56 results

Dictionary Entry: 'Lewis Spence'

Lyall, S. (2022)
Dictionary Entry: 'Lewis Spence'. Edinburgh

Dictionary Entry: 'Nan Shepherd'

Lyall, S. (2022)
Dictionary Entry: 'Nan Shepherd'. Edinburgh

Scottish Modernism as Renaissance

Presentation / Conference
Lyall, S. (2022, January)
Scottish Modernism as Renaissance. Presented at Extension Lecture, Department of English, Sukanta Mahavidyalaya, Dhupguri, Jalpaiguri University of North Bengal [Online]

"And so with the moderns": Radical Futures, Classical Pasts in the work of J. Leslie Mitchell/Lewis Grassic Gibbon

Presentation / Conference
Lyall, S. (2021, October)
"And so with the moderns": Radical Futures, Classical Pasts in the work of J. Leslie Mitchell/Lewis Grassic Gibbon. Paper presented at A Proletarian Classics?, University of St Andrews [Online]

The Scottish Revival Network

Digital Artefact
Lyall, S., & Benstead, J. (2021)
The Scottish Revival Network. [Website]

The Future of Scottish Women's Writing

Presentation / Conference
Lyall, S. (2021, June)
The Future of Scottish Women's Writing. Presented at Unforgettable, Unforgotten? Continuing the Recovery of Scottish Women Writers, c. 1880−1940, University of Edinburgh [Online]

The Scottish Revival Network

Presentation / Conference
Lyall, S. (2021, March)
The Scottish Revival Network. Paper presented at The Future of Scottish Cosmopolitanism at the Fin de Siècle, University of Glasgow [Online]

Pagan Modernism: First World War and Spiritual Revival in Lewis Grassic Gibbon’s Sunset Song and Neil M. Gunn’s Highland River

Book Chapter
Lyall, S. (2020)
Pagan Modernism: First World War and Spiritual Revival in Lewis Grassic Gibbon’s Sunset Song and Neil M. Gunn’s Highland River. In D. A. Rennie (Ed.), Scottish Literature and World War I (180-199). Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press
Abstract not available.

Scottish Modernism and the “Renaissance”

Book Chapter
Lyall, S. (in press)
Scottish Modernism and the “Renaissance”. In I. Duncan (Ed.), The Cambridge History of Scottish Literature. Cambridge University Press
No abstract available. Forthcoming 2024.

The novel between the wars

Book Chapter
Lyall, S. (in press)
The novel between the wars. In I. Duncan (Ed.), The Cambridge History of Scottish Literature. Cambridge University Press
No abstract available. Forthcoming 2024.


Research Centres Groups

Research Areas

5 results

Scholarly Edition of Scottish Scene

2023 - 2024
RATIONALE Scottish Scene was first published by Jarrolds in 1934. Widely reviewed at the time, it quickly became one of the most controversial texts of the Scottish literary renaissance of the early d...
Funder: Royal Society of Edinburgh | Value: £3,102

Dr David Summers Trust PhD Studentship: 'Slip out of darkness': A Study of Contemporary Queer Scottish Poetry

2021 - 2026
This PhD project will synthesise Scottish literary studies, Queer theory and the developing socio-cultural contexts of modern Scottish society, to investigate a range of queer Scottish poets.
Funder: ENU Development Trust | Value: £15,195

The Scottish Revival Network

2021 - 2023
The Scottish Revival Network will initiate conversations and debates on the aims, scope, influences and international connections of the Scottish Revival in literature and culture from the 1880s to th...
Funder: Royal Society of Edinburgh | Value: £19,975

“get leave to live”: Nan Shepherd and the canon of Scottish and International Modernism

2019 - 2020
The primary aims of this project are as follows: a) to research in the Nan Shepherd holdings, and archives related to Shepherd’s work, at the University of Aberdeen; b) to consult with several Shepher...
Funder: Royal Society of Edinburgh | Value: £3,547

Mystical Nationalism: W. B. Yeats, Patrick Pearse and the Revival of Ireland

2016 - 2017
This research will explore the religious and spiritual ideas governing the Irish Revival, especially as these were manifested in the work, thought and life of Yeats and Pearse.
Funder: Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland | Value: £1,843


Research Centres Groups

Research Areas


6 results