23 results

Maximum Entropy in Nilsson's Probabilistic Logic

Conference Proceeding
Kane, T. B. (2017)
Maximum Entropy in Nilsson's Probabilistic Logic. In Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (452-457
Nilsson's Probabilistic Logic is a set theoretic mechanism for reasoning with uncertainty. We propose a new way of looking at the probability constraints enforced by the frame...

The application of Social Cognitive Theory in Information Science research on workplace learning and innovative work behaviours

Presentation / Conference
Jenkins, L., Hall, H. & Raeside, R. (2017, June)
The application of Social Cognitive Theory in Information Science research on workplace learning and innovative work behaviours. Paper presented at i3: interactions and impact (i3), Aberdeen, Scotland
Introduction This paper introduces an ESRC-funded research project on the theme of workplace learning and innovative work behaviours. The work explores the determinants of suc...

Undermining our data: implications for trust in the population census

Presentation / Conference
Killick, L., Duff, A. S., Deakin, M. & Hall, H. (2017, June)
Undermining our data: implications for trust in the population census. Paper presented at Information: interactions and impact (i3), Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK
This paper draws on empirical work conducted as part of a multi-method research study funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC). It is concerned with public p...

Digital engagement workshop for community councils: Glasgow 2016 report.

Ryan, B. & Cruickshank, P. (2016)
Digital engagement workshop for community councils: Glasgow 2016 report
This report covers a workshop on digital engagement for Community Councils supported by the School of Computing's public engagement fund. It was held in Glasgow on 22 March ...

Digital engagement workshops for Community Councils and Registered Tenant Organisations

Ryan, B. & Cruickshank, P. (2016)
Digital engagement workshops for Community Councils and Registered Tenant Organisations. Scotland: Scottish Government
In October and November 2015 Edinburgh Napier University (Napier) hosted a series of workshops on digital engagement for Community Councillors and representatives of Registere...

digiCC workshop outcomes report

Ryan, B. & Cruickshank, P. (2015)
digiCC workshop outcomes report. Edinburgh Napier University: Edinburgh Napier University
A workshop on digital engagement by Community Councils (CCs) was hosted by Edinburgh Napier University on 30 January 2015 to which members from 35 CCs came. Facilitated sessio...

'Hyperlocal e-democracy'? The experience of Scotland's Community Councils.

Conference Proceeding
Cruickshank, P., Ryan, B., & Smith, C. F. (2014)
'Hyperlocal e-democracy'? The experience of Scotland's Community Councils. In P. Parycek, & N. Edelmann (Eds.), CeDEM14 Proceedings, (73-84
This paper is motivated by the need to understand the reality of the use of the now well-established opportunities offered by the internet to engage with citizens. Building on...

Understanding Iconography: a method to allow rich picture interpretation to improve

Berg, T. (2013)
Understanding Iconography: a method to allow rich picture interpretation to improve. (Thesis). Heriot-Watt University. Retrieved from http://researchrepository.napier.ac.uk/id/eprint/7207
Information Systems for complex situations often fail to adequately deliver quality and suitability. One reason for this failure is an inability to identify comprehensive user...

Tracing innovation: an activity theoretical approach.

Conference Proceeding
Wiegel, V. (2011)
Tracing innovation: an activity theoretical approach. In ECIS 2011 Proceedings
This paper argues that tracing the diffusion of innovation is a challenging endeavour. The difficulty is that an innovation comes into existence as a cognitive and inter-perso...

Achieving Consensus within SSM.

Journal Article
Berg, T., Pooley, R., & Queenan, J. (2011)
Achieving Consensus within SSM. International journal of humanities and social science, 1, 231-239
SSM is a socio-technical system methodology offering tools for analysing complex situations. This modelling approach identifies differing worldviews of the system by encouragi...