27 results

From 'Dry Volumes of Facts and Figures' to Stories of 'Flesh and Blood': Female Criminality in the Prison Narratives of Frederick William Robinson

Presentation / Conference
Schwan, A. (2005, April)
From 'Dry Volumes of Facts and Figures' to Stories of 'Flesh and Blood': Female Criminality in the Prison Narratives of Frederick William Robinson. Paper presented at Victorian Criminalities Conference, Exeter University
No abstract available.

Writing a History of Sensations from Below: Gallows Literature and the 'Last Lamentations' of Female Criminals

Presentation / Conference
Schwan, A. (2004, September)
Writing a History of Sensations from Below: Gallows Literature and the 'Last Lamentations' of Female Criminals. Paper presented at 5th Annual Conference of the British Association for Victorian Studies, Keele University
No abstract available.

'Reclaiming' Female Prisoners: Early Models of Rehabilitation and Prevention in the Work of Elizabeth Fry and Mary Carpenter

Presentation / Conference
Schwan, A. (2004, January)
'Reclaiming' Female Prisoners: Early Models of Rehabilitation and Prevention in the Work of Elizabeth Fry and Mary Carpenter. Paper presented at Gender, Crime and Culture: Feminist Crime Research Network Conference, Nottingham Galleries of Justice
No abstract available.

Philanthropic Experiments: Gendered Discipline and the Politics of Female Prison Reform

Presentation / Conference
Schwan, A. (2003, September)
Philanthropic Experiments: Gendered Discipline and the Politics of Female Prison Reform. Paper presented at 4th Annual Conference of the British Association for Victorian Studies, Aberystwyth University
No abstract available.

Re-Writing Women's Prison History: Gender, Class and Authority in Margaret Atwood's Alias Grace and Sarah Waters's Affinity

Presentation / Conference
Schwan, A. (2003, August)
Re-Writing Women's Prison History: Gender, Class and Authority in Margaret Atwood's Alias Grace and Sarah Waters's Affinity. Paper presented at Hystorical Fictions, Swansea University
No abstract available.

Disciplining female bodies: Foucault and the imprisonment of women.

Schwan, A. (2001)
Disciplining female bodies: Foucault and the imprisonment of women. In T. Dorfler, & C. Globisch (Eds.), Postmodern Practices. Beitrage zu einer vergehenden epocheLit Verlag

Disciplining Female Bodies: Women and Social Control

Presentation / Conference
Schwan, A. (2001, November)
Disciplining Female Bodies: Women and Social Control. Paper presented at Postmodern Practices, University of Erlangen, Germany
No abstract available.


Research Centres Groups

Research Areas

9 results