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53 results

Deep Learning and Dempster-Shafer Theory Based Insider Threat Detection

Journal Article
Tian, Z., Shi, W., Tan, Z., Qiu, J., Sun, Y., Jiang, F., & Liu, Y. (in press)
Deep Learning and Dempster-Shafer Theory Based Insider Threat Detection. Mobile Networks and Applications,
Organizations' own personnel now have a greater ability than ever before to misuse their access to critical organizational assets. Insider threat detection is a key component ...

Employing a Machine Learning Approach to Detect Combined Internet of Things Attacks Against Two Objective Functions Using a Novel Dataset

Journal Article
Foley, J., Moradpoor, N., & Ochen, H. (2020)
Employing a Machine Learning Approach to Detect Combined Internet of Things Attacks Against Two Objective Functions Using a Novel Dataset. Security and Communication Networks, 2020, 1-17.
One of the important features of Routing Protocol for Low-Power and Lossy Networks (RPL) is Objective Function (OF). OF influences an IoT network in terms of routing strategie...

An authentication protocol based on chaos and zero knowledge proof

Journal Article
Major, W., Buchanan, W. J., & Ahmad, J. (2020)
An authentication protocol based on chaos and zero knowledge proof. Nonlinear Dynamics, 99, 3065-3087.
Port Knocking is a method for authenticating clients through a closed stance firewall, and authorising their requested actions, enabling severs to offer services to authentica...

MRC4: A Modified RC4 Algorithm using Symmetric Random Function Generator for Improved Cryptographic Features

Journal Article
Saha, R., Geetha, G., Kumar, G., Kim, T., & Buchanan, W. J. (2019)
MRC4: A Modified RC4 Algorithm using Symmetric Random Function Generator for Improved Cryptographic Features. IEEE Access, 7, 172045-172054.
The Rivest Cipher 4 (RC4) has been one of the most popular stream ciphers for providing symmetric key encryption, and is now proposed as an efficient cipher within light-weigh...

A Quality of Service-Aware Secured Communication Scheme for Internet of Things-Based Networks

Journal Article
Khan, F., Ur Rehman, A., Yahya, A., Jan, M. A., Chuma, J., Tan, Z., & Hussain, K. (2019)
A Quality of Service-Aware Secured Communication Scheme for Internet of Things-Based Networks. Sensors, 19,
The Internet of Things (IoT) is an emerging technology that aims to enable the interconnection of a large number of smart devices and heterogeneous networks. Ad hoc networks p...

A Lightweight and Efficient Digital Image Encryption Using Hybrid Chaotic Systems for Wireless Network Applications

Journal Article
Almalkawi, I. T., Halloush, . R., Alsarhan, A., Al-Dubai, A., & Al-karaki, J. N. (2019)
A Lightweight and Efficient Digital Image Encryption Using Hybrid Chaotic Systems for Wireless Network Applications. Journal of Information Security and Applications, 49,
Due to limited processing capabilities and other constraints of most wireless networks, many existing security algorithms do not consider the network efficiency. This is becau...

Deriving ChaCha20 Key Streams From Targeted Memory Analysis

Journal Article
McLaren, P., Buchanan, W. J., Russell, G., & Tan, Z. (2019)
Deriving ChaCha20 Key Streams From Targeted Memory Analysis. Journal of Information Security and Applications, 48,
There can be performance and vulnerability concerns with block ciphers, thus stream ciphers can used as an alternative. Although many symmetric key stream ciphers are fairly r...

PLC Memory Attack Detection and Response in a Clean Water Supply System

Journal Article
Robles-Durazno, A., Moradpoor, N., McWhinnie, J., Russell, G., & Maneru-Marin, I. (2019)
PLC Memory Attack Detection and Response in a Clean Water Supply System. International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection, 26,
Industrial Control Systems (ICS) are frequently used in manufacturing and critical infrastructures like water treatment, chemical plants, and transportation schemes. Citizens ...

A Comprehensive Survey of Security Threats and their Mitigation Techniques for next-generation SDN Controllers

Journal Article
Han, T., Jan, S., Tan, T., Usman, M., Jan, M., Khan, R., & Xu, Y. (2020)
A Comprehensive Survey of Security Threats and their Mitigation Techniques for next-generation SDN Controllers. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 32(16),
Software De ned Network (SDN) and Network Virtualization (NV) are emerged paradigms that simpli ed the control and management of the next generation networks, most importantly...

A Forensic Audit of the Tor Browser Bundle

Journal Article
Muir, M., Leimich, P., & Buchanan, W. J. (2019)
A Forensic Audit of the Tor Browser Bundle. Digital Investigation, 29, 118-128.
The increasing use of encrypted data within file storage and in network communications leaves investigators with many challenges. One of the most challenging is the Tor protoc...