10 results

Job search information behaviours: An ego-net study of networking amongst young job-seekers

Journal Article
Mowbray, J., Hall, H., Raeside, R., & Robertson, P. J. (2018)
Job search information behaviours: An ego-net study of networking amongst young job-seekers. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 50(3), (239-253). ISSN 0961-0006
Networking is considered an integral feature of job search, yet its behavioural manifestation has received little attention in the extant literature. Here this is addressed in...

An exploration of strategic planning and stakeholder engagement for the development of heritage sites in Plovdiv, Bulgaria

Bruehlmann, C. A. An exploration of strategic planning and stakeholder engagement for the development of heritage sites in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. (Thesis)
Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from http://researchrepository.napier.ac.uk/Output/976366
This study determined how stakeholders of heritage attractions apply strategic management for their business planning and development. A conceptual framework for strategic her...

Interactive support effects on career agency and occupational engagement among young adults.

Journal Article
Jenkins, L., & Jeske, D. (2017)
Interactive support effects on career agency and occupational engagement among young adults. Journal of Career Assessment, 25(4), 616-631. https://doi.org/10.1177/1069072716652891
The PIC model by Gati and Asher describes three career decision making stages: pre-screening, in-depth exploration, and choice of career options. We consider the role that thr...

Building Employer Partnerships: a regional placement perspective.

Presentation / Conference
Smith, S., & Smith, C. F. (2013, July)
Building Employer Partnerships: a regional placement perspective. Paper presented at HEA Annual Conference, University of Warwick
The case for paid placements as transformational for students has been made; indeed the Wilson report (A Review of Business- University Collaboration, http://www.gov.uk) exhor...

Can Pay, Should Pay? Comparing employer and student outcomes of paid and unpaid work opportunities

Presentation / Conference
Smith, C. F., Smith, S., & Irving, C. (2013, April)
Can Pay, Should Pay? Comparing employer and student outcomes of paid and unpaid work opportunities. Paper presented at HEA STEM Conference, Birmingham, UK
In a time of high youth unemployment, when relevant work experience is often cited as the most important factor in finding a graduate job, computing students are being advised...

Can pay, should pay? Exploring paid and unpaid work opportunities from employer and student perspectives.

Conference Proceeding
Caddell, M., McIlwhan, R., Irving, C., Smith, C. F., & Smith, S. (2012)
Can pay, should pay? Exploring paid and unpaid work opportunities from employer and student perspectives
Within current university-focused discussions around how to enhance and support student employability, considerable emphasis has been placed on gaining work experience, either...

Learning in the Workplace: Initiatives through Learning to Work 2, Placements and Internships a summary of findings in work placements: where are we now, impact and lessons learned?

Irving, C. & Allford, R. (2012)
Learning in the Workplace: Initiatives through Learning to Work 2, Placements and Internships a summary of findings in work placements: where are we now, impact and lessons learned?. Edinburgh, Scotland: Higher Education Authority
Report based on a literature review of the four Scottish Funding Council (SFC) Learning to Work 2 (LTW2) projects.

From Skills Development to Skills Use and Articulation: Insights from the Interface Between University and Work.

Presentation / Conference
Caddell, M., Smith, S., & Boyle, F. (2012, March)
From Skills Development to Skills Use and Articulation: Insights from the Interface Between University and Work. Paper presented at QAA Enhancement Themes, Heriot-Watt, Edinburgh
Much work has been dedicated to how universities define graduate attributes and how they can help their students develop these academic abilities, personal qualities and skill...

Monitoring the conformance of planning decisions to urban land use policies using Information Extraction and GeoVisualisation

Combe, C. Monitoring the conformance of planning decisions to urban land use policies using Information Extraction and GeoVisualisation. (Thesis)
Napier University. Retrieved from http://researchrepository.napier.ac.uk/id/eprint/2455
In this thesis two existing computer science techniques are used to solve a specific problem in the field of ‘spatial planning’. The problem to be addressed is monitoring the ...

Mapping workplace soundscapes: Reifying Office Auditory Environments

Conference Proceeding
McGregor, I., Crerar, A., Benyon, D., & LePlâtre, G. (2006)
Mapping workplace soundscapes: Reifying Office Auditory Environments. In World Forum on Acoustic Ecology Conference (334-344
This paper reports an empirical study to investigate how individuals perceive and classify elements of their workplace auditory environments. The participants were 18 universi...