
Research Centres Groups

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58 results

Particle loss: An initial investigation into size effects and stress-dilatancy

Journal Article
McDougall, J., Kelly, D., & Daniel, B. (2019)
Particle loss: An initial investigation into size effects and stress-dilatancy. Soils and Foundations,
Drained triaxial tests have been performed to explore the effect of particle loss on shearing behaviour and critical states in granular mixtures. The mixtures comprise Leighto...

Dynamic behaviour of shredded rubber soil mixtures

Conference Proceeding
Bernal-Sanchez, J., McDougall, J., Barreto Gonzalez, D., Miranda, M., & Marinelli, A. (2018)
Dynamic behaviour of shredded rubber soil mixtures. In Proceedings of the 16th European Conference in Earthquake Engineering
Residential buildings in high population density areas are seismically vulnerable to the action of major seismic events. The high cost and technical difficulties related to th...

Optical Fiber Sensor Design for Ground Slope Movement Monitoring for Railway Safety Operations

Conference Proceeding
Hook, D., Laing, W., Kerrouche, A., Barreto Gonzalez, D., & Alwis, L. S. (2018)
Optical Fiber Sensor Design for Ground Slope Movement Monitoring for Railway Safety Operations. In 2018 IEEE Sensors Proceedings. , (1-4).
Scour and slope instability are a major issue in keeping the railway structures safe and operational. Conventional measurement techniques do not allow real-time monitoring of ...

Entropy coordinates - Useful descriptor for particle siz edistributions and their link to various geotechnical properties

Presentation / Conference
Barreto Gonzalez, D. (2018, December)
Entropy coordinates - Useful descriptor for particle siz edistributions and their link to various geotechnical properties
No abstract available.

The influence of particle-size distribution on critical state behavior of spherical and non-spherical particle assemblies

Journal Article
Jiang, M. D., Yang, Z. X., Barreto, D., & Xie, Y. H. (2018)
The influence of particle-size distribution on critical state behavior of spherical and non-spherical particle assemblies. Granular Matter, 20(80), doi:10.1007/s10035-018-0850-x
This paper presents an investigation into the effects of particle-size distribution on the critical state behavior of granular materials using Discrete Element Method (DEM) si...

DEM Modelling of Tunnelling-Induced Settlements – Void Ratio and Rate of Mass Removal Effects

Presentation / Conference
Bosoc, L., Barreto Gonzalez, D., & Rouainia, M. (2018, June)
DEM Modelling of Tunnelling-Induced Settlements – Void Ratio and Rate of Mass Removal Effects. Paper presented at 6th European Conference on Computational Mechanics (Solids, Structures and Coupled Problems
No abstract available.

Influence of grading on shear stiffness - the significance of accurate description of particle size distributions

Conference Proceeding
Barreto Gonzalez, D. (2018)
Influence of grading on shear stiffness - the significance of accurate description of particle size distributions. In Computational Geomechanics : Book of Extended Abstracts, (14-15
No abstract available.

New method for rock qualification

Conference Proceeding
János, L., Emőke, I., Phong. Q, T., Miklós, G., László, K., István, T., …Guida, G. (2018)
New method for rock qualification. In Mérnökgeológia-Kőzetmechanika 2018 (263-274
A new method was elaborated to characterize the breakage properties of rocks. A crushing test was suggested and parallel tests were performed on sand-pairs with differen...

Preliminary study on the relationship between statistical entropy coordinates and the mechanical behaviour of granular materials

Presentation / Conference
Barreto Gonzalez, D., & Imre, E. (2017, May)
Preliminary study on the relationship between statistical entropy coordinates and the mechanical behaviour of granular materials. Presented at 14th Joint European Thermodynamics Conference
No abstract available.

The influence of particle geometry and the intermediate stress ratio on the shear behavior of granular materials

Journal Article
Xie, Y. H., Yang, Z. X., Barreto, D., & Jiang, M. D. (2017)
The influence of particle geometry and the intermediate stress ratio on the shear behavior of granular materials. Granular Matter, 19(2), 34-48.
The behavior of granular materials is very complex in nature and depends on particle shape, stress path, fabric, density, particle size distribution, amongst others. This pape...
9 results

The use of Artificial Intelligence to speed up Discrete Element Method (DEM) simulations

2024 - 2024
Discussions have started with Prof. Pijush Samui at Indian Institute of Technology in Patna to develop proposal for this call. (RSE SCOTLAND ASIA PARTNERSHIPS HIGHER EDUCATION RESEARCH FUND)
Funder: Royal Society of Edinburgh | Value: £6,800

Statistical and machine learning approaches for the characterisation of soils

2023 - 2024
This Fellowship application aims to develop DEM simulation approaches to enable the large-scale simulation of industrial and engineering applications effectively, realistically and reliably. This will...
Funder: Royal Academy of Engineering | Value: £57,000

Construction on Peat

2020 - 2021
Housing Construction on Peatland: Opening up Opportunities and Minimising Disruption through Innovation – Phase 1 Feasibility of Proposed Solutions
Funder: Built Environment - Smarter Transformation (formerly CSIC) | Value: £34,590

Monitoring Of Railway Related Infrastructure Using Optical Fibre Sensors

2019 - 2020
Student Placement Innovation Voucher as continuation of earlier Standard Innovation Voucher in partnership with Geo-Info Ltd. This project aims to extend the earlier project by assessing the performan...
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £4,930

Statistical mechanis of particle breakage, fragmentation and shape evolution during shearing of granular materials

2019 - 2019
This is a follow on project, which aims to use statistical entropy concepts to understand the behaviour of granular materials, and will fund a 4-week stay in Hungary to work with Budapest University o...
Funder: Royal Society of Edinburgh | Value: £300

RSE Bilateral Exchange Programme - Statistical Entropy in Granular Materials

2018 - 2018
This research builds on existing cooperation with Dr Emoke Imre from Obuda University in Hungary. The aim of the project is to visit the institution in Budapest to further research and deliver a lec...
Funder: Royal Society of Edinburgh | Value: £280

Remote Sensing Innovation for Civil Engineering Infrastructure and Slope Movement Monitoring

2017 - 2017
This project aims to review an assess existing remote sensing technologies in order to improve and adapt technologies currently used in other fields to civil engineering applications. The two main aim...
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £4,723

Development of a Columbia-UK research co-operation programme on infrastructure & climate change

2014 - 2015
This is a travel grant to develop research on unsaturated soil behaviour and cyclic behaviour of soils and their relations with climate changes effects on civil engineering infrastructure. It aims to ...
Funder: British Council | Value: £6,195

A micro-scale (DEM) investigation on driven pile cycle behaviour

2014 - 2016
Structures such as bridges or wind turbines develop loads that have to be transmitted to the ground. The loads can be static (self-weight) or dynamic (wind, wave or traffic loads) and may be significa...
Funder: Royal Academy of Engineering | Value: £8,000
10 results

The influence of particle characteristics on the field-scale geomechanical behaviour of soils

2024 - date
Eslam Mohamed | Director of Studies: Dr Daniel Barreto Gonzalez | Second Supervisor: Dr Juan Bernal-Sanchez

An Investigation into the Structural Performance of Engineered Wood I-Joists with Web Openings

2023 - date
Sini Lu | Director of Studies: Dr Aamir Khokhar | Second Supervisor: Dr Daniel Barreto Gonzalez

Development and Optimisation of the Dolphin Wave Energy Converter

2023 - date
Simon Szatkowski | Director of Studies: Dr Pablo Jaen Sola

An experimental and numerical investigation to assess the structural performance of CLT concrete composites

2022 - date
Daniel Kumah | Director of Studies: Dr Aamir Khokhar | Second Supervisor: Dr Daniel Barreto Gonzalez

Historic Building Information Modelling (HBIM): An integrated approach to the conservation and lifecycle management of historic buildings

2020 - date
Tosin Adewale | Director of Studies: Dr Suha Jaradat | Second Supervisor: Prof John Currie

Numerical and experimental investigations into particle size distribution and variability effects on soil behaviour using discrete element modelling and grading entropy concepts

2018 - date
Soil is a particulate m...
Dr James Leak | Director of Studies: Dr Daniel Barreto Gonzalez | Second Supervisor: Dr Vicky Dimitriadi

Topology optimisation of elastoplastic structures

2015 - 2019
Mengxiao Li | Director of Studies: Prof Johnson Zhang | Second Supervisor: Dr Aamir Khokhar

Cyclic performance of rubber-soil mixtures to enhance seismic protection

2015 - 2020
The main aim of the project seeks to enhance the resistance of the soil foundation against seismic events with the introduction ...
Dr Juan Bernal-Sanchez | Director of Studies: Dr John McDougall | Second Supervisor: Dr Daniel Barreto Gonzalez

Laterally loaded large diameter skirted monopiles: analytical and numerical based approach

2014 - 2018
Panagiotis Giannakopoulos | Director of Studies: Dr John McDougall | Second Supervisor: Dr Daniel Barreto Gonzalez

Soil structure change with particle loss

2009 - 2015
Soil particle loss can occur through biodegradation, erosion and dissolution. Yet there is little understanding of the mechanical changes that accompany these p...
Darren Kelly | Director of Studies: Dr John McDougall | Second Supervisor: Dr Daniel Barreto Gonzalez

