15 results

Recorded performance as digital content: Perspectives from Fringe 2020

Book Chapter
Elsden, C., Yu, D., Piccio, B., Helgason, I., & Terras, M. (2021)
Recorded performance as digital content: Perspectives from Fringe 2020. In L. Bissell, & L. Weir (Eds.), Performance in a Pandemic. London: Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003165644
Within days of performance venues being forced to close their doors in 2020, the National Theatre began broadcasting high-quality recordings of the best of London’s West End. ...

Events management education

Book Chapter
Barron, P., & Leask, A. (2020)
Events management education. In S. J. Page, & J. Connell (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Events (287-305). (2nd). Abingdon: Routledge
Abstract not available.

Expert opinion: Trends and future of events.

Book Chapter
Robertson, M. (2016)
Expert opinion: Trends and future of events. In D. Getz, & S. Page (Eds.), Event studies: theory, research and policy for planned events. , (84-87). (3). Abingdon, Oxon, England: Taylor & Francis
No abstract available.

An introduction to the future

Book Chapter
Yeoman, I., Robertson, M., McMahon-Beattie, U., Backer, E., & Smith, K. (2014)
An introduction to the future. In I. Yeoman, M. Robertson, McMahon-Beattie, E. Backer, & K. Smith (Eds.), The Future of Events and Festivals. , (3-9). Abingdon, Oxon: Taylor & Francis
No abstract available.

Cognitive map(s) of event and festival futures

Book Chapter
Yeoman, I., Robertson, M., & Wheatley, C. (2014)
Cognitive map(s) of event and festival futures. In I. Yeoman, M. Robertson, U. M. -. Beattie, E. Backer, & K. A. Smith (Eds.), The Future of Events and Festivals. , (271-314). Oxon, UK: Taylor & Francis
The future cannot be forecasted with a high degree of certainty and precision (Eden and Ackermann 1998); however, understanding the environment and context as explanation is a...

Leadership and visionary futures: future proofing festivals.

Book Chapter
Robertson, M., & Brown, S. (2014)
Leadership and visionary futures: future proofing festivals. In I. Yeoman, M. Robertson, U. McMahon-Beattie, E. Backer, & K. Smith (Eds.), The Future of Events & Festivals. , (219-235). Oxon, UK: Taylor & Francis
Introduction David Bowie’s 1974 album Diamond Dogs offered a dystopian vision of the world in which ‘. . . fleas the size of rats sucked on rats the size of cats and ten thous...

A futurist’s view on the future of events

Book Chapter
Yeoman, I., Robertson, M., & Smith, K. (2011)
A futurist’s view on the future of events. In J. Connell, & S. J. Page (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Events. , (507-525). Oxon, UK: Taylor & Francis. https://doi.org/10.4324/9780203803936.ch32
Events are significant in today’s society. They have links to religion, to culture, to sport, to community, to commerce, and to political, policy and microeconomic and macroec...

Festivals and events, government and spatial governance

Book Chapter
Robertson, M., & Wardrop, K. (2011)
Festivals and events, government and spatial governance. In J. S. Page, & J. Connell (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Events. , (489-506). Oxon, UK: Taylor & Francis. https://doi.org/10.4324/9780203803936.ch31
This article seeks to clarify some of the current uncertainties of what politics means in a rapidly changing society. More importantly it investigates the position and role of...

Introduction: International Perspectives of Festivals and Events : Paradigms of Analysis

Book Chapter
Ali-Knight, J., Robertson, M., Fyall, A., & Ladkin, A. (2009)
Introduction: International Perspectives of Festivals and Events : Paradigms of Analysis. In J. Ali-Knight, M. Robertson, A. Fyall, & A. Ladkin (Eds.), International Perspectives of Festivals and Events : Paradigms of Analysis. , (xix). Oxford, UK: Elsevier
No abstract available

Juxtaposing the timeless and the ephemeral: Staging festivals and events at World Heritage Sites

Book Chapter
Smith, M., Carnegie, E., & Robertson, M. (2006)
Juxtaposing the timeless and the ephemeral: Staging festivals and events at World Heritage Sites. In A. Leask, & A. Fyall (Eds.), Managing World Heritage Sites. , (110-124). Amsterdam: London: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann. https://doi.org/10.4324/9780080461755
The aim of this chapter is to explore the complex relationship between World Heritage Sites (WHS) and temporary festivals and events, analysing some of the impacts and implica...