6 results

Op Weg Naar Sociale Inclusie. In Armoede En Ongelijkheid. Jaarboek 2023

Book Chapter
Mikolajczak-Degrauwe, K., Slimmen, S., Fontein-Kuipers, Y., & Timmermans, O. (2023)
Op Weg Naar Sociale Inclusie. In Armoede En Ongelijkheid. Jaarboek 2023. In J. Coene, T. Ghys, B. Hubeau, S. Marchal, P. Raeymaeckers, R. Remmen, …H. Van Regemortel (Eds.), Armoede en Ongelijkheid. Jaarboek 2023 (317-337). Leuven: Acco Uitgeverij
Mikolajczak-Degrauwe K, Slimmen S, Fontein-Kuipers Y, Timmermans O. Op weg naar sociale inclusie: effecten van een Peer Support-methodiek. In: Coen J, Ghys T, Hubeau B, Marcha...

Probiotics And Their Effect On Maternal and Neonatal Health

Book Chapter
Hollins Martin, C., & Martin, C. (2018)
Probiotics And Their Effect On Maternal and Neonatal Health. In C. R. Martin, & D. Larkin (Eds.), Probiotics in Mental Health (42-54). (1). Boca Raton: CRC Press
Probiotics are living microorganisms which when dispensed in sufficient quantities are claimed to bestow benefits in terms of health on the host. The World Health Organization...

Education for parenthood

Book Chapter
Hollins-Martin, C. (2017)
Education for parenthood. In S. MacDonald, & G. Johnson (Eds.), Mayes' Midwifery, 318-330. (15). Elsevier
No abstract available.

A child with a suspected diagnosis of typhoid fever following recent foreign travel

Book Chapter
Kennedy, R. (2016)
A child with a suspected diagnosis of typhoid fever following recent foreign travel. In T. Long (Ed.), Children's Nursing Case Book (65-75). London: McGraw Hill

Midwifery care in the community during the woman’s pregnancy

Book Chapter
Kuipers, Y. (2014)
Midwifery care in the community during the woman’s pregnancy. In R. Mander, & V. Fleming (Eds.), Becoming a midwife (28-40). (2nd edn.). London: Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9780203074367-10
Stories such as this made me realise that pregnancy is a major event in the life of a woman and her family and represents a journey to motherhood. How to become a caring, safe...

Impact of lifespan on nursing interventions

Book Chapter
Tait, D. (2013)
Impact of lifespan on nursing interventions. In C. Brooker, & A. Waugh (Eds.), Foundations of Nursing Practice (159-192). (2nd). Elsevier
Abstract not available.