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38 results

Flower‐visitor and pollen‐load data provide complementary insight into species and individual network roles

Journal Article
Cirtwill, A. R., Wirta, H., Kaartinen, R., Ballantyne, G., Stone, G. N., Cunnold, H., …Roslin, T. (2024)
Flower‐visitor and pollen‐load data provide complementary insight into species and individual network roles. Oikos, 2024(4), Article e10301.
Most animal pollination results from plant–insect interactions, but how we perceive these interactions may differ with the sampling method adopted. The two most common methods...

Safeguarding Imperiled Biodiversity and Evolutionary Processes in the Wallacea Center of Endemism

Journal Article
Struebig, M. J., Aninta, S. G., Beger, M., Bani, A., Barus, H., Brace, S., …Supriatna, J. (2022)
Safeguarding Imperiled Biodiversity and Evolutionary Processes in the Wallacea Center of Endemism. Bioscience, 72(11), 1118-1130.
Wallacea—the meeting point between the Asian and Australian fauna—is one of the world's largest centers of endemism. Twenty-three million years of complex geological history h...

Stable pollination service in a generalist High Arctic community despite the warming climate

Journal Article
Cirtwill, A., Kaartinen, R., Rasmussen, C., Redr, D., Wirta, H., Olesen, J., …Roslin, T. (in press)
Stable pollination service in a generalist High Arctic community despite the warming climate. Ecological monographs,
Insects provide key pollination services in most terrestrial biomes, but this service depends on a multi-step interaction between insect and plant. An insect needs to visit a ...

Circular economy research on building construction and demolition waste: A review of current trends and future research directions

Journal Article
Oluleye, B. I., Chan, D. W., Saka, A. B., & Olawumi, T. O. (2022)
Circular economy research on building construction and demolition waste: A review of current trends and future research directions. Journal of Cleaner Production, 357, Article 131927.
The circular economy (CE) paradigm has piqued public interests worldwide as a significant innovative attempt to conserve finite resources, reduce waste, and shift away from th...

Essential spawning grounds of Scottish herring: current knowledge and future challenges

Journal Article
Frost, M., & Diele, K. (2022)
Essential spawning grounds of Scottish herring: current knowledge and future challenges. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 32, 721-744.
Scotland once had the largest herring fishery globally, generating local income, identity, and societal change. Following historic stock collapse, in spring 2018/2019 large he...

Pond ecology and conservation: research priorities and knowledge gaps

Journal Article
Hill, M. J., Greaves, H. M., Sayer, C. D., Hassall, C., Milin, M., Milner, V. S., …Wood, P. J. (2021)
Pond ecology and conservation: research priorities and knowledge gaps. Ecosphere, 12(12),
Ponds are amongst the most biodiverse and ecologically important freshwater habitats globally and may provide a significant opportunity to mitigate anthropogenic pressures and...

Conceptualizing ecosystem degradation using mangrove forests as a model system

Journal Article
Yando, E. S., Sloey, T. M., Dahdouh-Guebas, F., Rogers, K., Abuchahla, G. M., Cannicci, S., …Friess, D. A. (2021)
Conceptualizing ecosystem degradation using mangrove forests as a model system. Biological Conservation, 263, Article 109355.
The status and potential degradation of an ecosystem is often difficult to identify, quantify, and characterize. Multiple, concurrent drivers of degradation may interact and h...

The harvesting process and fisheries production of the venus clam Anomalocardia flexuosa in a Brazilian Extractive Reserve, with implications for gender-sensitive management

Journal Article
da Silva Mourão, J., Lopez Baracho, R., de Faria Lopes, S., Correia Medeiros, M., & Diele, K. (2021)
The harvesting process and fisheries production of the venus clam Anomalocardia flexuosa in a Brazilian Extractive Reserve, with implications for gender-sensitive management. Ocean and Coastal Management, 213, Article 105878.
Resource managers are increasingly concerned regarding the sustainability of the small-scale fishery of the venus clam Anomalocardia flexuosa, a key livelihood resource extrac...

Assessing mangrove restoration practices using species‐interaction networks

Journal Article
O'Connell, D. P., Fusi, M., Djamaluddin, R., Rajagukguk, B. B., Bachmid, F., Kitson, J. J. N., …Evans, D. M. (2022)
Assessing mangrove restoration practices using species‐interaction networks. Restoration Ecology, 30(4), Article e13546.
Mangroves are uniquely important ecosystems, for preserving biodiversity, sustaining livelihoods and mitigating against climate change. However they are degraded globally and ...

A functional analysis reveals extremely low redundancy in global mangrove invertebrate fauna

Journal Article
Cannicci, S., Lee, S. Y., Bravo, H., Cantera-Kintz, J. R., Dahdouh-Guebas, F., Fratini, S., …Diele, K. (2021)
A functional analysis reveals extremely low redundancy in global mangrove invertebrate fauna. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(32), Article e2016913118.
Deforestation results in habitat fragmentation, decreasing diversity, and functional degradation. For mangroves, no data are available on the impact of deforestation on the di...
10 results

Restoring Gambian riverine mangrove wetlands

2023 - 2024
community based mangrove restoration in the Gambia, using new techniques to restore salinised flats and working towards carbon accreditation for long term income
Funder: Ledunfly Philanthropy | Value: £95,609

Pollination ecosystem service support by sustainable urban drainage systems

2023 - 2026
Pollination ecosystem service support by sustainable urban drainage systems
Funder: Natural Environment Research Council | Value: £49,277

Assessing and Protecting Spawning Herring and Associated Biodiversity: WOSHH-eDNA-Sound

2023 - 2025
Assessing and Protecting Spawning Herring and Associated Biodiversity: WOSHH-eDNA-Sound Herring helped to generate local income, identity, and societal change for centuries in Scotland, but their num...
Funder: Scottish Natural Heritage | Value: £27,906

Impacts of forestry on breeding curlew distribution

2023 - 2023
We were approached by Forestry Commission England (FCE) to consider addressing five key questions they had identified as being important in terms of impact of forestry on curlew over the next 5-10 yea...
Funder: Forestry Commission England | Value: £15,037

Methane-derived carbon in upland stream foodwebs: understanding the links

2022 - 2023
The work forms part of a SUPER-DTP funded PhD project. The present application relates to the use of stable isotope analysis to elucidate pathways for MDC incorporation in upland streams.
Funder: Natural Environment Research Council

Wester Ross Herring Spawning Ecology

2020 - 2023
Historically, herring was abundant around the West of Scotland and of high importance to the local economy. Today, the estimated herring stock size in ICES area 6a is at near an all-time low. In March...
Funder: Skye & Lochalsh Rivers Trust | Value: £32,025

Microlanding - Symbiont transmission in early life stages of mangrove crabs

2019 - 2022
The 'Microlanding' project aims to unravel the nature, topological interactions, dynamics and functions of the bacterial symbionts associated with mangrove crabs' gills in relation to the evolution fr...
Funder: King Abdullah University of Science and Technology | Value: £174,144

Quantifying and reducing the environmental footprint of crab meat processing and scoping for bioactive compounds – a preliminary study

2019 - 2019
The project is to investigate the quantity and environmental footprint of shell residues produced by the crab meat processing "industry" (i.e. local households) in Mamanguape River Estuary and Brejinh...
Funder: Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy

As Good as (G)Old? Comparing Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services of Restored and Natural Mangrove Forests in the Wallacea Region

2018 - 2022
Mangrove forests are unique intertidal ecosystems connecting the land- and seascape. They provide habitat to terrestrial and marine species, sustain the livelihoods of millions of mostly poor people g...
Funder: Natural Environment Research Council | Value: £643,839

Incidence and abundance of hybrid hogweed (H. sphondylium x mantegazzianum)

2017 - 2019
Incidence and abundance of hybrid hogweed (H. sphondylium x mantegazzianum)
Funder: The Wild Flower Society | Value: £300