9 results

Walking, Observing and Making – Rethinking Plastics in Edinburgh

Presentation / Conference
Tao, C. X., Vettese, S., & Anastasiadou, C. (2024, March)
Walking, Observing and Making – Rethinking Plastics in Edinburgh. Paper presented at Eighteenth International Conference on Design Principles & Practices, Valencia, Spain
Plastic is a widely used material with great longevity, if designed, utilised, and re-used properly. However, the average usable lifespan for single-use plastic products is as...

Exploring the Use of Rock Flour for Sustainable Peat Stabilisation

Conference Proceeding
Bernal-Sanchez, J., Coll, J., Leak, J., & Barreto, D. (2024)
Exploring the Use of Rock Flour for Sustainable Peat Stabilisation. In Geo-Congress 2024: Soil Improvement, Sustainability, Geoenvironmental, and Cold Regions Engineering (450-460). https://doi.org/10.1061/9780784485330.046
This paper aims to investigate the mechanical behaviour of peat stabilised with glacial rock flour for foundation construction. Peat, a natural organic soil, presents challeng...

Flower‐visitor and pollen‐load data provide complementary insight into species and individual network roles

Journal Article
Cirtwill, A. R., Wirta, H., Kaartinen, R., Ballantyne, G., Stone, G. N., Cunnold, H., …Roslin, T. (2024)
Flower‐visitor and pollen‐load data provide complementary insight into species and individual network roles. Oikos, 2024(4), Article e10301. https://doi.org/10.1111/oik.10301
Most animal pollination results from plant–insect interactions, but how we perceive these interactions may differ with the sampling method adopted. The two most common methods...

Sustainable mountain bike trails: towards a holistic approach

Book Chapter
Campbell, T. (2024)
Sustainable mountain bike trails: towards a holistic approach. In Mountain Biking, Culture and Society (125-140). London: Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003361626-12
This chapter outlines current approaches towards creating and promoting more sustainable mountain bike trails, and orients these within contemporary theoretical conceptualisat...

Sustainability concepts in global high-rise residential buildings: a scientometric and systematic review

Journal Article
Lam, E. W., Chan, A. P., Olawumi, T. O., Wong, I., & Kazeem, K. O. (2024)
Sustainability concepts in global high-rise residential buildings: a scientometric and systematic review. Smart and Sustainable Built Environment, 13(2), 425-443. https://doi.org/10.1108/sasbe-04-2023-0094
Purpose Sustainability has been the subject of several scientific investigations. Many researchers in the construction industry have also examined a range of sustainability-re...

Facilitators and benefits of implementing lean premise design: A case of Hong Kong high-rise buildings

Journal Article
Lam, E. W., Chan, A. P., Olawumi, T. O., Wong, I., & Kazeem, K. O. (2023)
Facilitators and benefits of implementing lean premise design: A case of Hong Kong high-rise buildings. Journal of Building Engineering, 80, Article 108013. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jobe.2023.108013
Defective design, poor stakeholder participation, and a mismatch between design provisions and end-user requirements cause most building construction waste. However, lean buil...

Carbon impact & mitigation of housing developments on peatlands in the UK - A case study

Conference Proceeding
Bernal-Sanchez, J., & Gaspari, A. (2023)
Carbon impact & mitigation of housing developments on peatlands in the UK - A case study. In Proceedings of the ISSMGE TC215 9th International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics 25-28 June 2023 (361-371). https://doi.org/10.53243/ICEG2023-216
Peatlands are a key asset in the drive to reduce annual carbon emissions due to their potential as a carbon sink. This is especially important in Scotland where 25% of the lan...

Environmental Harms at the Border: The Case of Lampedusa

Journal Article
Soliman, F. (2023)
Environmental Harms at the Border: The Case of Lampedusa. Critical Criminology, 31, 725-741. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10612-023-09692-x
In this paper I examine authorities’ management of migrant boats on the island of Lampedusa, Italy, as an example of environmental border harm. A danger to trawlers, sunken wr...

Stable pollination service in a generalist High Arctic community despite the warming climate

Journal Article
Cirtwill, A., Kaartinen, R., Rasmussen, C., Redr, D., Wirta, H., Olesen, J., …Roslin, T. (in press)
Stable pollination service in a generalist High Arctic community despite the warming climate. Ecological monographs, https://doi.org/10.1002/ecm.1551
Insects provide key pollination services in most terrestrial biomes, but this service depends on a multi-step interaction between insect and plant. An insect needs to visit a ...