4 results

Discrepancies between theoretical and actual heating demand in Scottish modern dwellings

Conference Proceeding
Bros Williamson, J., Stinson, J., Garnier, C., & Currie, J. (2017)
Discrepancies between theoretical and actual heating demand in Scottish modern dwellings. In PLEA 2017 Proceedings - Design to Thrive, (361-368
The study reports on the differences between the actual heat consumption profiles of twelve dwellings monitored for four years and their predicted heat demand profiles as calc...

Energy Behaviour Change by Coloured In-Home Display

Conference Proceeding
Stinson, J., Reid, A., Bros-Williamson, J., & Currie, J. (2016)
Energy Behaviour Change by Coloured In-Home Display. In 41st IAHS WORLD CONGRESS: Conference Proceedings
It is estimated that by 2020 some 53 million, next-generation gas and electricity meters, commonly known as ‘smart meters’, will be installed in approximately 30 million homes...

Bridging the Building Performance Gap

Presentation / Conference
Currie, J. & Stinson, J. (2016, August)
Bridging the Building Performance Gap. Presented at The Energy Agency and Ayrshire Housing CPD event, County Hall, Ayr
Ayrshire Housing, in collaboration with the Scottish Energy Centre (SEC) at Edinburgh Napier University, have worked over the last 4 years to define the practicality of integr...

Visualising Energy Use for Smart Homes and Informed Users

Journal Article
Stinson, J., Willis, A., Williamson, J. B., Currie, J., & Smith, R. (2015)
Visualising Energy Use for Smart Homes and Informed Users. Energy Procedia, 78, 579-584. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.egypro.2015.11.015
We evaluate the changes to domestic electricity and gas consumption when the occupants have local access to a coloured real time in-home display (IHD). We report the prelimina...