17 results

Applied anatomy and physiology and the renal disease process

Book Chapter
Chalmers, C. (2019)
Applied anatomy and physiology and the renal disease process. In Renal nursing: Care and management of people with kidney disease, 21-58. (5). Wiley. https://doi.org/10.1002/9781119413172.ch2
This chapter provides the reader with a detailed discussion of all aspects of renal physiology and its relationship to important pathophysiological processes in renal disease,...

Marking and providing feedback face-to-face: Staff and student perspectives

Journal Article
Chalmers, C., Mowat, E., & Chapman, M. (2018)
Marking and providing feedback face-to-face: Staff and student perspectives. Active learning in higher education, 19(1), 35-45. https://doi.org/10.1177/1469787417721363
The setting, marking and providing feedback on assessments forms an important part of a tutor’s role. Studies into the use of feedback and how it is interpreted by students in...

Audio feedback: richer language but no measurable impact on student performance

Journal Article
Chalmers, C., MacCallum, J., Mowat, E., & Fulton, N. (2014)
Audio feedback: richer language but no measurable impact on student performance. Practitioner Research in Higher Education, 8, 64-73
Audio feedback has been shown to be popular and well received by students. However, there is little published work to indicate how effective audio feedback is in improving stu...

Applied Anatomy and Physiology and the Renal Disease Process. (4th ed'n)

Chalmers, C. (2013)
Applied Anatomy and Physiology and the Renal Disease Process. (4th ed'n). In N. Thomas (Ed.), Renal NursingWiley

Improving our NSS Results: Is Face to Face Marking an Answer?

Journal Article
Chalmers, C., MacCallum, J., & Garden, C. (2013)
Improving our NSS Results: Is Face to Face Marking an Answer?. Teaching Fellows Journal, March 2013, 8-9

Alternative Assessment for a Visually Impaired Student

Digital Artefact
Garden, C., Chalmers, C., Orwat, M., & Booth, S. (2010)
Alternative Assessment for a Visually Impaired Student. [http://staff.napier.ac.uk/services/dlte/LTA/resources/Pages/Details.aspx?ItemID=48&Section=CS]
Essay writing in a scientific style is considered to be a key skill for students studying Biological Sciences and Sport and Exercise science. An assessment in the core first y...

Texting in Class

Digital Artefact
Chalmers, C., & Garden, C. (2010)
Texting in Class. [http://staff.napier.ac.uk/services/dlte/LTA/resources/Pages/Details.aspx?ItemID=14&Section=CS]
In large student cohorts, it can be intimidating for students to ask questions. We have introduced "text walling" as a means of allowing students to ask questions by mobile ph...

Applied Anatomy and Physiology and the Renal Disease Process. (3rd ed'n)

Chalmers, C. (2007)
Applied Anatomy and Physiology and the Renal Disease Process. (3rd ed'n). In N. Thomas (Ed.), Renal NursingWiley

Ticks and Lyme Disease.

Journal Article
Chalmers, C., MacCallum, J., Brown, J. & Anderson, R. (2003)
Ticks and Lyme Disease. Practice Nursing. 15. ISSN 0964-9271
Ticks are prevalent in parts of the UK during the summer months. Charlotte Chalmers, Janis MacCallum, Jane Brown and Ros Anderson discuss the associated diseases and recommend...

The Reproductive System.

Chalmers, C. (2001)
The Reproductive System. In J. Rhind, & J. Greig (Eds.), Riddle's Anatomy and Physiology Applied to Health ProfessionsElsevier