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45 results

Correction of Evanescent Wave Influence on the Flexural Wave Velocity and Wavelength Estimation Based on a Mode Shape Function

Journal Article
Pantelić, F., Šumarac Pavlović, D., Mijić, M., & Ridley-Ellis, D. (2022)
Correction of Evanescent Wave Influence on the Flexural Wave Velocity and Wavelength Estimation Based on a Mode Shape Function. Archives of Acoustics, 47(4), 539-546.
The aim of this research is to use a simple acoustic method of a very near field recording, which enables measurement and display of oscillation modes, to estimate the velocit...

The relationship between bending and tension strength of Irish and UK spruce and pine

Journal Article
Gil-Moreno, D., Ridley-Ellis, D., O'Ceallaigh, C., & Harte, A. M. (2022)
The relationship between bending and tension strength of Irish and UK spruce and pine. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 80, 585-596.
The correct characterisation of wood properties is fundamental for the best utilisation of resources. In Europe, grading is defined by strength classes that are determined bas...

Estimating mechanical properties of clear wood from ten‐year‐old Melia azedarach trees using the stress wave method

Journal Article
Van Duong, D., & Ridley-Ellis, D. (2021)
Estimating mechanical properties of clear wood from ten‐year‐old Melia azedarach trees using the stress wave method. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 79(4), 941-949.
The objective of this study was to examine the potential of stress wave velocity (SWV) as a rapid and non-destructive method to estimate the mechanical properties of Melia aze...

Developing a BIM and simulation-based hazard assessment and visualization framework for CLT construction design

Journal Article
BuHamdan, S., Duncheva, T., & Alwisy, A. (2021)
Developing a BIM and simulation-based hazard assessment and visualization framework for CLT construction design. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 147(3),
The sustainability of the urban built environment has previously been investigated through many angles in relation to the growing global urban population and provision of ener...

Refocusing modern methods of construction on the climate emergency: a 'five capitals' model for action

Journal Article
Campbell, A., Hairstans, R., & Jones, G. (2020)
Refocusing modern methods of construction on the climate emergency: a 'five capitals' model for action. The structural engineer : journal of the Institution of Structural Engineers, 98(9), 22-28
Adrian Campbell, Robert Hairstans and Giulia Jones explain how natural, human, social, manufactured and economic capital can all benefit from a sustainability-focused approach...

SPR biosensor based on polymer multi-mode optical waveguide and nanoparticle signal enhancement

Journal Article
Gabriela Walter, J., Eilers, A., Alwis, L., Wilhelm Roth, B., & Bremer, K. (2020)
SPR biosensor based on polymer multi-mode optical waveguide and nanoparticle signal enhancement. Sensors, 20(10),
We present a surface plasmon resonance (SPR) biosensor that is based on a planar-optical multi-mode (MM) polymer waveguide structure applied for the detection of biomolecules ...

Analysis of a wooden specimen's mechanical properties through acoustic measurements in the very near field

Journal Article
Pantelić, F., Mijić, M., Šumarac Pavlović, D., Ridley-Ellis, D., & Dudeš, D. (2020)
Analysis of a wooden specimen's mechanical properties through acoustic measurements in the very near field. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 147(4), EL320-EL325.
This paper presents the method for prediction of some basic mechanical parameters of a wood specimen by using simple instrumentation. The standard acoustic method for assessme...

The Mechanical and Resonance Assessment of Large Clear Samples of UK-Grown Beech Wood

Journal Article
Ridley-Ellis, D. (2019)
The Mechanical and Resonance Assessment of Large Clear Samples of UK-Grown Beech Wood. Pro Ligno, 15(4), 32-39
The paper presents the results of non-destructive longitudinal resonance (impulse excitation technique), and mechanical flexural testing, of a batch of European beech wood (Fa...

Post-disturbance haulout behaviour of harbour seals

Journal Article
Paterson, W. D., Russell, D. J., Wu, G., McConnell, B., Currie, J. I., McCafferty, D. J., & Thompson, D. (2019)
Post-disturbance haulout behaviour of harbour seals. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 29(S1), 144-156.
1. The impact of anthropogenic activity associated with the construction of a proposed tidal turbine on harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) was investigated using controlled distur...

Multifaceted Productivity Comparison of Off-Site Timber Manufacturing Strategies in Mainland Europe and the United Kingdom

Journal Article
Duncheva, T., & Bradley, F. F. (2019)
Multifaceted Productivity Comparison of Off-Site Timber Manufacturing Strategies in Mainland Europe and the United Kingdom. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 145(8),
Offsite construction methods have been suggested as a necessity for improving the efficiency and productivity of the construction industry through implementation of automation...