9 results

Exploring the Use of Rock Flour for Sustainable Peat Stabilisation

Conference Proceeding
Bernal-Sanchez, J., Coll, J., Leak, J., & Barreto, D. (2024)
Exploring the Use of Rock Flour for Sustainable Peat Stabilisation. In Geo-Congress 2024: Soil Improvement, Sustainability, Geoenvironmental, and Cold Regions Engineering (450-460). https://doi.org/10.1061/9780784485330.046
This paper aims to investigate the mechanical behaviour of peat stabilised with glacial rock flour for foundation construction. Peat, a natural organic soil, presents challeng...

Carbon impact & mitigation of housing developments on peatlands in the UK - A case study

Conference Proceeding
Bernal-Sanchez, J., & Gaspari, A. (2023)
Carbon impact & mitigation of housing developments on peatlands in the UK - A case study. In Proceedings of the ISSMGE TC215 9th International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics 25-28 June 2023 (361-371). https://doi.org/10.53243/ICEG2023-216
Peatlands are a key asset in the drive to reduce annual carbon emissions due to their potential as a carbon sink. This is especially important in Scotland where 25% of the lan...

Experimental assessment of stiffness and damping in rubber-sand mixtures at various strain levels

Conference Proceeding
Bernal-Sanchez, J., Mcdougall, J., Barreto, D., Marinelli, A., Dimitriadi, V., Anbazhagan, P., & Miranda, M. (2019)
Experimental assessment of stiffness and damping in rubber-sand mixtures at various strain levels. In Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering for Protection and Development of Environment and Constructions, (1403-1410
The dynamic properties of shredded rubber-soil mixtures (ShRm), comprising a sub-rounded quartz sand combined with small rubber shreds at 0, 10, 20, 30% by mass, were investig...

Surface functionalisation by the introduction of self-healing properties into electroless Ni-P coatings

Journal Article
Stankiewicz, A., Kefallinou, Z., Mordarski, G., Jagoda, Z., & Spencer, B. (2019)
Surface functionalisation by the introduction of self-healing properties into electroless Ni-P coatings. Electrochimica Acta, 297, 427-434. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.electacta.2018.12.026
Ni-P∖alginate microgels coatings, as potential metallic protective coatings with self-healing properties, were deposited by the electroless method. The alginate microgels cont...

Graphene-Oxide and Hydrogel Coated FBG-Based pH Sensor for Biomedical Applications

Journal Article
Binetti, L., Stankiewicz, A., & Alwis, L. S. M. (2018)
Graphene-Oxide and Hydrogel Coated FBG-Based pH Sensor for Biomedical Applications. Proceedings, 2(13), 789. https://doi.org/10.3390/proceedings2130789
A hydrogel coated fibre grating-based pH sensor for biomedical applications has been realised, where Graphene Oxide (GO) had been used to enhance the bonding between the coati...

Investigating the fracture behavior of Portland limestone: an experimental study

Journal Article
Marinelli, A., & Stewart, M. (2018)
Investigating the fracture behavior of Portland limestone: an experimental study. Procedia Structural Integrity, 10, 104-111
An experimental investigation of the mechanical and fracture characteristics of the ‘Grove Whitbed’ Portland limestone is undertaken with the aim to enhance understanding of t...

Surface functionalisation by the introduction of self-healing properties into electroless Ni -P

Presentation / Conference
Stankiewicz, A., Kefallinou, Z., Mordarski, G., Jagoda, Z., & Spencer, B. (2018, July)
Surface functionalisation by the introduction of self-healing properties into electroless Ni -P. Poster presented at Electrochemical Methods in Corrosion Research 2018
Ni-P\alginate microgels coatings, as potential metallic protective coatings with self-healing properties, were deposited by the electroless method. The alginate microgels cont...

Electroless Ni-P\alginate microgels coatings with self-healing properties

Conference Proceeding
Stankiewicz, A., Winiarski, J., Zielinska, K., & Barker, M. (2017)
Electroless Ni-P\alginate microgels coatings with self-healing properties. In Proceedings of EuroCorr 2017
Self-healing coatings, offering corrosion protection on an alloy steel substrate, were fabricated by electroless co-deposition of a Ni-P matrix together wit...

The effect of suspension bath composition on the composition, topography and structure of electrolessly deposited composite four-component Ni–W–P–ZrO2 coatings

Journal Article
Szczygieł, B., & Turkiewicz, A. (2008)
The effect of suspension bath composition on the composition, topography and structure of electrolessly deposited composite four-component Ni–W–P–ZrO2 coatings. Applied Surface Science, 254(22), 7410-7416. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apsusc.2008.05.342
Composite four-component Ni–W–P–ZrO2 coatings were electrolessly deposited from a bath with different concentrations of aminoacetic acid (glycine—the complexing agent), sodium...
14 results

Higher-Order Shell Finite Elements for Morphoelastic Shells

2023 - 2025
The aim of this project is to develop state-of-the-art shell finite element models for computational morphoelasticity for modelling the deformation behaviour and pattern formation due to growth (or at...
Funder: Royal Society | Value: £5,794

Novel portable aluminum-air battery: A green technology for sustainable power generation via circular economy approach

2022 - 2023
The main aim of this research is to produce a high performance portable cellulose-based aluminium-air battery. Based on this aim, several specific objectives are outlined as the following: 1. To proce...
Funder: British Council | Value: £24,020

Sintering improvement and electrical property tuning of lead-free AgNbO3-based ceramics for energy storage applications

2022 - 2023
With the environment and climate degrading, it is critical to accelerate the development of reliable energy storage equipment to enable the continued use of renewable energy. Dielectric capacitors are...
Funder: Royal Society | Value: £19,009

PiezoACT membranes: Piezo-Active Nanofibrous Self-decontaminating Facemasks/Filters using Solution Blow Spinning in Egypt

2022 - 2022
Due to the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic, facemasks have been in short supply in particular for health care workers who should be fully safeguarded to protect health system from being overwhelmed. The...
Funder: British Council | Value: £79,920

Development of improved nanocellulose based rheology modifiers for personal care products

2021 - 2021
With an ever increasing push towards sustainability and environmentally friendly products, Unilever is actively evaluating bio-based functional materials for use in Home and Personal Care products (HP...
Funder: University of Stratchlyde (Industrial Biotechnology Innovation Centre) | Value: £24,828

Shinty Caman

2021 - 2021
Interface request The ancient art of making shinty sticks – or camans – in Scotland is under threat of dying out. Investigate the required properties and characterise the properties of Shinty stick...
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £5,000

Seaweed CNF reinforced composites for cycle seat padding

2021 - 2021
This is for an Innovation voucher to enable comparative testing of seaweed CNF based composites with existing silicone based material used in seat padding for cycling. The industrial partner is Endura...
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £13,058

Nanocellulose arabica gum composites

2019 - 2020
This project will cast films from a nanocellulose (CNF) composite with arabica gum. Arabica gum will be added at different loading concentrations and composites will be assessed for general appearanc...
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £5,000

CupClean - fast coffee cup cleaner

2019 - 2019
This project is to assist in the research of cleaning coffee cups to a standard acceptable for public use. The research will be used in the development of a product that can be installed in office sp...
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £4,958

Nano cellulose from residue seaweed

2018 - 2019
Novel extraction techniques for cellulose form seaweed
Funder: Zero Waste Scotland | Value: £68,226