18 results

It's Okay to Teach People with an Intellectual Disability about Their Disability

Journal Article
Spassiani, N. A. (2018)
It's Okay to Teach People with an Intellectual Disability about Their Disability. The Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability, 31(3), 287-294
This paper introduces a newly accredited university programme for students with an intellectual disability (ID). The curriculum is largely based on disability studies pedagogy...

Seeking, hearing and acting: Staff perspectives of changes in assessment practice through TESTA

Journal Article
Adamson, E., Webster-Henderson, B., & Carver, M. (2017)
Seeking, hearing and acting: Staff perspectives of changes in assessment practice through TESTA. SEDA Educational Developments, 18(4), 12-15
Assessment and feedback continues to be a key focus of attention within higher education. The TESTA (Transforming the Experience of Students through Assessment) methodology ha...

Likes, dislikes, supports and barriers: the experience of students with disabilities in university in Ireland

Journal Article
Spassiani, N. A., Ó Murchadha, N., Clince, M., Biddulph, K., Conradie, P., Costello, F., …Tully, K. (2017)
Likes, dislikes, supports and barriers: the experience of students with disabilities in university in Ireland. Disability and Society, 32(6), 892-912. https://doi.org/10.1080/09687599.2017.1320272
There are more students with disabilities going to college than ever before. It is important that colleges understand the experiences of students with disabilities when in uni...

‘University opened up so many doors for me’: the personal and professional development of graduates from non-traditional backgrounds

Journal Article
Christie, H., Cree, V. E., Mullins, E., & Tett, L. (2018)
‘University opened up so many doors for me’: the personal and professional development of graduates from non-traditional backgrounds. Studies in Higher Education, 43(11), 1938-1948. https://doi.org/10.1080/03075079.2017.1294577
There is a substantial body of quantitative evidence about the benefits of higher education. However there is little qualitative evidence about the extent to which these benef...

“Teaches People That I'm More Than a Disability”: Using Nominal Group Technique in Patient-Oriented Research for People With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Journal Article
Spassiani, N. A., Sawyer, A. R., Chacra, M. S. A., Koch, K., Muñoz, Y. A., & Lunsky, Y. (2016)
“Teaches People That I'm More Than a Disability”: Using Nominal Group Technique in Patient-Oriented Research for People With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 54(2), 112-122. https://doi.org/10.1352/1934-9556-54.2.112
Individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) have complex healthcare needs, which are often unmet. Nominal group technique (NGT) uses a mixed-methods app...

An evaluative survey to assess the effectiveness of using an interactive workbook to deliver bereavement education to undergraduate student midwives

Journal Article
Hollins Martin, C. J., Forrest, E., Wylie, L., & Martin, C. R. (2014)
An evaluative survey to assess the effectiveness of using an interactive workbook to deliver bereavement education to undergraduate student midwives. Midwifery, 30(8), 942-948. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.midw.2013.05.004
Background: the NMSF (2009) reported that 74 Trusts (40%) in the UK lack expertise in delivering maternity based bereavement care. In response, three midwifery lecturers were ...

Individualised care for women with assisted conception pregnancies and midwifery practice implications: An analysis of the existing research and current practice

Journal Article
Younger, M., Hollins Martin, C. J., & Choucri, L. (2015)
Individualised care for women with assisted conception pregnancies and midwifery practice implications: An analysis of the existing research and current practice. Midwifery, 31(2), 265-270. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.midw.2014.06.008
Objective: the aim is to explore the psychosocial needs of women who are pregnant after assisted conception, specifically in vitro fertilisation and whether their needs are be...

A method of teaching critical care skills to undergraduate student midwives using the maternal-acute illness management (M-AIM) training day.

Journal Article
McCarthy, R., Nuttall, J., Smith, J., & Hollins Martin, C. J. (2014)
A method of teaching critical care skills to undergraduate student midwives using the maternal-acute illness management (M-AIM) training day. Nurse Education in Practice, 14(6), 747-751. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nepr.2014.04.001
The most recent confidential enquiry into maternal deaths (CMACE, 2011) identified human errors, specifically those of midwives and obstetricians/doctors as a fundamental comp...

Improving understanding of teaching strategies perceived by interprofessional learning (IPL) lecturers to enhance students’ formulation of multidisciplinary roles: an exploratory qualitative study.

Journal Article
Dalrymple, L., Hollins Martin, C. J., & Smith, W. (2013)
Improving understanding of teaching strategies perceived by interprofessional learning (IPL) lecturers to enhance students’ formulation of multidisciplinary roles: an exploratory qualitative study. Journal of research in interprofessional practice and education, 3, 78-91
Background: interprofessional learning (IPL) is an educational process intended to equip health and social care students with appropriate knowledge, skills, and attitudes for ...

Unpeeling the Onion: Deconstructing the Effectiveness of Two LTA Approaches to Reflective Learning

Journal Article
Conlon, M., & Gould, B. H. (2013)
Unpeeling the Onion: Deconstructing the Effectiveness of Two LTA Approaches to Reflective Learning. Journal of Perspectives in Applied Academic Practice, 1(2), https://doi.org/10.14297/jpaap.v1i2.76
Selecting the most effective methods of integrating reflective practice into undergraduate nursing programmes remains a challenge for educators. This paper explores two pedago...