3 results

A Probabilistic Design Reuse Index

Conference Proceeding
Vasantha, G., Sherlock, A., Corney, J., & Quigley, J. (2018)
A Probabilistic Design Reuse Index. In ASME 2018 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference
The benefits of being able to create a number of product variations from a limited range of components, or sub-assemblies, are widely recognized. Indeed it is clear that compa...

Modelling and control of helicopter robotic landing gear for uneven ground conditions

Conference Proceeding
Boix, D. M., Goh, K., & McWhinnie, J. (2017)
Modelling and control of helicopter robotic landing gear for uneven ground conditions. In Proceedings of 2017 Workshop on Research, Education and Development of Unmanned Aerial Systems (RED-UAS 2017https://doi.org/10.1109/RED-UAS.2017.8101644
This paper proposes a method to investigate into helicopter landing on uneven terrain by means of using a scaled articulated robotic landing gear. A mathematical model of an a...

Interactional Differences and Effects Between Collocated and Distributed Design

Conference Proceeding
Vasantha, G. A., Ramesh, H. P., Sugavanam, C. M., Chakrabarti, A., Corney, J., & Wodehouse, A. (2017)
Interactional Differences and Effects Between Collocated and Distributed Design. In International Conference on Research into Design. , (933-944). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-10-3518-0_80
Interactions (i.e. modes of operations through which product development knowledge is generated and externalized in the design process) play a vital role in knowledge processe...