9 results

Archigregarines of the English Channel revisited: New molecular data on Selenidium species including early described and new species and the uncertainties of phylogenetic relationships

Journal Article
Rueckert, S., & Horák, A. (2017)
Archigregarines of the English Channel revisited: New molecular data on Selenidium species including early described and new species and the uncertainties of phylogenetic relationships. PLOS ONE, 12(11), https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0187430
Background Gregarines represent an important transition step from free-living predatory (colpodellids s.l.) and/or photosynthetic (Chromera and Vitrella) apicomplexan lineage...

The influence of crab burrows on sediment salinity in a Rhizophora-dominated mangrove forest in North Brazil during the dry season

Journal Article
Pestana, D. F., Pülmanns, N., Nordhaus, I., Diele, K., & Zimmer, M. (2017)
The influence of crab burrows on sediment salinity in a Rhizophora-dominated mangrove forest in North Brazil during the dry season. Hydrobiologia, 803(1), 295-305. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10750-017-3282-4
Many ecological processes are influenced by salinity. Burrowing crabs, abundant fauna of mangrove forests around the world, can facilitate sediment water fluxes, which may dec...

Parasites of deep-sea fish Simenchelys parasitica.

Presentation / Conference
Rueckert, S. (2015, September)
Parasites of deep-sea fish Simenchelys parasitica. Poster presented at MASTS 5th Annual Science Meeting, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow

Molecular systematics of marine gregarine apicomplexans from Pacific tunicates: linking surface ultrastructure and molecular phylogeny.

Presentation / Conference
Rueckert, S. (2015, September)
Molecular systematics of marine gregarine apicomplexans from Pacific tunicates: linking surface ultrastructure and molecular phylogeny. Poster presented at European Congress of Protistology, Seville, Spain

A standard data model representation for taxonomic information.

Journal Article
Kennedy, J., Hyam, R., Kukla, R., & Paterson, T. (2006)
A standard data model representation for taxonomic information. OMICS, 10, 220-230. doi:10.1089/omi.2006.10.220
The names used by biologists to label the observations they make are imprecise. This is an issue as workers increasingly seek to exploit data gathered from multiple, unrelated...

The Prometheus Description Model: an examination of the taxonomic description-building process and its representation

Journal Article
Pullan, M. R., Armstrong, K. E., Paterson, T., Cannon, A., Kennedy, J. B., Watson, M. F., …Raguenaud, C. (2005)
The Prometheus Description Model: an examination of the taxonomic description-building process and its representation. Taxon, 54(3), 751-765. https://doi.org/10.2307/25065431
A model for representing taxonomic descriptive data is presented. The model has been developed in response to the growing requirement for the global exchange of descriptive da...

Extending taxonomic visualisation to incorporate synonymy and structural markers.

Journal Article
Graham, M., & Kennedy, J. (2005)
Extending taxonomic visualisation to incorporate synonymy and structural markers. Information Visualization, 4, 206-223. https://doi.org/10.1057/palgrave.ivs.9500096
The visualisation of taxonomic hierarchies has evolved from indented lists of names to techniques that can display thousands of nodes and onto hundreds of thousands of nodes o...

Implementation of the Prometheus Taxonomic Model: a comparison of database models and query languages and an introduction to the Prometheus Object-Oriented Model.

Journal Article
Raguenaud, C., Pullan, M. R., Watson, M. F., Kennedy, J., Newman, M. F., & Barclay, P. J. (2002)
Implementation of the Prometheus Taxonomic Model: a comparison of database models and query languages and an introduction to the Prometheus Object-Oriented Model. Taxon, 51(1), 131-142. https://doi.org/10.2307/1554970
Types of databases commonly used for handling taxonomic data are compared. It is shown that none of the existing types of databases fully support the requirements of taxonomic...

Visualising multiple overlapping classification hierarchies.

Graham, M. Visualising multiple overlapping classification hierarchies. (Thesis)
Napier University. Retrieved from http://researchrepository.napier.ac.uk/id/eprint/2430
The revision or reorganisation of hierarchical data sets can result in many possible hierarchical classifications composed of the same or overlapping data sets existing in par...