17 results

Independent financial adviser (IFA)-based brand equity pyramid

Journal Article
Tjandra, N. C., Ensor, J., Omar, M., & Thomson, J. R. (2020)
Independent financial adviser (IFA)-based brand equity pyramid. Journal of Financial Services Marketing, 25, 53–64. https://doi.org/10.1057/s41264-020-00073-x
This paper aims to evaluate the applicability of the existing brand equity pyramid models in the context of independent financial advisers (IFAs) in the UK financial services ...

An evaluation of the effect of interconnectedness and the state of the relationships in a triad: A dynamic approach

Journal Article
Tjandra, N. C., Ensor, J., Omar, M., & Thomson, J. (2020)
An evaluation of the effect of interconnectedness and the state of the relationships in a triad: A dynamic approach. Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, 23(4), 821-841. https://doi.org/10.1108/QMR-02-2020-0029
Purpose This study aims to investigate the applicability of Ritter’s (2000) framework of interconnectedness in a triadic relationship between a provider, intermediaries and cu...

Co-creating with intermediaries: Understanding their power and interest

Journal Article
Tjandra, N. C., Ensor, J., & Thomson, J. R. (2019)
Co-creating with intermediaries: Understanding their power and interest. Journal of Business to Business Marketing, 36(3-4), 319-339. https://doi.org/10.1080/1051712X.2019.1611086
Purpose: This paper aims to explore the power and interest of independent intermediaries in co-creation activities. More specifically, the study investigates the role of indep...

Salute to the sun: an exploration of UK yoga tourist profiles

Journal Article
Ali-Knight, J., & Ensor, J. (2017)
Salute to the sun: an exploration of UK yoga tourist profiles. Tourism Recreation Research, 42(4), 484-497. https://doi.org/10.1080/02508281.2017.1327186
This paper focuses on exploring yoga tourism as an under researched area where little has been written to date (Ali-Knight, 2009; Lehto, Brown, Chen & Morrison, 2006). Yoga to...

Using food labels to evaluate the practice of nudging in a social marketing context

Journal Article
Soraghan, C., Thomson, E., & Ensor, J. (2016)
Using food labels to evaluate the practice of nudging in a social marketing context. Social Business, 6(3), 249-265. https://doi.org/10.1362/204440816x14811339560893
Objectives Voluntary, front of pack (FoP) food labels were used to examine the practice of nudging in a social marketing context. Background With the explosion of social mar...

Understanding primary stakeholders' multiple roles in hallmark event tourism management

Journal Article
Todd, L., Leask, A., & Ensor, J. (2017)
Understanding primary stakeholders' multiple roles in hallmark event tourism management. Tourism Management, 59, 494-509. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tourman.2016.09.010
This paper contributes insights into stakeholder theory in hallmark event tourism and the implications for engaging primary stakeholders in further tourism management settings...

Advanced and emerging economies Generation Ys' perception towards country-of-origin.

Journal Article
Tjandra, N. C., Omar, M., & Ensor, J. (2015)
Advanced and emerging economies Generation Ys' perception towards country-of-origin. International Journal of Emerging Markets, 10, 858-874. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJoEM-11-2012-0146
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to explore the perceptions of Generation Y from advanced and emerging economies towards the country-of-origin (COO) of fashion products. ...

Retailing to the “grey pound”: Understanding the food shopping habits and preferences of consumers over 50 in Scotland

Journal Article
Omar, M., Tjandra, N. C., & Ensor, J. (2014)
Retailing to the “grey pound”: Understanding the food shopping habits and preferences of consumers over 50 in Scotland. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 21(5), 753-763. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jretconser.2014.06.001
The number of older people is growing globally and therefore there is an implication for providing products and services to facilitate access to nutritious food, considered fu...

Runway logic: "Y" generation Y prefer fashion brand over country-of-origin.

Journal Article
Tjandra, N. C., Omar, M., Williams, J., & Ensor, J. (2013)
Runway logic: "Y" generation Y prefer fashion brand over country-of-origin. Transnational Marketing Journal, 1, 75-92
With approximately 1.38 billion, Generation Y are currently in the job market or about to enter the job market, they are increasingly taking over the spending power of the pre...

Eliciting the dynamics of leading a sustainable event: Key informant responses

Journal Article
Ensor, J., Robertson, M., Ali-Knight, J., Ensor, J., Robertson, M., & Ali-Knight, J. (2011)
Eliciting the dynamics of leading a sustainable event: Key informant responses. Event Management, 15(4), 315-327. https://doi.org/10.3727/152599511X13175676722483
Within the event management literature relating to network development and festival sustainability there is a paucity of research that analyzes the perception of festival sust...