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38 results

Servitization Through VR Serious Games: From Manufacturing to Consumer Electronics

Conference Proceeding
Charissis, V., Khan, M. S., & Harrison, D. K. (2022)
Servitization Through VR Serious Games: From Manufacturing to Consumer Electronics. In HCI International 2022 - Late Breaking Papers. Interaction in New Media, Learning and Games (545-555).
The provision of services instead of the actual products is becoming a major area of interest for the products provision companies involved in the manufacturing, electronics a...

“He’s adorable and I want to take him home”. Trust Perceptions Before and After First-Time Encounters with Social Robots

Conference Proceeding
Sobolewska, E., Vanderschantz, N., & Bitcon, F. (2021)
“He’s adorable and I want to take him home”. Trust Perceptions Before and After First-Time Encounters with Social Robots. In Proceedings of the BCS 34th British HCI Conference 2021 (324-328).
For users who have not interacted with a robot their perceptions are shaped by society, inculturation, and popular media. With the steady increase of robots in workplaces, dur...

“I would call them, it seems faster”. The state of Telemedicine in Scotland.

Conference Proceeding
Sfakakis, G., & Sobolewska, E. (2021)
“I would call them, it seems faster”. The state of Telemedicine in Scotland. In Proceedings of the BCS 34th British HCI Conference 2021 (220-225).
The novel Coronavirus pandemic has affected the way people interact with others and services. Online re-mote solutions have been proposed for most interactions including healt...

Wattom: Ambient Eco-feedback with Mid-air Input

Conference Proceeding
Esteves, A., Quintal, F., Caires, F., Baptista, V., & Mendes, P. (2019)
Wattom: Ambient Eco-feedback with Mid-air Input. In 2019 5th Experiment International Conference ('19)
This paper presents Wattom, a highly interactive ambient eco-feedback smart plug that aims to promote a more sustainable use of electricity in the home. This paper describes o...

The Lions' Gate: Towards a Permaculture-inspired Blended Space

Conference Proceeding
Egan, C., Thompson, R., & O'Dowd, A. (2019)
The Lions' Gate: Towards a Permaculture-inspired Blended Space.
In light of the devastating ecological effects of climate breakdown and with human well-being under severe stress, this paper presents The Lions' Gate-an in-development, urban...

DIY Community WiFi Networks: Insights on Participatory Design

Conference Proceeding
Smyth, M., & Helgason, I. (2019)
DIY Community WiFi Networks: Insights on Participatory Design. In Extended Abstracts of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
This paper presents a first version of a set of insights developed collaboratively by researchers during a three-year participatory design project spread across four European ...

A Look at the Effects of Handheld and Projected Augmented-reality on a Collaborative Task

Conference Proceeding
Mackamul, E. B., & Esteves, A. (2018)
A Look at the Effects of Handheld and Projected Augmented-reality on a Collaborative Task. In SUI '18 Symposium on Spatial User Interaction
This paper presents a comparative study between two popular AR systems during a collocated collaborative task. The goal of the study is to start a body of knowledge that descr...

The benefits of contextual information for speech recognition systems

Conference Proceeding
Kinch, M. W., Melis, W. J., & Keates, S. (2018)
The benefits of contextual information for speech recognition systems. In The 10th Computer Science and Electronic Engineering Conference (CEEC)
This paper demonstrates the significance of using contextual information in machine learning and speech recognition. While the benefits of contextual information in human comm...

Maker Movements, Do-It-Yourself Cultures and Participatory Design: Implications for HCI Research

Conference Proceeding
Smyth, M., Helgason, I., Kresin, F., Balestrini, M., Unteidig, A. B., Lawson, S., …Dourish, P. (2018)
Maker Movements, Do-It-Yourself Cultures and Participatory Design: Implications for HCI Research. In CHI EA '18 Extended Abstracts of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
Falling costs and the wider availability of computational components, platforms and ecosystems have enabled the expansion of maker movements and DIY cultures. This can be cons...

Exploring Musical Creativity through Interactive Cymatics

Conference Proceeding
McGowan, J., Leplatre, G., & McGregor, I. (2017)
Exploring Musical Creativity through Interactive Cymatics. In Proceedings of the 31st International BCS Human Computer Interaction Conference (HCI 2017)
What does music look like? Representation of sound has taken many forms over time, from sinusoidal wave patterns, through to random algorithm-based visualisations based on the...