of this research was to: update understanding of the effect of the economic downturn on the employment status and prospects of relevant groups across the nine ...