5 results

Getting in, getting on: fragility in student and graduate identity

Journal Article
Smith, S., Sobolewska, E., & Hunter, D. (2019)
Getting in, getting on: fragility in student and graduate identity. Higher Education Research and Development, 38(5), 1046-1060. https://doi.org/10.1080/07294360.2019.1612857
Over a period of three years this longitudinal study explored new approaches to consider student identity during the transition from university to employment. Students were fo...

When is bigger better? The effects of group size on the evolution of helping behaviours: Effects of group size on evolution of helping

Journal Article
Powers, S. T., & Lehmann, L. (2017)
When is bigger better? The effects of group size on the evolution of helping behaviours: Effects of group size on evolution of helping. Biological Reviews, 92(2), 902-920. https://doi.org/10.1111/brv.12260
Understanding the evolution of sociality in humans and other species requires understanding how selection on social behaviour varies with group size. However, the effects of g...

Design Issues for Peer-to-Peer Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

Journal Article
Fan, L., Trinder, P., & Taylor, H. (2010)
Design Issues for Peer-to-Peer Massively Multiplayer Online Games. International Journal of Advanced Media and Communication, 4, 108-125. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJAMC.2010.032138
Massively Multiplayer Online Games (MMOGs) are increasing in both popularity and scale, and while classical Client/Server (C/S) architectures convey some benefits, they suffer...

Deadline-Driven Auctions for NPC Host Allocation on P2P MMOGs.

Journal Article
Fan, L., Trinder, P., & Taylor, H. (2010)
Deadline-Driven Auctions for NPC Host Allocation on P2P MMOGs. International Journal of Advanced Media and Communication, 4, 140-153. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJAMC.2010.032140
We present the design, implementation and evaluation of Deadline-Driven Auctions (DDAs), a novel task-mapping infrastructure for heterogeneous distributed environments. DDA is...

Performance modelling and optimazation of integrated wireless LANs and multi-hop Mesh networks

Journal Article
Min, G., Wu, Y., Li, K., & Al-Dubai, A. (2009)
Performance modelling and optimazation of integrated wireless LANs and multi-hop Mesh networks. International Journal of Communication Systems, 23, 1111-1126. https://doi.org/10.1002/dac.1074
The increasing demand for the coverage of high-speed wireless local area networks (WLANs) is driving the installation of a very large number of access points (APs). Wireless m...