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85 results

Trust and distrust in Nigerian supply chain networks

Presentation / Conference
Omeihe, K. (2019, September)
Trust and distrust in Nigerian supply chain networks. Presented at BAM 2019 Conference, Birmingham, UK
Purpose- To date, most of the literature on trust and distrust reveal a paucity of studies about Nigerian Supply chain relationships. Specifically, this paper attempts to addr...

Measuring the Impact of Customers and Noncustomers Influencer Values in Social Networks

Presentation / Conference
Azer, J., & Ranaweera, C. (2019, July)
Measuring the Impact of Customers and Noncustomers Influencer Values in Social Networks. Paper presented at Frontiers in Service, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Understanding the influence customers have on each other is of critical importance in service research. With consistently growing opportunities to influence other actors throu...

The Impact of Non-customers with High Influencer Value in Social Networks

Presentation / Conference
Azer, J., & Ranaweera, C. (2019, June)
The Impact of Non-customers with High Influencer Value in Social Networks. Paper presented at QUIS16, The 16th International Research Symposium on Advancing Service Research and Practice!, Karlstad, Sweden
This paper provides new insights about customer influencer value in social networks. Thereby, identifying customers with high degrees of influence, not only by their network s...

Business Ethics

Presentation / Conference
Fascia, M. (2019, March)
Business Ethics. Presented at EMRI Business Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland
No abstract available.

Adaptive management strategies using a Figurational approach

Presentation / Conference
Fascia, M. Adaptive management strategies using a Figurational approach

Fascia, M. Adaptive management strategies using a Figurational approach
No abstract available.

Adaptive Management

Presentation / Conference
Fascia, M., & fascia, S. (2019, January)
Adaptive Management
No abstract available.

Pathways towards charity trusteeship and developing a community of practice in the UK

Presentation / Conference
Weaver, M., & Hutchison, J. (2018, September)
Pathways towards charity trusteeship and developing a community of practice in the UK. Paper presented at The Poetics of Leadership: Creativity, Art and Story in Enabliing Meaningful Change
No abstract available.

OR and Grand Challenges: Land, Lakes & Beyond

Presentation / Conference
Weaver, M. (2018, September)
OR and Grand Challenges: Land, Lakes & Beyond. Paper presented at The 60th Operational Society Annual Conference
In this session we shall seek to discuss: What “Grand Challenges” face us today and into the future in the areas of Land, Lakes and beyond? What contribution can the OR comm...

Sustainability in the NHS

Presentation / Conference
Fascia, M. (2018, August)
Sustainability in the NHS. Presented at EMRI, Edinburgh
NHS Presentation at the Edinburgh Multicultural Research Institute.

The causal effect of hedonic brand cues on consumers’ decision-making impulsivity.

Presentation / Conference
Feri, A., Tjandra, N., Osei, C., & Omar Saad, M. (2018, July)
The causal effect of hedonic brand cues on consumers’ decision-making impulsivity. Paper presented at 6th Annual International Conference on Marketing, Athens
No abstract available.